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A healthy lifestyle is important to our ...

    A healthy lifestyle is important to our lives. If we have unhealthy lifestyles, we may not be able to enjoy what life offers to us. So how we live has a direct effect on our health.

Remain active

This is the most important part of a healthy lifestyle. Remain physically active. Walk, run, play, swim, climb and jump, which can keep you physically fit. Avoid using vehicles as much as you can. If your job requires long hours of sitting, take breaks often, get up often and stretch, clean the house, do gardening, go cycling and So on. Do not let laziness hurt your body and mind.

Keep clean

Keep your surroundings clean. Tidy and well organized places are good for a healthy mind and body. Unclean and untidy places can not only trouble you but also make you sick.

Eat healthy food

What you eat has a direct connection to your body and mind. The healthier the food is, the healthier your lifestyle will be. If you like eating junk food, you are risking damaging your health. Choose well cooked food that includes most of the healthy nutrients(营养) .

Live naturally

This is probably the easiest way to live a healthy lifestyle. Be among nature as much as you can. Plant trees around your house. Avoid using harmful things to the environment, like plastics, chemicals and other man-made equipment. A natural lifestyle is a healthy lifestyle. Protect our nature and nature will protect us.

1.What will happen if we have unhealthy lifestyles?


2.Why should we keep our surroundings clean?


3.What is the most important part of a healthy lifestyle?


4.The healthier the food is, the healthier your lifestyle will be, isn't it?


5.Can you give us other suggestions about a healthy lifestyle? Write one or two.



1.We may not be able to enjoy what life offers to us. 2.Tidy and well organized places are good for a healthy mind and body. 3.Remaining physically active is the most important part of a healthy lifestyle. 4.Yes, it is. 5.Cycling instead of driving can help us live a healthy lifestyle. 【解析】 本文讲述了一个健康的生活方式对我们的生活是很重要的,并提供了如何过上健康生活的建议。 1. 根据If we have unhealthy lifestyles, we may not be able to enjoy what life offers to us,可知,如果我们有不健康的生活方式,我们可能无法享受生活给予我们的东西,所以空格处填We may not be able to enjoy what life offers to us。故答案为We may not be able to enjoy what life offers to us。 2. 根据Tidy and well organized places are good for a healthy mind and body,可知,整洁有序的地方有益于身心健康,所以空格处填Tidy and well organized places are good for a healthy mind and body。故答案为Tidy and well organized places are good for a healthy mind and body。 3. 根据This is the most important part of a healthy lifestyle. Remain physically active,可知,健康生活方式最重要的部分就是保持体力活动,所以空格处填Remaining physically active is the most important part of a healthy lifestyle。故答案为Remaining physically active is the most important part of a healthy lifestyle。 4. 根据The healthier the food is, the healthier your lifestyle will be,可知,食物越健康,你的生活方式就越健康,原句是一个反意疑问句,回答要与实际情况保持一致,所以空格处填Yes, it is。故答案为Yes, it is。 5. 出行骑自信车来代替开车,这样不但可以锻炼身体还可以减少环境污染,所以这个也是一件让我们过上健康生活的建议,故空格处填Cycling instead of driving can help us live a healthy lifestyle。故答案为Cycling instead of driving can help us live a healthy lifestyle。

    5G is becoming more and more popular these days. 1. The first 5G video call was made on a Huawei Mate X phone on March 30, 2019, CGTN reported.

Shanghai is the first city in China to start a test run of 5G networks. About 100 times faster than 4G networks, 5G will allow people to download and upload(上传) things faster than ever. 2. Self-driving cars may be one of the biggest changes. 3. When the car sees an obstacle(障碍), it sends this information to a data center and waits for instructions. 4. 5G networks will reduce the time it takes and make the cars safer, CNN noted.

5. This refers to a much larger online network that connects everything and everyone. Very fast Internet speeds are the key to realizing it. For example, with IoT, your fridge could order eggs online when it notices that there are no eggs left inside. Meanwhile, China’s first 5G police station was recently shown in Bao’an district in Shenzhen. China Mobile Communication Corporation(CMCC) made Xiamen’s first 5G video call on April 27, 2019, bringing the city into the time of 5G.

A.It will also be used in other fields.

B.Today’s self-driving cars have one problem — lag.

C.China is racing to build a nationwide 5G network.

D.The car will crash if it doesn’t receive instructions in time.

E.It has improved a lot because of modern technology.

F.5G could also power the Internet of Things(IoT).



    "The grass looks greener on the other side of the fence." That's an old ___________in English. It means other places often look better, more interesting than the place in___________you live. Some people worry ___________young Chinese are beginning to feel that way.

They see young Chinese paying no attention to Chinese culture and,___________,buying Japanese cartoon books, watching Korean soap operas and even celebrating western holidays.

Foreign books and soap operas are good,_________ Chinese writers and actors are just as good. As for holidays, Christmas is nice, but it can_________ have the meaning for Chinese that Spring Festival has, and the West has nothing to compare with Mid-autumn Festival. And let's not forget the part of Chinese culture I like best:___________ friendliness. Not all countries are as___________ as China.

It's good to enjoy other cultures and___________from them, but they cannot replace your own culture. It's good to look on the other side of the fence, but __________you take a good long look. You will find that the grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence.

1.A.word B.saying C.sentence

2.A.that B.which C.where

3.A.that B.if C.why

4.A.however B.besides C.instead

5.A.and B.so C.but

6.A.still B.never C.always

7.A.its B.their C.it

8.A.warm B.warmer C.cold

9.A.learns B.learning C.to learn

10.A.make up B.make up of C.make sure



    受新型冠状病毒肺炎的影响,2020 年注定是不平凡的一年。同学们都度过了一个难以忘记、非同寻常的假期。复学后,英语老师要求以"An Unforgettable Vacation"为题写一篇小作文,讲述你度过的这个假期。 






要求: ⒈语言流畅,语句通顺,书写规范,字数100词左右。




新型冠状病毒肺炎 COVID-19

疫情epidemic   situation


An Unforgettable Vacation




    In the West, people are taught to wear masks only when they get sick. Masks are 1. (see) as a tool to protect sick people and prevent the disease from spreading, so 2. (health)people don't need to wear then. Therefore, during the novel coronavirus (新冠) outbreak, overseas Chinese 3. (student) said that they would be"stared at like a virus spreader" if they go out 4. a mask. According to a survey done by Global Times among some 5. (Europe) and American people, wearing a mask in public can make them feel "worried", "shy", and "afraid of being looked at 6. (different)."

But as 7. number of COVID-19 cases continues to grow around the world, many people in the West are 8. (change) their attitudes (态度) . In the US, for example, the need for masks 9. (be) very high now. The US surgeon general (卫生局局长) has been asking people 10. (avoid) hoarding (囤积) masks, as they are more needed in hospitals than by the general public.



Bob is much t ________ now. The jeans he wore last year are too short.



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