满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



提示:(1When and where is your birthday party?

2How can lack get there from your school?

3What do you want to do in the party?

Dear Jack,

How’s it going? My birthday is on July 6th.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Li Hua


例文: Dear Jack: How’s it going? My birthday is on July 6th. I’ll have a party for my birthday in my home on that day. I’d like you to come. It will start at 2:30p.m. We’ll sing, play games and enjoy a big cake. Here’s how to get to my home: Turn left after you go out of our school. Go along the People’s Road and turn right at the second crossing to the Happy Road. Walk straight on, and then cross the Sunshine Road and you will see a library on your left. My home is next to the library. Call me if you can’t find it. I’m looking forward to seeing you at the party. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 1.题干解读:该题目属于应用文写作。主要以电子邮件的格式邀请Jack来参加“我的”生日聚会。题干比较新颖的是提供了路线图,由答题者自行根据路线图规划路线,且题干中的提示内容很好的帮助我们丰富了邮件内容。


1.play, you, the, can, violin


2.school, get to, do, how, you


3.is, Tom, home, studying, at


4.the, run, in, don't, classroom


5.picture, is, my, there, of, a, family





Last Sunday, we1.goon a trip to Zhongshan Park. We did a show in groups. Every group showed2.different.

Group 1 is interested3.dancing. They danced together. Two 4.studentin Group 2 do well in swimming. They showed some swimming skills and taught us how to swim. We all had5.good time.



    Do you like to eat out? Many people like to eat out in a western(西方的)restaurant. We should remember the rules in a western restaurant.

Western restaurants usually give you a nice napkin(餐巾)to use during the meat. When you sit down, put this napkin on your legs, then order the food. It often has a lot of dishes. Many people order an appetizer(开胃菜)for the first dish. An appetizer is a small dish of food. After the appetizer, you may get soup and then salad.

After the salad comes the main food. A main food will have some kinds of meat or fish with noodles, rice or potatoes and vegetables. The last food is usually dessert(甜点)and drink, like coffee or tea.

Eating out in a western restaurant can be expensive. But the food is very delicious. Usually by the end, you will be quite happy!


1.When you sit down, put the napkin____________________________.

2.The main food comes after the____________________.

3.What is an appetizer?






    Hello! My name is James Brown. I'm 13 years old and I am a student at the National School of Music in Leeds. Classes start at 830 every morning and finish at 330 in the afternoon. I have many school subjects like English, math, science and many other subjects, but music is my favorite one. I really love music.

Christina Turner is my music teacher. She is a very tall woman and a little fat. She has short, curly and brown hair, a big nose and a big mouth. Her hands are so big! And she wears glasses. She is not very beautiful. But she's the nicest person I know! She’s funny and likes telling us stories.

She is always in a good mood(情绪),trying to do the best she can----she teaches different kinds of music. When we need help, she will always be there for us. She is my favorite teacher---- she's simply the best!

1.James' classes usually start at___________________.

A.7: 30 am B.8: 30 am C.3: 30 pm D.4: 30 pm

2.James' favorite subject is_____________.

A.music B.English C.science D.math

3.What does Christina Turner look like?

A.She is short and fat. B.She is very beautiful.

C.She has short, curly and brown hair. D.She has a big nose and a small mouth.

4.Which is True?

A.James is eleven years old. B.Christin Turner is an English teacher.

C.James likes his music teacher very much. D.Christina Turner is always in a bad mood.



    John is a teenage boy. He was quite good at his lessons. But he started to miss his lessons about two weeks ago. Soon, his parents got a call from the school.

At last, John's parents found him in an Internet bar. He went there to play computer games. His parents felt sad. Now they are taking the son to visit his grandfather.

His grandfather is a farmer. He grows vegetables, corns and many other things. He walks with his grandson in the fields, looking at the crops. “Everything has its time. I grow every crop----each in its own season. Because I don't want to get nothing in autumn.” He stops and looks at his grandson. “For you, it’s the same.” he says. “I don't want you to be a man missing the season for growing.”

John learns a good lesson from his grandfather.

1.Why did John's parents get a call from school?

A.Because John talked a lot in class.

B.Because John started to miss his lessons.

C.Because John fought with his classmates.

D.Because John was quite good at his lessons.

2.Where did John's parents find him?

A.At school. B.In the library. C.In an Internet bar. D.In the fields.

3.John's grandfather______________.

A.is a smart farmer B.wants John to miss his time

C.gets nothing in autumn D.grows the same thing in each season

4.We can know John will_____________.

A.live with his grandfather B.talk to his parents

C.not play with his classmates D.go back to school and work hard



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