满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

“If you want to see a thing well, reach ...

    “If you want to see a thing well, reach out and touch it!”

That may seem a strange thing to say. But touching things can help you to see them better. Your eyes can tell you that a glass ball is round. But by holding it in your hands, you can feel how smooth and cool the ball is. You can feel how heavy the glass is. When you feel all these about the ball, you really see it. With your skin, you can feel better. For example, your fingers can tell the difference between two coins in your pocket. You can feel a little drop of water on the back of your hand, too. You can even feel sounds against your skin. Have you ever wanted to know why some people like very loud music? They must like to feel the sounds of music.

All children soon learn what “Don’t touch!” means. They hear it often. Yet most of us keep on touching things as we grow up. In shops, we touch things we might buy: food, clothes. To see something well, we have to touch it. The bottoms of our feet can feel things, too. You know this when you walk on warm sand, cool grass or a hard floor. All feel different under your feet.

There are ways of learning to see well by feeling. One way is to close your eyes and try to feel everything that is touching your skin. Feel the shoes on your feet, the clothes on your body, the air on your skin. At first, it is not easy to feel these things. You are too used to them!

Most museums are just for looking. But today some museums have some things to touch. Their signs say, “Do touch!” There you can feel everything on show.

If you want to see better, reach out and touch. Then you will really see!

1.By touching things __________.

A.you will have a strange feeling B.you will learn how to reach out your hand

C.you can learn more about them D.you can tell what colors they really are

2.Which of the following can be the best title of the story?

A.Touching by Feeling B.To See Better — Feel

C.To See or to Feel D.Ways of Feeling

3.Which of the following parts can tell you the difference between two coins in your pocket?

A.Your fingers. B.Your eyes. C.Your skin. D.Your back.

4.What can’t your skin feel?

A.Sounds. B.Coins. C.Water. D.Darkness.

5.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Touching is helping us to see better.

B.Our skins may help us enjoy music.

C.Visitors can’t feel the things on show in any museums.

D.People don’t have to learn to feel.


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.C 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了如果要更好地认清事物,通过触摸去感受事物是一个好方法。 1.题意:通过触摸事物,___________。 细节理解题。根据原文But touching things can help you to see them better可知,通过触摸,可以帮助人们更好地认清事物。C选项you can learn more about them“你可以了解更多”符合题意,故选C。 2.题意:下列哪一项是本文最佳标题? 最佳标题。通读本文可知,本文中心句为But touching things can help you to see them better,即通过触摸事物,可以更好地看清认知它们。B选项To See Better — Feel“为了更好地看清——去感觉”符合题意,故选B。 3.题意:以下哪个身体部位能告诉你口袋里两枚硬币的区别? 细节理解题。根据原文your fingers can tell the difference between two coins in your pocket可知,可以通过手指来分辨两枚硬币的不同。A选项Your fingers“你的手指”符合题意,故选A。 4.题意:你的皮肤感觉不到什么? 细节理解题。根据原文your fingers can tell the difference between two coins in your pocket. You can feel a little drop of water on the back of your hand, too. You can even feel sounds against your skin可知,人的皮肤可以感觉到硬币的差异、水滴、声音。D选项Darkness“黑暗”符合题意,故选D。 5.题意:以下哪项不正确? 细节理解题。根据原文But touching things can help you to see them better可知,通过触摸,可以帮助人们更好地认清事物,A选项“触摸事物有助于我们看得更清楚”说法正确,可排除。根据原文You can even feel sounds against your skin. Have you ever wanted to know why some people like very loud music? They must like to feel the sounds of music可知,通过皮肤人们也能感知到音乐,B选项“我们的皮肤可以帮助我们欣赏音乐”说法正确,可排除。根据原文At first, it is not easy to feel these things. You are too used to them可知,感觉事物的存在不需要特别地去学习,因为这是人的一种本能,D选项“人们不必去学习如何去感受”说法正确,可排除。根据原文But today some museums have some things to touch. Their signs say, “Do touch!” There you can feel everything on show可知,一些博物馆在展出的时候,开始允许人们触摸展品,C选项“参观者在任何博物馆都无法通过触摸来感觉展品”说法错误,故选C。

    Once a little boy wanted to meet Love. He knew it was a long trip to where Love lived, so he got his things ready with some pizzas and drinks and started off. When he passed three streets, he saw an old woman sitting in the park and watching some birds. She looked very hungry. The boy gave her a pizza. She took it and smiled at him. The smile was so beautiful that he wanted to see it again, so he gave her a Coke. She smiled once again. The boy was very happy.

They sat there all the afternoon, eating and smiling, but they said nothing. When it grew dark, the boy decided to leave. But before he had gone more than a few steps(), he turned around, ran back to the old woman and gave her a hug(拥抱). The woman gave him her biggest smile ever.

When the boy opened the door of his house, his mother was surprised by the look of joy on his face and asked what had made him so happy. “I had lunch with Love. She has got the most beautiful smile in the world.” At the same time, the old woman’s son was also surprised at his mother’s pleasure and asked why. “I ate a pizza in the park with Love,” she said, “and he is much younger than I expected.”

If the world is full of love, we can enjoy a better life.

1.When the little boy saw the old woman, she was __________.

A.looking for a seat in the park B.passing the street

C.looking at some birds D.having a pizza

2.The little boy gave the old woman a Coke because __________.

A.the old woman still felt hungry B.he wanted to see the smile again

C.he didn’t like the drink D.the old woman paid him for it

3.The old woman gave the little boy the biggest smile __________.

A.after the little boy went home B.before it grew dark

C.when she was drinking Coke D.after the little boy hugged her

4.The boy’s mother was surprised to see her son was very __________ when the door opened.

A.happy B.sad C.worried D.angry

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.The little boy failed to find Love.

B.The little boy decided never to go home.

C.The little boy and the old woman found Love at last.

D.The old woman gave the little boy a hug to thank him.



    Do you have the ability to live cheaplyNow here’s a true story of an American girlSarah.

_______ Sarah left university, she began to live in New York City on her own. She _______ a job in a publishing house, but the salary(薪水)was _______ $30,000 a year. Her parents thought her life would be hard, but Sarah _______ live on her salary and still saved $5,000 in a year. How was that _______ in one of the most expensive cities in the world

Cheap living _______ starts with keeping the big cost small. For most people, that _______ housing. So Sarah chose to share a flat with three other friends. Her next biggest cost was _______ .When she ate out, she went to cheap restaurants. _______ she bought a $9.99 whole chicken at a local restaurant. She then ________ the chicken bones home and made soup out of them. Nowadays young people often ________ a lot of money on entertainment(娱乐).But Sarah said, “I enjoy walking ________ in New York City. I love going to museums and parks.” Did Sarah feel poor ________ living cheaplyNot really. She even managed to take two trips, one to the Netherlands, ________ to Portland.

“Don’t think of saving money as something ________ .It's a kind of game,” said Sarah.

1.A.Until B.Because C.After D.Unless

2.A.found B.tried C.asked for D.looked for

3.A.more than B.less than C.shorter than D.higher than

4.A.can B.may C.could D.might

5.A.difficult B.possible C.useful D.different

6.A.already B.sometimes C.hardly D.always

7.A.helps B.becomes C.makes D.means

8.A.food B.rest C.studying D.playing

9.A.Soon B.Finally C.one D.Again

10.A.prepared B.took C.caught D.picked

11.A.pay B.lend C.spend D.save

12.A.along B.up C.down D.around

13.A.by B.up C.at D.between

14.A.another B.the other C.others D.the others

15.A.hard B.interesting C.nice D.great



— How many workers are there in your factory, Mr. Brown?

— ________ workers in our factory ________ more than ________.

A.The number of; is; two hundreds B.The number of; is; two hundred

C.A number of; are; two hundreds D.The number of; are; two hundred



— Where is Mike?  

— He _____to New York on business. He _______ the airport at five in the morning .

A.has gone; has left for B.has been; has left for C.has gone; left for D.has been; left for



—I hear that your good friend David _________ books about history.

— Yes, but now he _________ novels.

A. used to read; used to read B. is use to reading; is used to reading

C. used to read; is used to reading D. is used to reading; used to read



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