满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

In some parts of Holland the land lies s...

    In some parts of Holland the land lies so low that the people have to build great walls of sand and earth, to keep out the sea. These walls are called dykes(堤坝).

Sometimes the water from the sea break down these walls, and then the sea rushes in through the beach, and spreads over the land.

Houses and trees, cows and sheep, have been thus washed away, and many people drowned(溺水).

Once, when a little boy was going home in the evening, he saw a hole in one of the dykes, through which the water was flowing(流出).

His father had often told him that when this happened, unless the water was stopped it would soon make the bole so big that the sea would flow over the land.

At first he thought he would run home and tell his father. But then he said to himself," It may be dark before father can come, and we shall not be able to find the hole again. Or it may get so large that it will be too late to stop it. I must stay now, and do the best I can alone.

The brave little boy sat down, and put his hand in the hole, to keep back the water. There he stayed, hour after hour, in the cold and the dark, all through the night!

In the morning, a man came past and saw him. He could not think what the boy there. So he called out to him, “What are you doing there, my boy?

There is a hole in the dyke, said the boy, and I am keeping back the water.”

Poor little boy! He was so cold and tired that he could hardly speak.

The man came quickly and set him free. He got the hole closed up, and thus the land was saved--thanks to the brave little Hollander!

1.Who first found the hole in the dyke?

A.The father. B.The boy. C.A man. D.A visitor.

2.Why did the boy stay and stop the hole alone?

A.His father told him to do so.

B.He was strong enough to stop it.

C.He knew the best way to stop it.

D.It would be too late to ask for help.

3.How did the boy try to keep back the water?

A.He built another wall.

B.He sat against the hole.

C.He sat down with his hand in the hole.

D.He got some sand and earth to fill in the hole.

4.When seeing the boy, the man_____.

A.asked him what happened and then closed up the hole

B.thought the boy was in good condition

C.closed up the hole with him

D.helped him without a word

5.What can be the best title of the text?

A.A smart man. B.A cold night.

C.A dangerous hole. D.A brave little Hollander.


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.D 【解析】 文章大意:本文讲述了一个勇敢的男孩用自己的力量堵住了堤坝上的洞,避免了所有沙子及沙滩上的其他生物被冲走。 1. 细节理解题。根据Once, when a little boy was going home in the evening, he saw a hole in one of the dykes, through which the water was flowing. 有一次,一个小男孩晚上回家,他看到一个堤坝上有个洞,水从洞里流出来。可知是一个小男孩先发现了堤坝上的洞,故答案选B。 2. 细节理解题。根据At first he thought he would run home and tell his father. But then he said to himself," It may be dark before father can come, and we shall not be able to find the hole again. Or it may get so large that it will be too late to stop it. I must stay now, and do the best I can alone. .可知,起初小男孩想回家告诉父亲,但是父亲赶过来时可能都已经天黑找不到这个洞了,或者已经太迟而不能阻止它了,所以他独自留下来想办法堵住这个洞;故答案选D。 3. 细节理解题。根据The brave little boy sat down, and put his hand in the hole, to keep back the water. 可知,这个小男孩坐下来把自己的手放在洞里,来阻止这些水;故答案选C。 4. 细节理解题。根据In the morning, a man came past and saw him. He could not think what the boy there. So he called out to him, “What are you doing there, my boy?” 可知,当这个人看到小男孩时,询问他发生了什么,并把洞堵上,故答案选A。 5. 标题归纳题。根据第四段Once, when a little boy was going home in the evening……至最后一段,可知,本文主要讲述了一个勇敢的男孩用自己的力量堵住了堤坝上的洞,避免了所有沙子及沙滩上的其他生物被冲走。结合选项,A. A smart man. 一个聪明的人。B. A cold night. 寒冷的夜晚。C. A dangerous hole. 一个危险的洞。D. A brave little Hollander. 一个勇敢的小荷兰人。可知D选项符合题意,故答案选D。

    Police Officer Fang was a generous man. He always tried to help people who were______. Many policemen just arrested (逮捕) people whenever they did anything ______, but Police Officer Fang really______people.

If he saw a beggar in the street, he did not arrest him for begging. Instead, he gave him______coins to buy a meal.

If he saw children behaving badly, he did not take them to the______and charge (指控) them with an offense. Instead, he tried to find out______they were behaving badly and then lectured them on the importance of good behavior.

One day he saw a small girl______in the street. She was crying loud and tears (眼泪) were rolling down her face.

“Hello,” he said to her,“and what’s your problem?”

The small girl looked up at him______her tears.

“I’ve______ my money,” she said.

“Oh, dear!” Police Officer Fang said. “And how did you do that?”

“My______fell out of my pocket,” the small girl said. “It had all my money in it.”

And she continued_______.

“It’s all right,” Police Officer Fang said. “Don’t worry. It’s not the _______of the world. Tell me how much money was in your wallet.”

______dollars,” the small girl said.

Police Officer Fang took out his wallet. He _____it, took ten dollars and gave it to the girl.

“Here you are,” he said. “Here’s ten dollars. Now you can stop crying.”

But instead of stopping crying, the small girl cried even ______, still standing there.

“Now what's the matter?" Police Officer Fang said.

“I wish I'd said I'd lost fifty dollars," the small girl replied.

1.A.in surprise B.in trouble C.in excitement D.in peace

2.A.wrong B.right C.unusual D.good

3.A.thought of B.talked about C.cared about D.heard of

4.A.little B.a little C.few D.a few

5.A.police station B.bus station C.school D.hospital

6.A.when B.where C.how D.why

7.A.sleeping B.standing C.dancing D.drawing

8.A.across B.over C.under D.through

9.A.spent B.lost C.forgotten D.saved

10.A.wallet B.money C.card D.phone

11.A.asking B.speaking C.crying D.playing

12.A.beginning B.middle C.end D.part

13.A.Fifty B.Forty C.Sixty D.Ten

14.A.opened B.closed C.handed D.showed

15.A.loud B.louder C.high D.higher



    One evening, while my family were watching TV in the sitting room, my father began to smoke a cigarette (烟草). Soon the room_______full of smoke. Mother asked him to stop smoking, _______father said it was too difficult. I sat aside and wondered what I could do. Then I had_______idea.

The next day I gave a packet of cigarettes to my father and said something to him in a low quiet voice. Seeing that, Mother looked surprised. Some days_______, mother wondered why father didn’t smoke any longer. Father explained that the cigarettes I had given him were a special kind, which could help people give_______smoking. We all laughed.

1.A.is B.was C.are D.were

2.A.so B.for C.since D.but

3.A.a B.an C.the D.that

4.A.late B.early C.later D.earlier

5.A.up B.out C.away D.to



—Mary, could you tell me______the pencil box?

—Oh, yes. I bought it in a store on the Internet.

A.where you bought B.when you will buy

C.when did you buy D.where will you buy



—Did you catch the first bus to school this morning?

—No I didn’t. It had started moving ______I could get on it.

A.after B.since C.before D.as soon as



Because of COVID-19 in February, the government advised us_______ to the public places less.



C.to go




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