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Royal Engineers Museum Events Chinese Ne...

Royal Engineers Museum


Chinese New Year16 Jan--24 Feb

Join in as the Museum celebrates the Year of the Rat Get creative by decorating a paper lantern or creating your own rat toys.

2 per activity, not included in standard prices.

The Soldiers as Artists5 Feb--23 Jun

Royal Engineers were also taught drawing to help make maps. The paintings and drawings on display show not only the soldiers’ drawing skills but also their talent that went beyond the training they received.

Included in standard prices.

Historic Headwear Hunt19 Apr-26 Jul

Discover the unusual hats, caps and helmets worn by royal Engineers! Imagine what has happened to them over the last 300 years!

Included in standard prices.

Medway in Time7 Jul--31 Aug

Following a 15-week Medway Adult Education course, the Museum is proud to present artworks about the area’s special history and traditions.

Included in standard prices.

Plan your Visit

Opening time

Tuesday-Sunday   10 a.m.-5 p. m.

Standard tickets

Adult              9.20       Senior citizen(老年人)      8.20

Child 5-15      4.60 Student 7.60

Family2Ad+ 2Ch       24.80 Serving Royal Engineers Free

How to find us

Located on Prince Arthur Road. Gillingham. Kent.

Within walking distance from Gillingham Station.

Contact us

Tel: 01634822839      www. re-museum. co. uk/contact




1.Which activity can Lily join in if she visits Royal Engineers Museum on 19 Aug?

A.Chinese New Year. B.The soldiers as artists.

C.Medway in Time D.Historic headwear Hunt.

2.Mr Brown brought his 5-year-old son to the museum and created a rat toy, how much did they pay at least?

A.9.20. B.12.80. C.13.80. D.15.80.

3.What can visitors do when visiting Royal Engineers Museum?

A.Visitors can be taught drawing and map making.

B.Visitors can buy the hats worn by royal engineers.

C.Visitors can explore Medway’s history and traditions.

D.Visitors can call 01634 822839 for some free tickets.


1.C 2.D 3.C 【解析】 本文是皇家工程师博物馆活动广告,包括中国新年、作为艺术家的士兵、历史头饰狩猎、麦德威时间等,文中还说明了活动的开始时间及门票等。 1. 细节理解题。根据文中内容“Medway in Time(7 Jul--31 Aug)”可知,麦德威时间活动时间是从7月7日到8月31日,所以Lily在八月19日去参观博物馆的话,可以加入这项活动。故选C。 2. 推理判断题。根据文中价格,“Adult £9.20 Child (5-15)£4.60 ”可知Mr Brown与他5岁的儿子的门票需要£9.20+£4.60=£13.8;根据文中第一段内容“Join in as the Museum celebrates the Year of the Rat Get creative by decorating a paper lantern or creating your own rat toys.£2 per activity, not included in standard prices.”可知,参加创造自己的老鼠玩具活动需要再付£2,所以共要付£13.8+£2=£15.8。故选D。 3. 推理判断题。根据“Royal Engineers were also taught drawing to help make maps.”可知,不是游客可以学习绘画和地图制作,故选项A错误;根据“Discover the unusual hats, caps and helmets worn by royal Engineers!”可知,游客不可以买到皇家工程师戴的帽子,故选项B错误;根据“the Museum is proud to present artworks about the area’s special history and traditions. Included in standard prices.”可知,博物馆展示该地区特殊历史和传统的艺术品,并包含在标准价格中,故选项C正确;根据“Serving Royal Engineers Free”可知,文中没有说打电话得到免费门票,故选项D错误。故选C。

    It is hard to imagine how a person is to spend the whole life when only the head and hands are able to move.

Xu Ruiyang, an 18-year-old student from Kunming, has suffered(遭受)from spina muscular atrophy(脊柱肌肉萎缩)_______ she was 2 years old. At that time, the doctor said that most children with spinal muscular atrophy will only live a few years.

The family did not give up, or even just _______ . To help Xu Ruiyang live with dignity(尊严), her parents _______ her living and learning skills strictly. Opening a book or raising hands, some very easy actions for common people, _______ , are big challenges for Xu. She had to use her head or _______ to work together with hands to finish these actions.

When she started learning to write, she couldn’t even _______ a pen. But she never gave up. Once she lost the pen, she picked it up and _______ writing. Xu finally could write 500 Chinese characters before becoming a primary school student, after _______ thousands of times.

Over the past few years, Xu has overcome(克服)many problems, including the _______ caused by the disease. Her parents worried about her health and ________ her to drop out of school, but Xu’s answer was no. “ ________ I read a book and do my homework, the pain is gone,” said Xu.

When asked by reporters on how to deal with difficulties, Xu calmly said, “Patience. When you can’t change anything, crying is useless, so just be ________ .”

In Xu’s opinion, her sunny and self-confident ________ comes from the love of her parents.

“If we are not able to make her live longer, we can make her life wider,” said Xu’s father. They travelled across China and more than 20 ________ over the world, including Italy, Thailand and Singapore. During these trips, she developed an interest in learning a ________ language. “I think it’s cool to learn about other countries’ culture and express your feelings to others,” said Xu.

Last June, she finished China’s Gaokao and received an offer from Sichuan International Study University.

1.A.since B.before C.after D.until

2.A.discuss B.depend C.complain D.change

3.A.managed B.trained C.praised D.expected

4.A.moreover B.perhaps C.especial D.however

5.A.legs B.feet C.mouth D.knees

6.A.hold B.drop C.pass D.find

7.A.stopped B.continued C.succeeded D.regretted

8.A.imagining B.counting C.recording D.practising

9.A.cancer B.fever C.sadness D.pain

10.A.warned B.forced C.advised D.allowed

11.A.As well as B.As soon as C.As a result D.As usual

12.A.patient B.quiet C.relaxed D.active

13.A.personality B.appearance C.disability D.achievement

14.A.cities B.countries C.communities D.colleges

15.A.standard B.modern C.foreign D.common



—What a sunny day! Why not go cycling?


A.No, I don’t mind B.You’d better not C.That sounds great D.It’s my pleasure



I have some tickets for the football match. I called my friends to see___________.

A.where did they buy them B.why they liked to go there

C.when did we go together D.whether they’d like to go



In order to send the donations to the hospital as soon as possible, the drivers___________ stopped to eat or rest during the journey.

A.nearly B.hardly C.badly D.mostly



___________ famous Chinese songs, such as The Love Song of Kangding and Jasmine Flowers, were sung during the concert.

A.A number of B.The number of C.A great deal D.a great deal of



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