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Michael is a good cook but he is very yo...

    Michael is a good cook but he is very young. He works in a French restaurant in Paris.The name  of the restaurant is Les Fleurs. Michael makes good food and he likes his job.

Michael and his friends make many kinds of food every day. Michael cooks delicious chicken, beef, fish and soup. His friends make salad and vegetables.They also make some nice dessert. People like their food very much.

Les Fleurs is very busy. The food is expensive. Dinner for one person is between $45 and $65, but people love Michael's food. One day, Kevin and Brad went to the restaurant and asked Michael how he could cook the delicious food,but he didn’t tell them. He said it was a secret(秘密).

In the restaurant,only one person doesn't get on well with Michael,and he is Pierre,the dishwasher. When Michael cooks, there is always a big mess(脏乱)in the kitchen.Dirty dishes, bowls and knives are everywhere.

Pierre doesn’t like cleaning behind Michael. He doesn't like washing a lot of dishes. Pierre wants to be a good cook like Michael.

1.     is the cook in the French restaurant.

A.Michael B.Kevin C.Brad D.Pierre

2.What can't we eat in this French restaurant?

A.Chicken. B.Beef. C.Fish. D.Rice.

3.The dinner for one person is probable(很可能)     .

A.$20 B.$30 C.$40 D.$50

4.The underlined words“doesn't get on well with” in the text means  .

A.相处得不好 B.相处得很好 C.不擅长 D.善于处理

5.What's the best title for the passage?

A.A Dirty Kitchen B.A Good Cook

C.How to Cook Delicious Food D.Expensive Food in a Restaurant


1.A 2.D 3.D 4.A 5.B 【解析】 这篇短文主要讲述了Michael是一个好的厨师,他能做出好吃的菜,他很喜欢自己的工作,在他工作的饭馆里有一个叫Pierre的洗碗工和他相处不好。 1.细节理解。根据文中Michael is a good cook but he is very young. He works in a French restaurant in Paris.可知,Michael是法国饭馆的一名厨师。故选A。 2.推理判断。根据文中Michael cooks delicious chicken, beef, fish and soup. His friends make salad and vegetables.可知,文中没有提到米饭。故选D。 3.推理判断。根据文中Dinner for one person is between $45 and $65,可知,选项D是正确的。故选D 4.推理判断。根据下文and he is Pierre,the dishwasher. When Michael cooks, there is always a big mess(脏乱)in the kitchen.Dirty dishes, bowls and knives are everywhere.可知,doesn't get on well with 的意思是不能和Pierre相处好。故选A。 5.主旨大意。通读整篇短文可知,这篇短文主要讲述了一名好厨师。故选B。

    My name is Alan .I work in a sports club.I often work late.I am very tired (疲倦的).But I like my job. I usually get up at 6:00 a.m. Then I play tennis for an hour. After that I take a shower.I have break-fast at 7:30 a. m. After breakfast,I go to the club. My job is helping people with sports. At 11:30 a.m., I eat lunch in the club. And at 6:00 p.m, I go home. I eat dinner at 7:30 p.m.I usually play computer games after dinner. At 10:00 p.m., I go to bed.

1.What does Alan do after he gets up every morning?

A.Goes to work. B.Plays tennis.

C.Runs. D.Plays football.

2.What time does Alan take a shower?

A.At 6:00 a.m B.At 6:30 a.m.

C.At 7:00 a.m D.At 7:30 a.m.

3.Where does Alan have lunch?

A.In the club. B.In the school.

C.In the food store. D.At home.

4.What does Alan usually do at night?

A.Plays computer games. B.Draws pictures.

C.Goes to see a movie. D.Watches TV.

5.What's the passage(短文)about?

A.Alan's family. B.Alan's morning.

C.Alan's work. D.Alan's day.





I'm in New York now. Please tell me how to get to Macheng from Yiai Lake in Huangzhou.By bus or subway? And how far is it? Thanks!

Mr. Miller

Mr. Miller,

I think you can go to Macheng by train. It’s quick and cheap. Take the No.101 bus to the Huangzhou train station.The bus ride takes you 30 minutes. It’s only 5 yuan. Then you can buy a train ticket there. The soft seat(软座) is 36 yuan and the hard seat(硬座)is 17 yuan. It will take you one and half an hour to get Macheng.

Mr. Brown



1.Where is Mr. Miller now?

A.in Macheng B.in Yiai Lake C.in Huangzhou D.in New York

2.The underlined word(划线单词) “ticket”means  ________in Chinese.

A.车票 B.座位 C.车次 D.车厢

3.If (如果) Mr.Brown is at Yiai Lake now, and he wants to take the soft seat to Macheng, how much should he pay?

A.5 yuan B.17 yuan C.22 yuan D.41 yuan

4.How long does it take from Huangzhou train station to Macheng?

A.30 minutes B.2 hours C.one and half an hour D.one hour



    Lisa lives in the beautiful countryside. She usually gets up early in the morning,_______she’s Never late for school. After getting up, she often takes  a shower and has a quick breakfast. Then she  ___her home at about 6:30. Her home is very  far_______school, she likes_____her bike. It takes her about an hour_______her bike. It’s never_____because she always sings on her way. She also thinks that it’s good for her health_____to school by bike.

After school she usually goes back_______with her friend, Ann. Ann’s home is near. It’s only three kilometers from her home_____school. Ann likes riding, too. And she_____thinks it is good exercise.

1.A.so B.or C.that D.but

2.A.lives B.goes C.gets D.leaves

3.A.from B.for C.of D.with

4.A.take B.riding C.ride D.taking

5.A.rides B.to ride C.to riding D.ridnig

6.A.quick B.interesting C.happy D.boring

7.A.go B.to go C.goes D.going

8.A.home B.school C.house D.hospital

9.A.and B.with C.to D.at

10.A.but B.either C.too D.also



—You play the guitar very well.        —______.

A.Not good B.You’re welcome C.Thank you D.No, thanks



    and seventy is hundred.

A.Twenty B.Thirty C.Fifty D.Sixty



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