满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

When I was 12 years old, my mother sent ...

    When I was 12 years old, my mother sent me to a Chinese school in California. I ____ spending my Saturdays in a three-hour Chinese class. I thought it was difficult and boring.

However, my mum thought that I should develop and improve(提高) my Chinese ____ skills. I seemed to know it would do me good in future, but at that time I couldn't realize the____of learning a second language.

Many years later, I had a____to work in Asia. I chose China mainly because I learned Chinese when I was____.However, I still wondered if I could____street signs, buy food and talk to people there.

Shortly after I arrived in China, my Chinese language____came back soon and improved____. A long time ago, I wanted to give up____Chinese. Luckily, my mum encouraged me and stopped that from happening. I’m____that the Chinese language has helped me a lot in different ways. My life is getting more and more colourful.

1.A.hated B.advised C.enjoyed D.forgot

2.A.business B.music C.language D.cooking

3.A.mistakes B.excuses C.fears D.advantages

4.A.habit B.chance C.skill D.suggestion

5.A.busy B.young C.successful D.experienced

6.A.read B.touch C.afford D.move

7.A.tool B.ability C.point D.difficulty

8.A.safely B.politely C.quickly D.privately

9.A.changing B.sharing C.learning D.protecting

10.A.sorry B.worried C.angry D.glad


1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.D 【解析】 本文讲述了作者小时候曾很讨厌学习汉语,长大后一次在中国工作的机会使他发现中文在不同方面给了他很大的帮助,并使他的生活越来越丰富多彩了。 1. 句意:我讨厌星期六上三个小时的中文课。 hated讨厌;advised建议;enjoyed喜欢;forgot忘记。根据后一句“I thought it was difficult and boring.我认为它既难又无聊”,可知我讨厌上中文课。故选A。 2. 句意:然而,我妈妈认为我应该发展和提高我的汉语语言能力。 business商务;music音乐;language语言;cooking烹饪。从后一句中的“but at that time I couldn't realize the______of learning a second language.”,可知是提高我的汉语语言能力,故选C。 3. 句意:我似乎知道这对我将来会有好处,但那时我没有意识到学习第二语言的好处。 mistakes错误;excuses借口;fears害怕;advantages好处。根据前一句“I seemed to know it would do me good in future”,可知此处指“没有意识到学习第二语言的好处”,故选D。 4. 句意:许多年后,我有机会在亚洲工作。 habit习惯;chance机会;skill技能;suggestion建议。根据句意指“我有机会在亚洲工作”,故选B。 5. 句意:我选择中国主要是因为我年轻时学过中文。 busy忙碌的;young年轻的;successful成功的;experienced有经验的。根据上文可知我年轻时学过中文,故选B。 6. 句意:然而,我仍然想知道我是否可以阅读路标,购买食物,和那里的人们交谈。 read阅读;touch接触;afford支付得起;move移动。根据常识以及搭配可知,read street signs符合语境,故选A。 7. 句意:刚到中国不久,我的汉语能力很快就回来了,而且进步很快。 tool工具;ability能力;point要点;difficulty困难。根据句意此处是指“汉语能力”,故选B。 8. 句意:刚到中国不久,我的汉语能力很快就回来了,而且进步很快。 safely安全地;politely有礼貌地;quickly快速地;privately (买卖)通过私人地。根据句中的“came back soon”,可知我进步很快,故选C。 9. 句意:很久以前,我想放弃学习中文。 changing改变;sharing分享;learning学习;protecting保护。根据第一段可知我曾想放弃学习中文,故选C。 10. 句意:我很高兴中文在不同方面给了我很大的帮助。 sorry难过的;worried焦虑的;angry生气的;glad高兴的。根据后半句“the Chinese language has helped me a lot in different ways”,可知我应该很高兴,故选D。

We are supposed to         smart phones and take more exercise instead.

A.take up B.put away C.look into D.give out



— Could you tell me         we can start a conversation with a foreigner?

—Talking about weather is a good choice.

A.how B.why C.where D.when



Our English teacher is nice and patient         she is very strict with us.

A.if B.as C.unless D.though



— The air here is much fresher than before.

—Exactly! We         a lot of trees in the past few years.

A.planted B.were planting C.have planted D.will plant



— Hi, Jill. I'd like to share with you the latest news about the height of Qomolangma.

—Really? Make sure the news is true before you         it.

A.receive B.spread C.cancel D.hear



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