满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Did you see the famous star finally? —W...

—Did you see the famous star finally?

—Well, after three hours, she appeared at the gate at last.

A.took up B.showed up C.gave up


B 【解析】 句意:——最后你见到这位明星了吗?——三个小时以后,她终于出现在门口。 考查动词短语。took up开始从事、喜欢上;showed up出现、露面;gave up放弃、戒除。句中appear意为“出现”和“show up出现、露面”意思接近,故选B。  

—The Chinese government is taking steps to control the epidemic(疫情).

—China is doing a good job.

A.stages B.stairs C.measures



—Good news! Seven more subway lines will be open this year in our city.

—Great! It will make our lives more convenient.

A.easier B.faster C.richer



—Why do English people talk so often about the weather when they start a conversation?

—Well, it’s probably because the weather is a safe topic.

A.perfectly B.patiently C.possibly



    Do we need to wear masks during outdoor 1.(activity)? People do not need to wear masks when at home or outdoors as 2. as there are no crowds and the space is well-ventilated (通风良好的). People are 3. (advise) to wear surgical masks when in crowded places such 4.offices, shopping malls, workshops and restaurants. People in high-risk areas should 5. (wear) surgical masks all 6. time. Those 7.have cold symptoms(症状) such as 8. (cough) or sneezing, or have 9.(recover) from the novel coronavirus are suggested to wear masks. People working 40% special places such as hospitals, airports, prisons 10. nursing homes need to wear surgical masks or respirators of grade KN95/N95 or above.



    Robots are one of the greatest i1.. They can do difficult and 2. (危险)work for us. So f3. robots haven't 4.(引起)any problems. They work for us like servants all the time. People are surprised at the rapid development of robots. No one knows for certain. Perhaps there will be a war b5. human beings and robots.



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