满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

In recent years, with more and more cars...

    In recent years, with more and more cars on the road, flying robots are used to deliver(递送) mails. Flying robots can ___mails to people's houses without having to deal with heavy_____.But they will spend too much time in returning. A research center is trying to improve its flying robots with the____of homing pigeons(信鸽).

Homing pigeons are pigeons that are____trained to fly home from somewhere else. In tests, researchers____that homing pigeons were____efficient(高效的) than flying robots at returning to their home. So the research center is trying to use a flying robot, together with a____, to deliver mails. After the robot finishes its tasks, it can____the pigeon back in the shortest possible time.

Although it will cost more money to____pigeons, the research center says that it can____time. And the time it saves will make up for the cost.

1.A.invite B.carry C.blow D.kick

2.A.traffic B.rain C.fire D.pollution

3.A.help B.luck C.treat D.interest

4.A.poorly B.carelessly C.specially D.musically

5.A.promised B.joked C.planned D.found

6.A.less B.more C.little D.much

7.A.homing pigeon B.big house C.leading person D.heavy car

8.A.train B.knock C.follow D.steal

9.A.dress B.paint C.clean D.raise

10.A.expect B.show C.kill D.save


1.B 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.D 【解析】 文章大意:本文主要讲飞行机器人被用来传递信件,这样不会遇到交通阻塞,但它们返回花费时间太久,科学家尝试用信鸽来弥补这个不足。 1. 2. 3.……的帮助下”。故选A。 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

    When I was 12 years old, my mother sent me to a Chinese school in California. I ____ spending my Saturdays in a three-hour Chinese class. I thought it was difficult and boring.

However, my mum thought that I should develop and improve(提高) my Chinese ____ skills. I seemed to know it would do me good in future, but at that time I couldn't realize the____of learning a second language.

Many years later, I had a____to work in Asia. I chose China mainly because I learned Chinese when I was____.However, I still wondered if I could____street signs, buy food and talk to people there.

Shortly after I arrived in China, my Chinese language____came back soon and improved____. A long time ago, I wanted to give up____Chinese. Luckily, my mum encouraged me and stopped that from happening. I’m____that the Chinese language has helped me a lot in different ways. My life is getting more and more colourful.

1.A.hated B.advised C.enjoyed D.forgot

2.A.business B.music C.language D.cooking

3.A.mistakes B.excuses C.fears D.advantages

4.A.habit B.chance C.skill D.suggestion

5.A.busy B.young C.successful D.experienced

6.A.read B.touch C.afford D.move

7.A.tool B.ability C.point D.difficulty

8.A.safely B.politely C.quickly D.privately

9.A.changing B.sharing C.learning D.protecting

10.A.sorry B.worried C.angry D.glad



We are supposed to         smart phones and take more exercise instead.

A.take up B.put away C.look into D.give out



— Could you tell me         we can start a conversation with a foreigner?

—Talking about weather is a good choice.

A.how B.why C.where D.when



Our English teacher is nice and patient         she is very strict with us.

A.if B.as C.unless D.though



— The air here is much fresher than before.

—Exactly! We         a lot of trees in the past few years.

A.planted B.were planting C.have planted D.will plant



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