满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Police Officer Fang was a generous man. ...

    Police Officer Fang was a generous man. He always tried to help people who were______. Many policemen just arrested (逮捕) people whenever they did anything ______, but Police Officer Fang really______people.

If he saw a beggar in the street, he did not arrest him for begging. Instead, he gave him______coins to buy a meal.

If he saw children behaving badly, he did not take them to the______and charge (指控) them with an offense. Instead, he tried to find out______they were behaving badly and then lectured them on the importance of good behavior.

One day he saw a small girl______in the street. She was crying loud and tears (眼泪) were rolling down her face.

“Hello,” he said to her,“and what’s your problem?”

The small girl looked up at him______her tears.

“I’ve______ my money,” she said.

“Oh, dear!” Police Officer Fang said. “And how did you do that?”

“My______fell out of my pocket,” the small girl said. “It had all my money in it.”

And she continued_______.

“It’s all right,” Police Officer Fang said. “Don’t worry. It’s not the _______of the world. Tell me how much money was in your wallet.”

______dollars,” the small girl said.

Police Officer Fang took out his wallet. He _____it, took ten dollars and gave it to the girl.

“Here you are,” he said. “Here’s ten dollars. Now you can stop crying.”

But instead of stopping crying, the small girl cried even ______, still standing there.

“Now what's the matter?" Police Officer Fang said.

“I wish I'd said I'd lost fifty dollars," the small girl replied.

1.A.in surprise B.in trouble C.in excitement D.in peace

2.A.wrong B.right C.unusual D.good

3.A.thought of B.talked about C.cared about D.heard of

4.A.little B.a little C.few D.a few

5.A.police station B.bus station C.school D.hospital

6.A.when B.where C.how D.why

7.A.sleeping B.standing C.dancing D.drawing

8.A.across B.over C.under D.through

9.A.spent B.lost C.forgotten D.saved

10.A.wallet B.money C.card D.phone

11.A.asking B.speaking C.crying D.playing

12.A.beginning B.middle C.end D.part

13.A.Fifty B.Forty C.Sixty D.Ten

14.A.opened B.closed C.handed D.showed

15.A.loud B.louder C.high D.higher


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.D 7.B 8.D 9.B 10.A 11.C 12.C 13.D 14.A 15.B 【解析】 文章大意:本文主要讲方警官是个慷慨的人,他总是帮助有麻烦的人。一天他遇见小女孩丢了钱包,问过里面有多少钱后,他给了小女孩等额的钱,小女孩哭得更厉害了,后悔没有说她丢了更多的钱。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.……上方;under在……下方;through(从物体内部)穿过。根据空后“her tears”可知小女孩眼中有泪水,要透过泪水才能看到方警官,由此可知用through符合题意。故选D。 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

    One evening, while my family were watching TV in the sitting room, my father began to smoke a cigarette (烟草). Soon the room_______full of smoke. Mother asked him to stop smoking, _______father said it was too difficult. I sat aside and wondered what I could do. Then I had_______idea.

The next day I gave a packet of cigarettes to my father and said something to him in a low quiet voice. Seeing that, Mother looked surprised. Some days_______, mother wondered why father didn’t smoke any longer. Father explained that the cigarettes I had given him were a special kind, which could help people give_______smoking. We all laughed.

1.A.is B.was C.are D.were

2.A.so B.for C.since D.but

3.A.a B.an C.the D.that

4.A.late B.early C.later D.earlier

5.A.up B.out C.away D.to



—Mary, could you tell me______the pencil box?

—Oh, yes. I bought it in a store on the Internet.

A.where you bought B.when you will buy

C.when did you buy D.where will you buy



—Did you catch the first bus to school this morning?

—No I didn’t. It had started moving ______I could get on it.

A.after B.since C.before D.as soon as



Because of COVID-19 in February, the government advised us_______ to the public places less.



C.to go




—How was your trip in the mountains last weekend?

—Fantastic. We even         a tent by the lake and lay in it.

A.put on

B.put off

C.put down

D.put up



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