满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Once, there was a big spider in the base...

    Once, there was a big spider in the basement (地下室) of an art museum. The spider was good at making webs. Every day, he spent much time taking care of his web. For him, it was very ________.

However, one day, the museum workers began to take paintings out of the basement. ________ other spiders came to know what was happening, they soon moved to other places. However, the big spider didn’t want to move. “It’s ________ for me to find a better place to make a web,” he thought. “I need to work ________ to make my web stronger. When they see my strong web, they will ________.” So, the spider did his best to make his web stronger. Over time, there were fewer and fewer paintings.

One afternoon, the ________ came again. It looked like that they were going to take the painting anyway. The spider didn’t want to leave. But when he ________ he might lose his life, he ran away from the basement and came to a little garden. To his ________, he could make an even more beautiful web there. The spider thought, “Sometimes, leaving doesn’t mean ________.”

In our life, we have to make difficult ________ sometimes. It’s not easy, but we shouldn’t be afraid. Future might be better than we think.

1.A.boring B.difficult C.important D.relaxing

2.A.If B.When C.Unless D.Although

3.A.easy B.exciting C.necessary D.impossible

4.A.earlier B.harder C.farther D.closer

5.A.give up B.cheer up C.try out D.blow out

6.A.painters B.visitors C.workers D.farmers

7.A.hoped B.explained C.agreed D.realized

8.A.joy B.joke C.worry D.sadness

9.A.hiding B.losing C.winning D.improving

10.A.records B.wishes C.habits D.decisions


1.C 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.D 【解析】 文章大意:本文主要讲了美术博物馆地下室里的一个蜘蛛不愿离开原有的地方,直到有一天,他意识到不离开可能会失去生命,他离开地下室来到了一个小花园,发现小花园更适合织网。通过这个故事,作者告诉我们:在我们的生活中,有时我们不得不做出艰难的决定。这并不容易,但我们不应该害怕。未来可能比我们想象的更好。 1.boring无聊的;difficult困难的;important重要的;relaxing令人放松的。根据上文“Every day, he spent much time taking care of his web.”讲蜘蛛花费很多时间照顾他的网,可推出这对他很重要。故选C。 2.……时;Unless除非;Although尽管。根据题干可知这里讲其他蜘蛛搬到别的地方的时间是“知道发生了什么事”时,用When引导时间状语从句。故选B。 3.“我不可能找到一个更好的织网的地方。” easy容易的;exciting令人激动的;necessary必要的;impossible不可能的。根据上文“However, the big spider didn’t want to move.”讲这只大蜘蛛不愿意搬走,可推出他认为找到一个更好的织网的地方是“不可能的”。故选D。 4.“to make my web stronger”想要网更结实,可推出会更努力织网,用harder符合题意。故选B。 5.“However, the big spider didn’t want to move.”讲这只大蜘蛛不愿意搬走,可推出是想织出更结实的网,使工人们放弃。故选A。 6.“the museum workers”可知是工人们又来了。故选C。 7.“he might lose his life”可知他“意识到”自己可能会失去生命。故选D。 8.“he could make an even more beautiful web there”讲到可以在小花园里织出一张更漂亮的网,可推出这是令人高兴的。故选A。 9.“离开并不意味着失去”。故选B。 10.“It’s not easy, but we shouldn’t be afraid. Future might be better than we think.”讲到未来可能比我们想象的更美好,可推出是说不要害怕做决定,结合空前“make difficult ____”可知此处是说做出艰难的决定。make decisions做决定。故选D。

    We all get angry. Sometimes, we get so angry that we may think about doing _________.

Last Saturday, I offered to sweep the floor for my mom. When I ________, I decided to do my homework. However, my little brother Tim threw a lot of ________ of paper on the floor. What a mess! I was quite angry, ________ he thought it was funny. He even made a funny face. I became ________ and threw his favorite cup onto the floor.

Tim began to cry. My mom sat me down and talked to me in ________ soft voice. She said, “Lucy, breaking things in anger is never the right way ________ a problem.” When Dad came home from work, he told me that I would have to use the money I got for my ________ birthday to buy a new cup for Tim. How upset I was! Then he said to me“Using words ________ always better than hitting or throwing. If you were angry with Tim, why didn’t you tell him ________? When you do bad things out of anger, you will always regret (懊悔) them.”

Although I’m still a little sad, I will always remember what my parents told me that day.

1.A.something terrible B.terrible something C.anything terrible D.terrible anything

2.A.finish B.finished C.will finish D.am finishing

3.A.pair B.pairs C.piece D.pieces

4.A.so B.and C.but D.or

5.A.happy B.happier C.angry D.angrier

6.A.a B.an C.the D./

7.A.solves B.solved C.solving D.to solve

8.A.twelve B.the twelve C.twelfth D.the twelfth

9.A.is B.was C.are D.were

10.A.how do you feel B.how you feel C.how did you feel D.how you felt




Job interviews can be very different from country to country. An interviewer's “body language” and questions, and the form of an interview are not the same around the world.

If you're at a job interview in Japan, don't look directly into the eyes of the interviewer. It is considered impolite. But if you're at an interview in the US., you should make eye contact with the interviewer. If you don't, the interviewer may think you are not sure about your ability.

In the US. and some other countries, interviewers aren't supposed to ask questions about family and personal information. In most countries, however, personal questions are very common during job interviews.

In Germany, your interview might begin with a very short conversation followed by a formal interview. In Mexico and many other countries, the whole interview might not be formal.

Word Bank:

contact 交流  formal正式的

1.In Japan, looking directly into the eyes of the interviewer is________.

A.boring B.impolite C.humorous D.dangerous

2.What is suggested at an interview in the US. according to the text?

A. Sitting by the interviewer.  B.Making eye contact.

C.Talking about family background.  D. Asking personal information.

3.In________, a short talk usually begins before a formal interview.

A.Japan B.the US. C.Germany D.Mexico

4.In which part of a magazine can we read the text?

A.Culture. B.Geography. C.Science. D.Sports.

5.What's the best title for the passage?

A.Job Interviews in Japan B.Job Interviews in the US.

C.Job Interviews in Germany D.Job Interviews in Different Countries



    如今越来越多的国外学生来中国学习,现在学校为了让留学生更快适应中国的生活,就中国的日常习俗向本校学生进行征稿。作为学校的一员,请你以“Some daily customs in China”为题用英语写一篇短文,介绍中国的日常生活习惯。

要求:1. 文中不得出现真实姓名或学校名称;2. 词数100左右。

Some daily customs in China




    In music, you will find love of the country, love of nature and love of home. Music is also an expression of the musician. He or she expresses his or her own music ideas.

Classical music is a form of music 1. needs high musical skills. If you wish to learn this kind of music, you have to go through proper training. Only in this way 2. you play or sing this kind of music successfully. Hip­hop music started in Africa. It always includes the use of instruments, 3. the bass. It was first played 4. a group of West African travelling singers and poets. Jazz music has strong melodies. The main musical instrument is violin, which helps carry the melody. Jazz is kind of difficult but there are still thousands 5. people who are crazy about it. Besides these, there are many others. All these kinds of music can bring pleasant feelings to people.

Word Bank melody旋律  bass低音号



    [素材选自One Story A Day Book 1]


Maggie watches a lot of television. She likes watching TV so much that wherever she goes, she always arrives late. She can't wait to go back to the front of TV, so she never _____ her breakfast or homework. Every day she spends _____ in front of the TV. Her mother thinks her daughter watches too much television. One day, she decided to have a _____ with her.

Ms Hunter said to her daughter, “_____ I was a little girl, we did not have a television. In fact, I was nearly ten years old before I saw my first movie.” “Ten years old before you _____ a movie” cried Maggie.

Then Maggie's mother told her own_____.

“We lived in a small village. One day, my father came back home from work_____. He would take us to see a movie. It was _____ to wait all week for that big day to arrive. Soon the weekend arrived. We were very _____. Mother got us dressed in ______ best clothes that day. And father talked with us ______ movies.

When we arrived, there was a big movie screen______ and a movie projector sitting on a table. We sat on the grass. It was so amazing ______ a moving picture. I will never forget that day. ”

Ms Hunter continued, “In those days, we didn't have much. But, you see how happy we were. And the day is always ______.” Maggie smiled back at her mother and said, “Thanks for ______ me about this, Mom. I have more to think about.” She decides not to watch TV like before.

Word Bank: projector 放映机

1.A.finds B.cooks C.drinks D.finishes

2.A.minutes B.hours C.days D.months

3.A.talk B.walk C.dream D.fight

4.A.Unless B.Because C.When D.Since

5.A.bought B.enjoyed C.made D.saw

6.A.feeling B.story C.joke D.thought

7.A.happily B.slowly C.sadly D.quickly

8.A.difficult B.ready C.wonderful D.interesting

9.A.anxious B.excited C.worried D.proud

10.A.her B.his C.their D.our

11.A.from B.under C.about D.over

12.A.set up B.made up C.turned up D.packed up

13.A.to see B.see C.seeing D.saw

14.A.remember B.remembered C.remembering D.to remember

15.A.telling B.singing C.teaching D.discussing



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