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The small red house on D Street was old ...

The small red house on D Street was old enough. It had a blue roof. But Corita liked it. She was born in that house. Corita was seven and a half years old. One day her mother hugged her tight and said, “I have something to tell you. We have to move to another house.”

Corita cried a little, but she got over it. She put all her toys into a box. Not her dolls, though. She held on to the dolls. The movers (搬家工人) came. They took the furniture and clothes. They took Corita’s box of toys. “We’ll meet you at the other house,” they said.

Corita and her mother got on a bus. Corita held her dolls on her lap. The bus ride was long. After the bus ride, Corita and her mother walked two blocks. They came to a yellow house. It was old and little. The movers were there.

They all went into the house. Corita’s mother showed the movers where to put things. She showed them the room for Corita’s toys.

“Will this room be mine?”

“Yes,” said her mother.

“What makes it so nice and bright?”

“Look up. Look toward the roof.”

Corita looked up, “There is a window in the ceiling!”

Her mother smiled, “That’s called a skylight. See the blue sky?”

Corita put her dolls on the bed. Then she took her toys out of the box. “I like this house,” she told her mother. “This house is so nice.”

“Were you afraid it wouldn’t be nice?”

Corita laughed, “Well, my dolls were. But of course, they didn’t know the skylight!”

    Life is like a skylight. Only if we find the light things in our life, we will be always happy.

1.Which sentence about the house on D street is right?

A.It is blue with a red roof.

B.Corita had lived in it for more than seven years.

C.Corita couldn’t wait to leave the house.

D.It was old but modern.

2.When her mother told Corita they would move house, Corita felt _________.

A.surprised B.excited C.sad D.happy

3.The movers took all the following things in Corita’s house except _________.

A.furniture B.clothes C.toys D.dolls

4.From the passage, we know Corita’s mother was _________.

A.polite B.wise C.selfish D.careful

5.Which is the best title for this article?

A.Moving house is a good choice. B.Learn to accept a new life.

C.A girl and her old house. D.Moving houses causes problems.


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.B 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Corita从她出生的老房子搬去新房子并喜欢上新房子的故事。Corita很喜欢她的老房子,置身于新房子天窗带来的美好和明亮中,Corita也喜欢上了新房子。 1. 细节理解题。根据第一段中头两句话“The small red house on D Street was old enough. It had a blue roof.”可知Corita住的是蓝色屋顶的红房子,所以选项A说法错误;根据第一段中“She was born in that house. Corita was seven and a half years old.”可知Corita在老房子里住了七年半了,所以选项B说法正确;根据第一段最后妈妈告诉Corita要搬家的消息和第二段中“Corita cried a little”可知Corita不想搬家,所以选项C说法错误;根据第一句话“The small red house on D Street was old enough.”和下文Corita第一次看到天窗可知,老房子又老又旧,所以选项D说法错误。本题是选择说法正确的选项,故选B。 2. 判断推理题。根据第二段第一句“Corita cried a little”可知在听到妈妈说要搬家的消息后,Corita还是有些伤心、难过的,故选C。 3. 细节理解题。根据第二段中“She put all her toys into a box. Not her dolls, though. She held on to the dolls. The movers (搬家工人) came. They took the furniture and clothes. They took Corita’s box of toys.”可知搬家工人带走了Corita家中的玩具、家具和衣服,没有带走Corita的玩偶,故选D。 4. 判断推理题。根据文中Corita和妈妈搬到新家后,妈妈利用天窗,既让Corita认识了天窗,同时还让Corita喜欢上了新家,由此可以看出Corita的妈妈很聪明,故选B。 5. 最佳标题题。文章讲述了Corita从她出生的老房子搬去新房子,开启新生活的故事。Corita很喜欢她的老房子;搬去新家后,置身于新房子的天窗带来的美好和明亮中,Corita也喜欢上了新房子,并且接受了那里的新生活,故选B。

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A few years ago, my husband and I were on island for a long weekend with our 3- and 4-year-old daughters. As we went back and thought about _______ to do next, our girls jumped in and told us their ideas. Ariela and Eliana said that they wanted to go to the _________ museum.

When we walked _______ the main area of the museum, we saw thousands of beautiful butterflies. They all flapped (拍动) their colourful _______. My girls were jumping up and down ___________. I knew we had made the right _______ to come to the museum. They were having so much fun. I turned to our museum tour guide _______ I was curious and asked, “How long do butterflies _______?” She said, “About ten days.” “What can butterflies do in ten days?” I asked. The guide stopped, looked at me, and said, “They make the world a more _______ place.”

“Wow,” I said, “I ________ thought about butterflies like that. Thank you!” After we said goodbye, I couldn’t ________ thinking about what the guide had said. She was right. We all have something to ________ the world with the time we have. When we focus our gifts on taking care of each other every day, we can make a ________.

There is no ________ that butterflies make the world a more beautiful place. You can also ________ your life like a butterfly and appreciate the effect you can have on your family, friends, co-workers and neighbours.

Like a butterfly, we have our own way of making the world a little better for everyone.

1.A.what B.how C.when D.which

2.A.sparrow B.butterfly C.bee D.ant

3.A.past B.into C.opposite D.across

4.A.wings B.feet C.arms D.legs

5.A.surprisingly B.carefully C.excitedly D.sadly

6.A.situation B.condition C.contribution D.decision

7.A.because B.after C.before D.so

8.A.fly B.live C.eat D.sleep

9.A.peaceful B.meaningful C.beautiful D.helpful

10.A.seldom B.never C.often D.always

11.A.stop B.wait C.regret D.forget

12.A.offer B.explore C.spread D.accept

13.A.wish B.difference C.donation D.living

14.A.point B.doubt C.reason D.need

15.A.change B.serve C.live D.order



—The senior high school entrance examination is around the corner, but I haven’t got anything ready.

—Start now! _________

A.Better late than never. B.Never too old to learn.

C.Each dog has its day. D.Many hands make light work.



—Maggie, it’s true that being happy is an ability. So can you tell me _________?

—Just as President Xi says, “Happiness is achieved through hard work.”

A.why happiness is so important to us B.who can help achieve happiness

C.how we can find happiness D.what happiness is



—Have you ever worked on this farm?       

—Yes. I _________ cows as a farmer there for two years.

A.raised B.was raising C.have raised D.will raise



This is a heartwarming story about a boy _________ saved his mother’s life.

A.which B.what C.where D.who



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