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Plants and animals are largely made of w...

    Plants and animals are largely made of water. So are humans. They need to keep enough water inside them, or they could die.

We get some of the water we need by eating food that has water in it. Drinks, such as milk and tea, are mostly water, too. A person needs water every day. If we go without water for three or four days, we will lose too much water from our bodies. In very hot weather, we could lose this water in just one day.

What does water do to help our bodies? Water helps to take the nutrition(营养)from food to our bodies. It also helps to take the wastes away from different parts of our bodies.

In our homes, we also need water for many things. We need water for cooking, washing and flushing(冲水)the toilet. About three quarters of the water is used in the bathroom and toilet. The rest is mainly used in the laundry(洗衣房)and kitchen.

___________It may come from a lake or a river. It may come from the sea, from the rain and snow or from the underground. Water rises from rivers and seas to make clouds, and then falls again as rain and snow. The water you drink has been around for millions of years. It just keeps being recycled.

Many people work hard to make sure we always have clean water in our homes. Water is very important for all living things, so we should use it carefully.

1.Living things could ___________ without enough water inside them.

A.grow B.die C.live D.develop

2.A person can get water that he needs by ___________.

A.taking wastes away B.losing water quickly

C.changing water slowly D.eating and drinking

3.Water can take away ___________ from our bodies.

A.nutrition B.food C.wastes D.drinks

4.A quarter of the water is mostly used in the ___________ and the laundry.

A.kitchen B.living room C.toilet D.bedroom

5.Which of the following can be put in"___________" in the fifth paragraph?

A.How do we save water? B.What do we use water for?

C.Where does water come from? D.Where do we wash our clothes?


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.C 【解析】 水是生命之源,植物、动物包括人类大部分都是由水构成的,水可以帮助我们把营养物质带到我们身体的各个部分,同时把废物排出体外。这篇短文给我们讲述了水在我们生活中的重要性,告诉我们要节约用水。 1. 细节理解题。根据短文第一段“They need to keep enough water inside them, or they could die.”可知,如果生物体内没有足够的水,他们就会死。故选B。 2. 细节理解题。根据短文第二段“We get some of the water we need by eating food that has water in it. Drinks, such as milk and tea, are mostly water, too.”可知,我们可以通过吃含有水分的食物以及一些饮料中获得水分。故选D。 3. 细节理解题。根据短文第三段“It also helps to take the wastes away from different parts of our bodies.”可知,水可以帮助把我们身体各个部分的废物带出体外。故选C。 4. 细节理解题。根据短文第四段“About three quarters of the water is used in the bathroom and toilet. The rest is mainly used in the laundry(洗衣房)and kitchen.”可知,大约四分之三的水用在浴室和厕所上 ;剩下的主要用于洗衣服和厨房。故选A。 5. 推理判断题。A“我们怎样节约水”;B“我们用水做什么”;C“水来源于哪里”;D“我们在哪里洗衣服”。根据空后“It may come from a lake or a river. It may come from the sea, from the rain and snow or from the underground.”可知,这两句话介绍了水来源于哪里,因此C选项符合语境,故选C。

    Studying is usually not a happy task, especially when there are so many things you can do for fun. The balance(平衡)between work and play is a lifelong matter. Are you feeling tired and bored when you study? What should you do if you're not interested in study? Here are ways you could do to deal with the problem.

Change your thoughts. If you're lack of passion(缺乏热情)for study, just think about your future. Only good grades can give you a chance to achieve your dreams. Good grades will help you get into your dream high school and college. No matter how old you are, you're always growing and learning.

Work hard to achieve your dreams. Study is teaching you an important lesson—You must work for what you want to achieve. Winning a game, passing a test, doing something difficult ... These are all rewarding(值得的)experiences because of the time you spent and the effort you made. The harder you work, the happier you'll be.

Relax yourself at times. You don't need to study as often as you think you should do. I am not telling you not to study—You still should, but you can try studying less if it doesn't influence your grades.

Find your favorite subjects. Discover your interests and develop them carefully. Keep studying and stay healthy.

1.Studying is usually not a ___________ task according to the passage.

A.hard B.happy C.boring D.tiring

2.We can know ___________ is a lifelong matter from the passage.

A.doing things for fun B.growing and leaning

C.balancing work and play D.feeling tired and bored

3.You can get into a dream school with the help of ___________.

A.similar thoughts B.good grades C.serious problems D.different feelings

4.You can achieve your dream by ___________.

A.working hard B.passing tests C.winning games D.giving lessons

5.What does the underlined sentence mean in the fourth paragraph?

A.You should never study. B.You should always think.

C.You could sometimes study less. D.You may usually feel tired.



    There's a lot of good news about Chinese volleyball player Zhu Ting.

She was named as the Most Valuable Volleyball Player of the China Volleyball Association for the 2019-2020 season. At the same time, readers can find her story in a children's book When I Grow Up-Sports Heroes. A British publishing house(出版社)published the book. It's about how children become sports superstars. Those superstars include LeBron James and Lionel Messi.

Zhu Ting now plays for the Tianjin Bohai Bank Women's Volleyball Club. Last season, she helped Tianjin win its 12th top league title(联赛冠军). She is also the captain(队长)of China's women's national volleyball team. When she first joined the national team, the 1.98-meter-tall girl found it difficult to move quickly because she was so tall. But head coach Lang Ping trained her to jump high and spike the ball(扣球). Since then, the fighting spirit of the national team has inspired(激励)her. After hard practice, she became a great spiker.

She used to play volleyball in Turkey and she improved her English there. When she arrived there, she couldn't speak English well and needed help. But she kept practicing English after her training. After three months, she could easily talk with her teammates in English.

What makes Zhu Ting successful? Working hard and never giving up are the key to success.

1.Zhu Ting is a ___________.

A.movie star B.book seller C.volleyball player D.news reporter

2.When I Grow Up—Sports Heroes is a book for ___________.

A.children B.players C.superstars D.heroes

3.___________ is head coach of China's women's national volleyball team.

A.Zhu Ting B.Lang Ping C.LeBron James D.Lionel Messi

4.Zhu couldn't move quickly because she was so ___________.

A.brave B.strong C.valuable D.tall

5.These are reasons for Zhu's success Except ___________.

A.good news B.her ability C.hard practice D.fighting spirit



    When I was a little child, I learned many kinds of _________. I learned how to do chores around the house, some first aids(急救)and outdoor survival(生存)skills. There’s one skill that’s really _________ in everyday lifebasic home repair (家庭基础维修).

Being able to take care of repairs around the house is very satisfying. It might be difficult _________, but when you know more about your tools, it becomes easier.

For example, I had some problems with the showerhead(淋浴喷头)in my _________ a few days ago. I didn’t call a repairman to replace(替换)it—who knows how much money the repairman would want me to _________ ? So I bought a new showerhead and replaced it _________.

The task was so simple that it only took me several _________. As I fixed the new showerhead on, I _________ a sense of achievement. Of course, there are lots of repairs that are more difficult. My brother, for example, has repaired the TV set in his house many times. With the help of online instructional videos, he has _________ thousands of dollars in repairman fee(费用)over the years. Skills like these not only save us money, but more importantly, make us more independent and confident.

Doing chores around your house is easier than you __________.

1.A.sports B.skills C.laws D.rules

2.A.awful B.careful C.harmful D.useful

3.A.at last B.at least C.at first D.at all

4.A.library B.office C.bedroom D.bathroom

5.A.pay for B.look for C.wait for D.care for

6.A.ourselves B.himself C.myself D.themselves

7.A.minutes B.months C.weeks D.years

8.A.smelt B.felt C.became D.tasted

9.A.wasted B.spent C.made D.saved

10.A.collect B.decide C.think D.choose



A: Hi, Tom. Good news for you!

B: 1.

A: It's about a club. Our school set up a new basketball club to train students.

B: Great! I love basketball and want to be a basketball player. 2.

A: Next Monday. You can get lots of training there.

B: That's wonderful! I really need it. 3. Can you tell me?

A: Well, my dream is to be a doctor.

B: 4.

A: Because many stories about doctors have moved me a lot recently.

B: How are you going to be a doctor?

A: 5.

B: I hope both of us can achieve our dreams.


B.What is it about?

C.What's your dream?

D.I want to see a doctor.

E.How long do you play basketball?

F.When will the training class start?

G.I'll read more books on medicine and study hard.



—I'm a little nervous before the coming exam.

—___________. I'm sure you can make it.

A.Sounds great B.Have fun C.Don't worry D.You're welcome



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