满分5 > 初中英语试题 >




Dick was a smart young man whose parents were not rich.He had to work in his 1.time.

He managed to go to university,but it was so expensive to study there 2.he found it necessary to get 3.(至少) two part-time jobs at the same time so as to 4.(确保) that he could get enough money for his studies.

One summer he got a job in a shop which sold meat 5. the day-time and another job in a hospital at6..On the one hand,in the shop,he learned to7.(切碎)meat quite nicely,so the8. /bɒs/of the shop often let Dick do all the business while he was out.In the hospital,9. (另一方面),he was,of course,only allowed to do some simple work,such 10. helping to lift people and to carry them from one part of the hospital to another.Both in the shop 11. at the hospital,Dick had to 12.white clothes.

One evening at the hospital,Dick was asked to look after a woman.When he 13. the room,the woman was surprised.“I wonder how you could find me here,” the woman said.“I forgot to pay 14. the meat I bought yesterday and went home direct,but I 15.(not do) that on purpose(故意地).”


1.spare 2.that 3.at least 4.make sure 5.during 6.night 7.cut up 8.boss 9.on the other hand 10.as 11.and 12.wear 13.entered 14.for 15.didn’t do 【解析】 本文讲的是一个年轻人迪克在打工过程中遇到的一件趣事。迪克是个聪明的年轻人,他的父母并不富有,他不得不在业余时间工作。他设法上了大学,但是那里学习太贵了,他发现有必要同时获得至少两份兼职工作,以确保他能得到足够的钱来学习。一年夏天,他白天在一家商店里卖肉,晚上在医院里工作。一方面,在商店里,他学会了剁肉,所以当老板外出时,商店老板经常让迪克做所有的业务。另一方面,在医院里,他只能做一些简单的工作,如帮助抬人,把他们从医院的一个角落抬到另一个角落。无论是在商店和医院,迪克必须穿白色的衣服。一天晚上,在医院里,迪克被要求照看一个女人。当他走进房间时,那个女人很惊讶。“我想知道你怎么能在这里找到我,”女人说,“我忘了付昨天买肉的钱,就直接回家了,但我不是故意的。 1.句意:他不得不在业余时间工作。根据上文Dick was a smart young man whose parents were not rich.(迪克是个聪明的年轻人,他的父母并不富有)和下文“他设法上了大学,但是在那里学习太贵了”结合句意可知填spare,spare time:业余时间。 2.句意:他设法上了大学,但是在那里学习太贵了,他发现有必要同时获得至少两份兼职工作,以确保他能得到足够的钱来学习。短语so…that…:如此…以至于….;结合句意可知填that。 3.句意:他设法上了大学,但是在那里学习太贵了,他发现有必要同时获得至少两份兼职工作,以确保他能得到足够的钱来学习。结合句意和汉语提示可知填at least(至少) 。 4.句意:他设法上了大学,但是在那里学习太贵了,他发现有必要同时获得至少两份兼职工作,以确保他能得到足够的钱来学习。短语so as to do sth.:为了做某事;结合句意和汉语提示可知填make sure(确保)。 5.句意:一年夏天,他白天在一家卖肉的商店里找到了工作,晚上又在医院里找到了一份工作。during the day-time:在白天,强调整个期间都在从事某件事;结合句意可知填during。 6.句意:一年夏天,他找到了一份白天在一家商店里卖肉的工作,又找到了一份晚上在医院里的工作。短语at night:在晚上,根据day-time结合句意可知填night。 7.句意:一方面,在商店里,他学会了很好地切肉,所以在他外出的时候肉店老板经常让迪克做所有的生意。短语learn to do sth.:学会做某事;根据句意和汉语提示可知填cut up。 8.句意:一方面,在商店里,他学会了很好地切肉,所以在他外出的时候肉店老板经常让迪克做所有的生意。根据句意和音标提示可知填boss。 9.句意:另一方面,在医院里,他当然只允许做一些简单的工作,比如帮助抬人,把他们从医院的一个角落抬到另一个角落。根据上文on the one hand…..(一方面…)结合句意可知填on the other hand(另一方面)。 10.句意:另一方面,在医院里,他当然只允许做一些简单的工作,比如帮助抬人,把他们从医院的一个角落抬到另一个角落。短语such as:例如,列举事例,as是介词,后面跟名词代词或动名词;结合句意可知填as。 11.句意:无论是在商店还是在医院里,迪克都必须穿白色的衣服。短语both…and…:既…又…,两者都;结合句意可知填and。 12.句意:无论是在商店还是在医院里,迪克都必须穿白色的衣服。短语have(has) to do sth.:必须做某事,本句中had是has的过去式,结合句意和语境可知填wear。 13.句意:当他走进房间时,那位女士很惊讶。本文是时态是一般过去式,讲述一个小故事,可知此句时态用一般过去式,结合句意和语境可知填entered(进入)。 14.句意: “我想知道你怎么能在这儿找到我,”那位女人说,“我忘了付昨天买肉的钱,就直接回家了,但我不是故意这样做的。”短语pay for:给…付款,结合句意和语境可知填for。 15.句意: “我想知道你怎么能在这儿找到我,”那位女人说,“我忘了付昨天买肉的钱,就直接回家了,但我不是故意这样做的。”but是并列连词,它连接的两个句子时态应一致,根据but前句子是一般过去式,可知填didn’t do。

    I grew up poor-living in a big family with six brothers, three sisters, my father and a wonderful mother. We had little money, but plenty of love and attention. I was very happy and energetic. I understood that no matter how poor a person was, he could still afford a dream.

My dream was sports. By the time I was sixteen, I could throw a ninety-mile-per-hour baseball and hit anything that moved on the field. I was also lucky: my high school coach was Ollie Jarvis who not only believed in me, but also taught me how to believe in myself. One-special incident(事件)with him changed-my life forever.

It was the summer between my junior and senior years, and I was offered a summer job. This meant a chance for money in my pocketmoney for dates with girls, money for a new bike, new clothes, and I could begin to save money for a house for my mother.

Then I realized, to do that work, I would have to give up summer baseball training. When I told coach Jarvis, he was as angry as I expected him to be. "You have your whole life to work." he said, "Your time for playing isn`t long. You can't afford to waste it”.

I stood before him with my head banging, trying to think of the words that would explain to him why my dream of buying my mom a house and having money in my pocket was worth facing his disappointment in me.

"How much are you going to make at this job, son?" he asked.

"Three point five an hour." I replied.

"Well," he asked, "is $3.5 an hour the price of a dream?"

That simple question made me understand the difference between wanting something right now and having a goal for the future. I practiced hard that summer, and within the year I was chosen by a famous team to play baseball, and was offered $ 20,000 a year.

Later, I was given a baseball scholarship to the University of Arizona, which led me to an education. In 1984, I began to play the Denver Bronces for $ 1.7 million a year, And Certainly, I bought my mother the house of my dream!

1.When did the writer want to take a part-time job?

A.When he decided to buy his mother a louse.

B.When he graduated from junior high school.

C.When he found it difficult to play baseball well

D.When he thought his big family was too poor

2.Whom should the writer thank most for his success?

A.His coach B.His mother. C.His himself. D.His teammates

3.By writing the article, the writer tries to tell us that _________.

A.to buy a house for his family is the dream of most young people

B.trying to become a sport star is the easiest way to realize a dream

C.something we want now often has to give away to a long term long goal

D.to succeed without help from others is impossible for the young

4.What can be a proper title for the text?

A.Part-time Job B.A House for Mom

C.A Strict Coach D.A Priceless Dream



    We are looking for people to work as voluntary work for the local community.

There are many ways in which you can do voluntary work. You can volunteer to go shopping for old people or help organize a recycling project. Or you can become a member of a team. It might be about providing support to someone who has lost a family member, or who can’t deal with a change in their lifestyle. Or, it might be about looking after someone. Melissa has been helping the old people, “I didn’t think I’d have enough time at first, but when I saw how much difference I could make to people’s life, I managed to find the time to do that,” she says.

If you are interested in gardening or animals, then you might want to join in our new project to change waste gardens into places for growing fruit and vegetables, or care for local animals and wildlife. Jack is a volunteer at the Dogs and Cats Home.”I started volunteering when I was out of a job. It was a bad time for me. Then I found looking after the animals did a lot of good to me: for example, I began to feel light-hearted,” he says.

We also need volunteers to work at local hospital. Don’t worry-you don’t need any medical skills. Volunteer work might ask you to work with hospital staff, or spend time with parents. And there are also possibilities of being a police support volunteer.

If you are interested in volunteering, then get in touch with us. By spending just a few hours of your time each week, you can make a real difference to your local area. Write and tell us about your interest and how you think you can do something for the community.

1.What does Melissa think of her work to help the old?

A.It’s disappointing. B.It’s difficult. C.It’s meaningful. D.It’s interesting.

2.Volunteer work is good for Jack because       .

A.he found a new job soon. B.he’s not sad any longer

C.He found his life partner D.he’s stronger than before

3.Why is the article written in your opinion?

A.To call on people to be volunteers. B.To introduce a nice community.

C.To sell a certain kind of service. D.To organize a charity project.



    How much sleep is enough?

To stay in good health, some expert in the US say, adults should get seven to eight hours of sleep. Teenager need nine to ten hours. And pre-school children need more than 10 hours of sleep a night.

Experts say the quality(质量) of our sleep becomes poor as we grow older. This happens because the brain unit that controls sleep begins to weaken slowly as we age.

Experts say the change starts in our 30s. By the time we reach our 50s, a person may have lost 50 percent of their ability to have a restful sleep.

These people have trouble failing and staying asleep through the night. From middle age on, these problems only get worse, and they can have a bad effect on their health.

Signs that show you may not be getting enough sleep:

You’re always hungry or you’ve got unwanted weight. If you are in short of sleep, certain chemicals in your body will not work well and tell your brain in time that you have eaten enough.

You have trouble making decisions. Not having enough sleep may make your brain work slower in problem solving.

You have trouble remembering things. Sleep helps prepare the brain for new memories.

Your feeling changes unreasonably. People who don’t sleep well may feel unable to control their feelings.

You are having trouble seeing. If there is a shortage of sleep, you may not be able to see thing as clearly as usual.

How to improve your sleep? Here are a few things people can do to get better sleep.

Health experts say that exercise and avoiding work on computers make people go to sleep more easily. A cool room is also a good choice for sleeping well.

1.What can we learn from the passage?

A.With the help of medicine, we can sleep better.

B.People begin to have sleep problems in their 40s.

C.Teenagers usually need more sleep than adults.

D.Few people have sleep problems in their late years.

2.The underlined word “effect” in the passage is close in meaning to              .

A.knowledge B.influence C.excuse D.activity

3.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a sign that you are not sleeping well?

A.You often get hungry. B.Your eyesight is falling.

C.You have poorer memory. D.You always feel tired.

4.It is possible that the article is taken from              .

A.a middle-school textbook B.a scientific report

C.a magazine on health D.an ad in the newspaper



    Have you ever been on a student exchange program? How useful was it? We asked three people for their opinions.


I spent 8 days in Germany when I was studying for my Level A. I went to school every day, and spent the evenings with a family. It was great because I had to speak German all the time. However, the most useful thing was that I was paying more attention to communicating in the language, instead of speaking perfectly correct German. I was really glad that people could understand what I was saying. I’d certainly introduce it to other students studying languages.


I went on an exchange with my class for a week in Japan. Before the exchange, I thought my understanding of grammar was pretty good, but I had much trouble listening and speaking. So, what I thought most meaningful was that I had no choice but to use everyday language skills, rather than the language from books. If I had the opportunity, I’d certainly take part in another language exchange.


I took part in a French exchange. It lasted two weeks and I stayed with my exchange family in a small town just outside Paris. I’m quite a shy person, so in the first few days, I was kind of nervous, but then it was fine. I love French and my French has always been good. But the exchange really helped develop my speaking skills, and made me a much more confident person. It felt great to be able to talk with French people. I also found that everyone who took part in the exchange did a lot better in their end-of-year exams.

1.How long did Frank stay in Japan?

A.A week B.Eight days. C.Two weeks. D.Half a year.

2.What did Alice think about her exchange?

A.It developed her listening skills. B.It made her more confident.

C.It taught her exam skills. D.It took too much of her time.

3.All three people would most likely describe their exchange as         .

A.tiring B.exciting C.boring D.helpful

4.Who will be interested in the passage above?

A.Students who are learning a foreign language.

B.Students who want to work as teachers later.

C.Students who are interested in traveling abroad.

D.Students who are not doing well in their studies.



    It was the final game for my eight-year-old son’s soccer team. Near the end of the match, the score was two to one, my son's team being ahead. Parents surrounded the playground, offering  _________.

There were less than ten seconds_________and the ball stopped in front of my son's teammate, Mickey. With cheering shouts_________the field, Mickey went back a little and kick the ball with everything he had. All around me the crowd became crazy and _______.Mickey had___________

Then there was a complete_________.Mickey had scored, but in the wrong gate, the_________went into the gate of my son’s team, ending the game in a draw(平局). You see, Mickey has a serious_________in his head, which makes his IQ lower than that of normal children of the same age. And for him, he didn’t understand what a wrong goal was. All goals were_________by a happy hug from Mickey. He had been known to hug the players whom he was fighting against when they scored.

The silence was__________broken when Mickey, his face________with joy, caught my son, hugged him and shouted,“I scored! I scored. Everybody won! Everybody won!”For a moment I held my breath, not sure how my son would do or say. In fact, I didn’t __________to worry at that time. I watched through tears. When I found my son raised his hand and started call out__________,“Well done, Mickey!” Soon, members from both teams got around Mickey, __________him on his goal

Later that night, when my daughter asked __________ had won, “Everybody won”. I smiled and replied.

1.A.encouragement B.instruction C.management D.competition

2.A.useful B.alive C.gone D.left

3.A.between B.against C.across D.past

4.A.excited B.interested C.surprised D.embarrassed

5.A.checked B.scored C.returned D.tired

6.A.independence B.victory C.silence D.relation

7.A.ball B.guide C.player D.crowd

8.A.idea B.mistake C.illness D.sense

9.A.wasted B.celebrated C.remembered D.reminded

10.A.partly B.seriously C.deeply D.finally

11.A.covered B.filled C.appeared D.shared

12.A.choose B.forget C.mean D.need

13.A.strongly B.softly C.wildly D.privately

14.A.pushing B.complaining C.interviewing D.congratulating

15.A.who B.which C.when D.where



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