满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后的要求答题,(请注意问题后的词数要求) [1] It...


[1] It’s Friday evening. My daughters sighed (叹息) when I gently took the iPads away from their laps. One by one, our screens were turned off. We lit the candles and sat down to have a big meal.

[2] We call it our “Technology Shabbat”(科技安息日) which lasts from sunset(日落) on Friday to sunset on Saturday. Now most friends know they will not be able to contact(联系) us by using computers or mobile phones for 24 hours.

[3] I first understood the importance of “Technology Shabbat” in 2008, when my father had got brain cancer. Some days he would have only one good hour, and the only thing I wanted to do was to be with him. When I looked (4) ①______ my father, I turned off my mobile phone.

[4] Soon after that, my husband and I decided to turn off all the electronic things for one full day every week.

[5] During our “Technology Shabbat”, time slows down. Our Saturdays now feel like mini-vacations. We drive cars or ride bikes. We work in the garden, play board games and cook meals with our kids. I feel like a better mother, wife and person.

[6] Keeping a balance(平衡) between the good and the (4) ②______ of technology is important for my family. The technology helps us share knowledge and funny ideas all over the world. But the technology also takes something away from us. When we (4) ③______ up late at night linking(连接) from website to website or sending messages, we click(点击) again and again until we have been overloaded(超负荷的).

[7] Now we’re rushing into the time full of high technology. (5) We should pay attention to what we are doing online and when we should go offline.

[8] I will always remember the most important thing in my family: Technology Shabbat.

1.When is “Technology Shabbat” in the writer’s family? (No more than 10 words)


2.What did the writer and her husband decide to do after her father got cancer? (No more than 18 words)


3.What’s the good of technology according to the passage? (No more than 15 words)


4.Fill in each blank with one proper word.

____________    ____________    ____________

5.Translate the underlined sentence in the seventh paragraph into Chinese.


6.Do you like the idea of “Technology Shabbat”? Why or why not? (No more than 25 words)



1.It is/ lasts from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday./ From sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday. 2.They decided to turn off all the electronic things for one full day every week./ They decided to have their “Technology Shabbat” every week. 3.The technology/ It helps us share knowledge and funny ideas all over the world. 4. after bad/ disadvantage(s) stay 5.我们应当注意在网上做些什么,并且知道什么时候应当离线(下线/断网)。 6.Yes, I do. Because during Technology Shabbat I can spend more time with my family/ have a good rest/ relax myself/ avoid being overloaded/ have more time to do more things I like/ be a better son/ daughter/ student/ person/ … Or: No, I don’t. Because it’s not easy/ convenient for others to contact me by using computers or mobile phones during Technology Shabbat/ … Or: No, I don’t. Because I can’t study online/ get the latest news/ search for information on the Internet/ … (Any reasonable answer is acceptable.) 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文,记叙了作者一家的“科技安息日”,在这一天,全家都要远离电子产品,享受家庭时光。 1. 题意:什么时候是作者家里的“科技安息日”? 根据原文We call it our “Technology Shabbat”(科技安息日) which lasts from sunset(日落) on Friday to sunset on Saturday可知,从周五的日落时分到周六的日落时分,是作者家里的“科技安息日”。故答案为:It is/ lasts from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday./ From sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday. 2. 题意:在她父亲得了癌症后,作者和她的丈夫决定做什么? 根据原文I first understood the importance of “Technology Shabbat” in 2008, when my father had got brain cancer可知,在她父亲2008年得了癌症之后,作者开始意识到了“科技安息日”的重要性,于是决定在家里举办“科技安息日”。故答案为:They decided to turn off all the electronic things for one full day every week./ They decided to have their “Technology Shabbat” every week. 3. 题意:根据本文内容,(信息)技术能带来什么好处? 根据原文The technology helps us share knowledge and funny ideas all over the world可知,(信息)技术帮助我们在全世界范围内分享知识和有趣的想法。故答案为:The technology/ It helps us share knowledge and funny ideas all over the world. 4. 题意:用适当的词填空。 ①根据原文when my father had got brain cancer. Some days he would have only one good hour, and the only thing I wanted to do was to be with him可知,此处指的是作者照顾她父亲时,会关掉手机。look after意为“照顾”,符合句意,故答案为after。 ②根据原文The technology helps us share knowledge and funny ideas all over the world. But the technology also takes something away from us可知,此处指的是作者一家需要在技术的优点和缺点之间保持平衡。bad/ disadvantage(s)意为“缺点”,符合句意,故答案为bad/ disadvantage(s)。 ③根据原文at night … until we have been overloaded可知,此处指的是当我们熬夜时,我们刷着一个又一个的网页,直到我们精疲力尽。stay up late意为“熬夜”,符合句意,故答案为stay。 5. 题意:把第七段中画线句子翻译成中文。 文中句子为We should pay attention to what we are doing online and when we should go offline。我们We,应该should,注意pay attention to,在网上做些什么what we are doing online,什么时候应当离线(下线/断网)when we should go offline。组合起来可得中文句子“我们应当注意在网上做些什么,并且知道什么时候应当离线(下线/断网)”,故答案为“我们应当注意在网上做些什么,并且知道什么时候应当离线(下线/断网)。” 6. 题意:你喜欢“科技安息日”这个点子吗?理由是? 本题为主观题,没有标准答案,言之有理即可。故参考答案为:Yes, I do. Because during Technology Shabbat I can spend more time with my family/ have a good rest/ relax myself/ avoid being overloaded/ have more time to do more things I like/ be a better son/ daughter/ student/ person/ … Or: No, I don’t. Because it’s not easy/ convenient for others to contact me by using computers or mobile phones during Technology Shabbat/ … Or: No, I don’t. Because I can’t study online/ get the latest news/ search for information on the Internet/ …

To save people’s lives, the doctors and scientists are risking their lives to do ________(医学的) research.



Our teachers often encourage us to face the difficulties ________(勇敢地) and try to overcome them.



We Chinese held many activities to celebrate our country's 70th birthday on O________ 1st, 2019.




In recent years, a growing number of Chinese books and movies have been translated into other languages.1. They have been learning Chinese and are interested in Chinese culture. Anna is one of them, Before she translated Jin Yong’s novel Legends of the Candor Heroes (《射雕英雄传》), the writer was little known to English readers.2.

But Anna managed to do it. Impressed (使……印象深刻) by the book’s themes (主题) of good against evil, loyalty (忠诚) and love, as well as Chinese philosophy (哲学), Anna hoped to bring it to new readers. After five years of work, the translated book was published in 2018.3. Many people think Anna did a good job.

Anna studied at the University of Oxford.4. After the trip she became interested in China and began to learn Chinese. She calls herself “a clumsy (笨拙的) student, just like Guo Jing from Legends of the Condor Heroes, but one of loyal heart”.

5. Last year, he translated the animated movie Ne Zha. He said, “I see China’s stronger cultural influences. And we have a growing number of students majoring in Chinese. More Chinese stories will appear in front of new audiences.”

A.Like Anna, another translator David also learned Chinese in college.

B.She took a trip to China at the age of 21.

C.Many of the translators are young people.

D.One reason for this was that his works were too hard to translate.

E.It was reprinted (再版) seven times within several months in the UK.




To many people, art is a human expression of creativity. But in recent years, you may have read news about artificial intelligenceAIcreating its own art, such as painting or writing poems. Some people worry that AI might someday replace(替代)artists.

But this worry seems to be unnecessary, at least for now. Many artists today are turning AI into a useful tool. Instead of replacing artists, AI is bringing artists more possibilities.

A piece of music created by AI recently attracted attention. AI was used to create the music based on the protein(蛋白质)structure of COVID-19. The music lasted nearly two hours. The project was led by Markus Buehler, an American musician and MIT professor(教授)of engineering. He assigned (指定) a unique note (独特的音符) to each amino acid (氨基酸) is the protein. The AI then translated these notes into music.

Listeners found the project “mind-blowing”. “It allows me to see the virus in a new way,” said one listener. This surprising combination (结合) between science and art could not be achieved without AI. As The Verge wrote, “AI helps artists play around in unpredictable ways, creating things beyond (超过) what they have ever thought was possible before.”

Apart from creating imaginative works, AI can also take care of repetitive (重复乏味的) tasks for artists. For example, in the comic and cartoon industries, there are now AI tools that can automatically (自动) color in black-and-white line drawings. Although the results can be unpredictable and require a little cleanup. it can give artists room to experiment (实验) by cutting down the time it takes to color each picture.

As Peter Ward wrote for The Culture Trip. “Art of every kind has always been influenced by technological developments.” AI can become a useful tool to bring change to the art world if it’s welcomed and not unfairly feared.

1.According to the passage, AI can’t ________ now.

A.write poems B.paint C.replace artists D.create music

2.Which of the following is NOT true according to the third and fourth paragraphs?

A.AI created a piece of music about COVID-19.

B.Many of AI’s art creations are beyond artists’ imagination.

C.Science and art can be combined with the help of AI.

D.Markus Buehler was not a professor of engineering, but a musician.

3.The underlined phrase “Apart from” in the fifth paragraph can be replaced by “________”.

A.Besides B.Instead of C.Because of D.According to

4.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A.Technological developments have greatly influenced people’s daily life.

B.AI has been widely used in science research.

C.AI is bringing more help to the art world as a useful tool.

D.AI’s creativity has caused more and mare worries.



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