满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

根据音标或英文释义,写出句中所缺单词,使句子意思完整正确。 1.There is...


1.There is something ____ /streindʒ/ about Wilson’s voice today.

2.His playing improved in a very short ____ /'piəriəd/ of time.

3.Believe it or not. The superman can ____ /'i:vn/ see the X-rays.

4.Tony is a top student in our class. I ____ (want to know) how he studies so well.

5.Did the young boy’s parents ____ (have the same opinion about something; say yes) with him?


1.strange 2.period 3.even 4.wonder 5.agree 【解析】 1.句意:今天威尔逊的声音有些问题。 根据句意可知,空处的词应为形容词,修饰不定代词something后置,结合音标,空处的词是strange奇怪的、陌生的,故答案为strange。 2.句意:他的表演在很短的一段时间内提高了。 根据句意可知,空处的词在形容词short之后,应为名词,结合音标,空处的词是名词period时期,故答案为period。 3.句意:信不信由你。超人甚至可以看见X光片。 根据句意可知,空处的词应为副词修饰代词see,结合音标的提示,空处的词是副词even甚至,故答案为even。 4.句意:托尼是我们班的尖子生。我想知道他学习怎么那么好。 根据“want to know想知道”英文释义的提示,空处的词应为动词“想知道”。英文为wonder,句子是一般现在时,主语I是第一人称单数形式,所以行为动词wonder用原形就可,故答案为wonder。 5.句意:这个小男孩的父母同意他的看法吗? 根据“have the same opinion about something; say yes关于某件事情有相同的意见或说是”的英文释义可知,空处的动词应为“同意”,英文为agree,本句是一般过去时的一般疑问句,所以动词用原形即可,故答案为agree。

    Mike’s dad is a fireman. He looks like a superman. He 1.(战斗)with fire. He saves people from fire. People say he is a 2.(勇敢)man. But Mike doesn’t like it. Dad always works day and night and has no time to play with Mike. Mike misses his dad.

One day, Mike was on the way to school. The library was on fire. Everybody was   3. (惊讶)and afraid. Soon, firemen arrived. Mike found his dad among them. A little boy was on the top of the library. Mike’s dad4. (进入)the library to help him down. The fire spread so fast, but dad was still inside the library. Mike cried and cried. 5.(突然), dad came out with the boy and smiled at Mike. Mike ran to his dad. He was so excited.



    No one knows when the first kite was made. The first record of a kite was more than 2,000 years ago in China. Han Xin, the leader of an army, wanted to kill a king. He decided to dig a tunnel(隊道) into the king's palace. He flew a kite over the wall of the palace to make sure the length (长度) of its string (线). In this way, he could determine how long the tunnel should be. His men in the tunnel took the kite string with them. When they reached the end of the string, they knew to dig up.

Japanese began to fly kites hundreds of years ago. In the 1700s, people flew kites in autumn to give thanks for a good harvest. They were also used to give good wishes to parents who had their first son. Today in Japan, people fly kites to celebrate something, such as the beginning of a new year. And kite festivals are held each year in many parts of the country.

Kites have been used for scientific purposes(目的) in the western worldIn 1752Benjamin Franklin tied a key to a kite and flew it in a storm to find out that lightening was a form of electricity. In the 1890s, Lawrence Hargrave invented the box kite to test ideas about flight. From 1898 to 1933, the United States Weather Bureau (气象局) used box kites to collect weather information. The Wright brothers also experimented(试验) with kites. What they learnt helped them make the first airplane flight in 1903.

1.Why did Han Xin want to dig a tunnel?

A.To kill an important person.

B.To get away from the palace.

C.To search for the king's treasure.

D.To find out the length of the kite string.

2.What does the underlined word "determine" in Paragraph 1 probably mean in Chinese?

A.测定 B.选择 C.伪装 D.考察

3.One of the purposes of flying kites in Japan is _____.

A.to give thanks for a good harvest in summer

B.to express good wishes to the first-born daughter

C.to celebrate the beginning of a new year

D.to hold kite festivals all over the country

4.When did the United States Weather Bureau begin to use box kites?

A.In 1752. B.In 1898. C.In 1903. D.In 1933.

5.What would be the best title for the article?

A.The History of Kites B.An Amazing Kite

C.How to Fly a Kite D.The First Record of a Kite



    A cat named Sugar belonged to Mr. and Mrs. Woods. Her fur was white like sugar. That is how she got her name. The cat was sweet like sugar too. She was a pleasant pet. She did have a bump on one leg, but Mr. and Mrs. Woods thought that Sugar was just right.

The Woods family lived in California. They had lived there for a long time. One day they had to move to another state. It would be a long drive to their new home. Sugar did not like to ride in a car. The family did not know what to do.

The neighbors who lived next door wanted a cat and said they would keep Sugar. Sugar would not have to move or ride in a car. Everyone thought that would please her.

The Woods family packed the car. They said goodbye to Sugar. They would miss their cat, but Sugar would have a comfortable home.

The Woods family moved to Oklahoma, which was far from California. They started a new life and were cozy, but they often thought of their cat. One day Mrs. Woods was in the barn. A cat came in the open door. The cat was wet and dirty, but, under the dirt, its fur was white. It was white like sugar.

The cat purred softly and jumped into Mrs. Woods’ arms. Mrs. Woods felt she knew the cat, but her cat lived far away. Then she saw something. There was a bump on its leg! The cat was Sugar!

Mr. and Mrs. Woods learned that Sugar had run away from home. Somehow the cat had walked more than 1,000 miles. The trip had taken the cat more than one year. They did not understand how Sugar had found them, but they were delighted that she did!

1.Paragraph 1 mainly tells _____.

A.why Sugar ran away B.what Sugar looks like

C.where the Woods family lived D.when the Woods family got Sugar

2.Sugar got her name because _____.

A.of the color of her fur B.she was a sweet cat

C.the Woods family liked her D.of the bump on her leg

3.How did Sugar get to Oklahoma?

A.She moved with the Woods family. B.A neighbor brought her.

C.She walked a long way. D.She flew on an airplane.

4.The writer writes the article to _____.

A.give facts about different kinds of cats

B.explain why cats don’t like long trips

C.find a friendly family for a cat

D.tell about the life of a cat

5.What is the best title for this article?

A.A Funny Cat B.A Nice Trip

C.Sugar Comes Home D.Say Goodbye To Sugar



Forget your exam and tests!                     1

The summer holidays have begun.                2

Put away your books and notes.                  3

Let’s just relax and have fun.                    4

Play computer games? Watch TV?                5

To do only these is boring!                      6

I’ve decided to learn something new.              7

Like swimming or boat rowing.                    8

The beach is my favourite spot.                   9

To sunbathe, cycle, dive and play.                 10

If only the sun would never go down.              11

And would keep me company night and day.      12

Last summer I flew to Japan and Korea.            13

This year I am off to Singapore.                 14 

And if my parents can afford it.                 15

Perhaps to a few countries more.                   16

Oh the holidays are just too short!               17

How can I finish all I plan to do?                18

I wish they were ten times longer.                   19

Don’t you, my friends, think so too?                 20

1.Read lines 1-4. The writer feels _____.

A.sick B.happy C.sad D.weak

2.Read lines 5-8. The writer doesn’t know how to _____.

A. B. C. D.

3.Read lines 13-16. The writer will go to _____ this year.

A.Japan B.Singapore C.Korea D.the USA

4.Read lines 17-20. The writer _____ all his holiday activities.

A.doesn’t like B.will play ten times for

C.does not have enough time for D.wants his friends to join in

5.Which of the following rhyme with each other?

A.Notes and fun B.Boring and new C.Spot and play D.Play and day



Almost all the people can't tell the right direction when they get to a new place. What should you prepare ______ you go? I think you should take a ______ with you if you travel to a big city. It will give you some ______ when you get lost.

When you are travelling in a new place, you should ______ the famous buildings near the hotel where you stay, such as banks, cinemas, shops and so on. When you are lost you can ask others the ______ to get to those famous places. If you ______ find the police, ask them for help. They are ______ and they will tell you how to get somewhere clearly.

When you are lost and ______ can help you around, you can take a taxi. The taxi driver will take you to any place that you want to reach and all the drivers know the city very ______. If you are lost in the open air, don't ______. Watch the sun. Remember the sun moves from the east to the west. If it is cloudy, walk along the rivers. You’ll get out of the forest or the mountain.

1.A.till B.after C.then D.before

2.A.camp B.map C.blanket D.book

3.A.money B.trouble C.help D.news

4.A.repeat B.reach C.remember D.recommend

5.A.way B.fact C.seat D.corner

6.A.must B.can C.mustn’t D.can’t

7.A.lucky B.excited C.rude D.friendly

8.A.somebody B.nobody C.everybody D.anybody

9.A.well B.badly C.quickly D.carefully

10.A.protect B.hunt C.touch D.worry



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