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The Digital Media Summer Camp The digit...



The Digital Media Summer Camp

The digital media(数字媒体)summer camp is a great chance for students aged 7 to 18 to have STEM courses. Students can learn to build an app, program a robot, or explore(探索)the world of music production. STEM courses will also help students create, learn teamwork and solve problems.

Students will learn from our teachers who have been employed(聘用)for both their teaching experience and rich knowledge in their fields. Besides making new friends, students will leave with amazing final projects and lasting memories.

Time: August 1st--August 31st

Daily Schedule:

8: 30 a. m. ~ 10: 00 a. m.             Hands on STEM Instruction

10: 30 a. m. ~ 12: 00 p. m.           Continued Instruction & Creation

12: 00 p. m. ~ 1: 30 p. m.             Lunch Break

1: 30 p. m. ~ 3: 00 p. m.             Robots Programming

3: 30 p. m. ~ 4: 30 p. m.             Music Appreciation(鉴赏)

Saturday Open House:

At 3: 30 p. m. every Saturday, parents are invited to our Open House. Students can show the projects they have been working on. Their parents can meet the teachers and explore more chances for their children to continue learning and creating.



1.The digital media summer camp can help students___________.

A.keep healthy B.learn a foreign language

C.improve their writing ability D.develop STEM knowledge

2.Which word can best describe the teachers of the summer camp?

A.Experienced. B.Humorous. C.Young. D.Strict.

3.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.Parents can be invited to see their kids' projects.

B.Students will leave the camp with amazing final projects.

C.Students’ lunch break lasts two hours.

D.Students’ can learn to program a robot in the summer camp.


1.D 2.A 3.C 【解析】 这篇短文是数字媒体夏令营的一个广告,文章中介绍了这个夏令营中的特色课程、时间、日程安排,还有一个星期六的开放日。 1. 细节理解题。根据短文第一段“Students can learn to build an app, program a robot, or explore(探索)the world of music production. STEM courses will also help students create, learn teamwork and solve problems.”可知,参加这个夏令营可以让学生们学习STEM课程,即科学、技术、工程和数学。故选D。 2. 细节理解题。Experienced有经验的;Humorous 幽默的;Young年轻的;Strict严格的。根据短文第二段“Students will learn from our teachers who have been employed(聘用)for both their teaching experience and rich knowledge in their fields.”可知,这个夏令营的老师是非常有经验的。故选A。 3. 推理判断题。根据文章中“12: 00 p. m. ~ 1: 30 p. m. Lunch Break”可知,学生们的午饭休息时间是一个半小时,不是两个小时,C选项不符合文意,故选C。根据最后一段“At 3: 30 p. m. every Saturday, parents are invited to our Open House. Students can show the projects they have been working on.”可知A符合文意;根据第二段“Besides making new friends, students will leave with amazing final projects and lasting memories.”可知B符合文意;根据第一段“Students can learn to build an app, program a robot, or explore(探索)the world of music production.”可知D符合文意。

It is reported that tea has helped the poor farmers in Yunnan find a way out of poverty(贫穷) thanks to the efforts of a man named Ren Huaican.

Ren was suffering mouth ulcers (溃疡) when he first visited the Jingmai Mountain in Pu'er City in the spring of 2006. However, after picking off several leaves from the old tea trees and chewing (咀嚼) them, he found the pain was gone the next morning. He felt very amazed. Ren began to show great interest in the tea from Yunnan. He found that the local tea business was very scattered (分散的).He also realized that the local tea farmers were very poor because of the underdeveloped tea market. So he made up his mind to develop the tea industry in order to help the local people get out of poverty.

In September 2006, Ren set up a tea company. He hired(雇佣) poor farmers from neighboring areas to pick tea leaves. Professional technicians(技师) were invited to teach the farmers how to do their jobs scientifically. The company taught them how to manage their trees and produce the best tea. As a result, their tea quality has greatly improved, and the price has gone up. In this way, the tea company has helped many people get out of poverty.

1.After chewing the tea leaves, Ren was__________ to find the pain was gone the next morning.

A.sad B.amazed C.worried D.terrible

2.Why were the local tea farmers very poor before?

A.Because many of their tea trees died. B.Because the tea farmers were lazy.

C.Because the tea market was underdeveloped. D.Because they had no interest in planting tea trees.

3.What is the third paragraph mainly about?

A.How the farmers picked tea leaves. B.How Ren helped develop the local tea industry.

C.Why Ren wanted to help the farmers. D.What Ren did for the professional technicians.

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A.The tea farmers haven’t got out of poverty.

B.Ren wanted to make more money for himself in Yunnan.

C.The local tea market was developed before the year of 2006.

D.Ren and his company have helped the poor farmers in Yunnan.



    It was Thanksgiving. Snow was falling when Bob_________ towards the city park. Bob was deserted(遗弃)by his parents and was raised(抚养)by a kind man. Two years ago, to be _____________, Bob built a tradition. That was to take his Thanksgiving dinner to the park to share with a homeless person.

The park was _________. Everyone was home enjoying their dinner. After arriving at the park, Bob saw an old woman sitting on a bench(长椅). Bob stopped his car in a parking place and got out. He took the _________from the front seat and began walking towards her. When he stood beside her, she jumped as if(好像)she had_______been woken up from sleeping. She looked up _________Bob, and then her eyes brightened.

“Good evening, madam,” Bob said, smiling. “I’ve brought you some Thanksgiving dinner. Would you like to share it with me?” The woman nodded and Bob served her the food and then watched her___________ she ate happily. When the woman finished, he___________ the table. Then he took twenty dollars out of his wallet.

He put the _________into her hand. Then he kissed her lightly on the forehead and said, “Thank you for__________my Thanksgiving dinner.” With that, he took his dishes from the table and returned to the car.

1.A.walked B.drove C.ran

2.A.thankful B.successful C.surprised

3.A.noisy B.crowded C.empty

4.A.flowers B.food C.books

5.A.suddenly B.quietly C.carefully

6.A.after B.to C.at

7.A.because B.as C.since

8.A.cleared B.broke C.covered

9.A.dishes B.money C.keys

10.A.bringing B.cooking C.sharing



________ bags are on sale. Would you like to have a look with me?

A.This B.That C.It D.Those



The weather in Chongqing is hotter in summer than________ in Kunming.

A.that B.it C.one D.this



Mike lost his notebook. He is looking for ______now.

A.it B.one C.this D.that



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