满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

“Ding... ding...,” the bell rang. The En...

    “Ding... ding...,” the bell rang. The English teacher came into the classroom with test papers in his hand. All the students shouted. The teacher _______ with a smile on his face, “I know there are too many tests for you these days, but the test today is very _______ .” After hearing the teacher’s words, all the students sat up straight and _______ for the test to begin. The teacher started to _______ the test papers to each student. _______ he finished handing out the test papers, he asked them to begin.

There was not a question but only a small black “X” in the middle of the paper. The students were very_________to see that. The teacher _______ the students’ surprise. Then he said, “I would like you to _______ about what you see there. You must finish it all by _______ .”

All the students thought about it hard and then wrote down their answers quietly. At the end of the class, the teacher collected their papers and read the answers. ________ of them described the black “X”. The next day, the teacher said, “Everybody only paid attention to the black ‘X’, but ________ wrote about the white paper.” The whole class listened ________ , because they worried that they might fail the exam.

Then the teacher said, “Don’t worry about the ________ of this test. I just want you to think about your life.” Everyone smiles. The teacher added, “The white paper is like our whole life and the black ‘X’ in the middle of the paper is just ________ problems in our daily life. Do you have some more thoughts?”

Then the students discussed and expressed ________ opinions actively. Finally they understood the teacher and this special test.

Our life is a ________ given to us by God, with love and care. ________ , we just care about the problems like illness and hunger, and never see that these problems are much ________ than everything else we have in our life.

We should try to take our eye off problems and ________ each moment life gives us. Only then can we start a nice  ________  and find true happiness in our lives.

1.A.asked B.complained C.explained D.guessed

2.A.difficult B.hard C.easy D.special

3.A.waited B.looked C.searched D.cared

4.A.sell out B.bring out C.give out D.put out

5.A.Before B.After C.While D.Until

6.A.happy B.sad C.surprised D.relaxed

7.A.hated B.forgot C.remembered D.noticed

8.A.hear B.worry C.write D.learn

9.A.yourselves B.ourselves C.myself D.themselves

10.A.None B.All C.Neither D.Both

11.A.somebody B.nobody C.everybody D.anybody

12.A.quickly B.hardly C.angrily D.carefully

13.A.results B.suggestions C.presents D.jobs

14.A.like B.in C.at D.with

15.A.her B.his C.their D.your

16.A.problem B.challenge C.gift D.window

17.A.Except B.However C.Also D.Besides

18.A.more important B.bigger C.smaller D.more serious

19.A.enjoy B.waste C.invite D.throw

20.A.door B.spirit C.skill D.journey


1.C 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.B 11.B 12.D 13.A 14.A 15.C 16.C 17.B 18.C 19.A 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文,文章讲述老师通过考试,让学生明白生活已拥有的东西比出现的问题要更多,不应该只是注意到那些问题。我们应该试着让我们的眼睛从问题上移开,享受生活给我们的每个时刻。只有这样我们才能开始一个美丽的旅程,并在我们的生活中找到真正的幸福。 1. 句意:老师面带微笑的解释说:“我知道这些天有很多考试,但是今天的考试非常的特别”。 asked问;complained抱怨;explained解释;guessed猜测。根据引号内容可知此处老师在解释为什么有这一场考试,用动词explained。故选C。 2. 句意:老师面带微笑的解释说:“我知道这些天有很多考试,但是今天的考试非常的特别”。 difficult困难的;hard艰难的;easy容易的;special特别的。根据倒数第三段“Finally they understood the teacher and this special test.”最终他们理解了老师和这场特别的考试。可知此处老师在考试前表达的是“考试很特别”。故选D。 3. 句意:听到老师的话之后,所有的学生笔直地坐着,等着考试开始。 waited等待;looked看;searched搜寻;cared关注,在意。此处用动词短语wait for表示“等待”考试的开始,对应下面老师分发试卷。故选A。 4. 句意:老师开始分发试卷给每个学生。 sell out卖完;bring out出版,生产;give out释放,分发;put out熄灭。根据“the test papers to each student”可知此处表示“发试卷”,用动词短语give out。故选C。 5. 句意:他完成发试卷之后,他让学生们开始考试。 before在……之前;after在……之后;while当……时候;until直到。此处表示试卷发完之后,可以开始考试了,用连词after。故选B。 6. 句意:所有的学生都非常吃惊。 happy开心的;sad悲伤的;surprised吃惊的;relaxed放松的。根据“the students’ surprise”可知此处用形容词surprised。故选C。 7. 句意:老师注意到学生的惊奇。 hated厌恶;forgot忘记;remembered记得;noticed注意到。根据“the students’ surprise”可知此处用动词noticed表示老师“注意到”学生们脸上的表情了。故选D。 8. 句意:我想要你们写关于你们看到的东西。 hear听说;worry担心;write写;learn学习。根据后文“wrote down their answers”可知此处表示“要学生写试卷”用动词write。故选C。 9. 句意:你们必须自己独立完成。 yourselves你们自己;ourselves我们自己;myself我自己;themselves他们自己。根据You可知此处用“by yourselves”表示“靠你们自己”。故选A。 10. 句意:他们所有人都描述了黑色的“X”。 none没有一个;all所有都;neither都不;both二者都。根据“collected their papers and read the answers”可知此处用all表示“所有都”,表达的是三者或以上的事物都。故选B。 11. 句意:每个人都只是注意黑色的“X”,但是没有人写关于白色的纸。 somebody某个人;nobody没人;everybody每个人;anybody任何人。根据but可知此处是转折,用不定代词nobody表示‘没有人’。故选B。 12. 句意:整个班级都仔细地听着,因为他们担心他们可能考试不及格。 quickly快地;hardly几乎不;angrily生气地;carefully仔细地。根据“because they worried that they might fail the exam”可知此处用副词表示“仔细地”,表示学生们很紧张自己的成绩。故选D。 13. 句意:不要担心考试的结果。 results结果;suggestions建议;presents礼物;jobs工作。根据“because they worried that they might fail the exam”可知此处表示的是老师安慰学生们不要担心“考试的结果”,用名词results。故选A。 14. 句意:白色的纸就像我们的整个生活,纸中间的“X”就像我们日常生活里的问题。 like像;in在……里面;at指具体的点;with和。根据“is like our whole life”可知此处在作比喻,用介词like表示“像”。故选A。 15. 句意:然后学生们讨论并积极地表达了他们的观点。 her她的;his他的;their他们的;your你的。根据“the students”可知此处用their opinions表达“他们的观点”。故选C。 16. 句意:我们的生活是上帝给我们的一个礼物,充满着爱和关心。 problem问题;challenge挑战;gift礼物;window窗子。根据后文“everything else we have in our life”,“each moment life gives us”以及“find true happiness in our lives”可知此处表达的是褒义词,用名词gift表示“礼物”。故选C。 17. 句意:然而,我们只在意问题,比如疾病和饥饿,从没有看到这些问题比我们生活中有的每样事物都要更小。 except除了;however然而;also也;besides除了……还。此处表示转折,用however表示“然而”。故选B。 18. 句意:然而,我们只在意问题,比如疾病和饥饿,从没有看到这些问题比我们生活中有的每样东西都要更小。 more important更重要;bigger更大;smaller更小;more serious更严重。根据前文讲述的白色的纸和纸中间的“X”,可知问题比我们已经拥有的东西要小得多。故选C。 19. 句意:我们应该试着让我们的眼睛从问题上移开,享受生活给我们的每个时刻。 enjoy享受;waste浪费;invite邀请;throw扔。根据“each moment life gives us”以及后文“find true happiness in our lives”可知此处用动词enjoy表示享受。故选A。 20. 句意:只有这样我们才能开始一个美丽的旅程,并在我们的生活中找到真正的幸福。 door门;spirit精神;skill技能;journey旅程。根据“find true happiness in our lives”可知此处表达的是人生旅程,用名词journey。故选D。

—The TV says it will rain tomorrow. We have to put off the hiking to Guanyin Lake.


A.What a pity B.No problem C.Never mind D.My pleasure



— I wonder if Sally________ us prepare for the party.

—I’m sure she will if she________time.

A.helps, will have B.will help, has C.will help, will have D.helps, has



Tom hardly eats breakfast, ________?

A.isn’t he B.is he C.doesn’t he D.does he



—________ hot weather it is! Why not have a cold drink?

—Sounds good! Let’s go.

A.What B.What a C.How D.How a



— The new shirt looks good on you. When did you buy it?

—On July 7th. I________ it for a week.

A.have bought B.have had C.bought D.buy



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