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From Hobby to Job Yesterday at the Minne...

    From Hobby to Job

Yesterday at the Minnesota Fashion Week, the 15-year-old designer(设计者)Rachel amazed the fashion world when she showed her clothes for the first time. _______ agreed that they looked fantastic.

Rachel taught herself to make clothes when she was just 7. "I didn't like my own clothes and wanted to _______, so I usually added things-like pockets or ties. My Mom used to get a bit _______ about all the scissors and pins lying around," laughed Rachel. Then one year, she decided to have a summer _______ at a fashion and design school, where she learned many skills from her teacher Joan. When Rachel was 12, Joan invited a few teenagers to _______ her at the famous Toronto Fashion Week. "I loved it," said Rachel. "It was just _______ and I knew that I wanted to be there. "

At the Minnesota Fashion Week, Rachel looked _______ beautiful in her smart jacket with a decoration(装饰)of a small blue butterfly on it. People at the event were _______ her skill and designs. "I did all my work on the clothes after dinner, _______ I always had a busy timetable at school and much homework as well. But it was worth it. " Rachel felt proud.

Rachel sold all of her works and the ________ went to a local children's hospital. "I know that the hospital needs it to make the children's stay as comfortable as possible," she said.

1.A.Someone B.Everyone C.No one

2.A.take notes B.do researches C.make changes

3.A.worried B.excited C.disappointed

4.A.course B.vacation C.sport

5.A.satisfy B.join C.direct

6.A.simple B.strange C.amazing

7.A.especially B.probably C.normally

8.A.improving B.admiring C.developing

9.A.as B.when C.unless

10.A.jacket B.decoration C.money


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.A 10.C 【解析】 在明尼苏达州的时装周上,一个15岁的女孩Rachel设计的服装让整个时尚界都非常震惊。Rachel从小就自己做衣服,后来她向Joan学习服装设计。时装周后她卖掉了自己的作品,把钱捐给了一家儿童医院。 1. 句意:大家都认为它们看起来棒极了。 考查不定代词辨析及语境。Someone某人;Everyone每个人;No one没有人。根据上句话“Yesterday at the Minnesota Fashion Week, the 15-year-old designer(设计者)Rachel amazed the fashion world when she showed her clothes for the first time.”可知,Rachel设计的衣服让时尚界都很震惊,因此大家都觉得它们很好。故选B。 2. 句意:我不喜欢自己的衣服,想做些改变,所以我通常会加上口袋或领带之类的东西。 考查动词短语辨析及语境。take notes做笔记;do researches做研究;make changes做改变。根据句意“I didn’t’ like…so I usually added things-like pockets or ties.”可知,Rachel给自己的衣服做了一些改变。故选C。 3. 句意:我妈妈曾经有点担心到处都是剪刀和别针。 考查形容词辨析及语境。worried担心的;excited兴奋的,激动的;disappointed失望的。根据句中提到的“…all the scissors and pins lying around”以及上文“Rachel taught herself to make clothes when she was just 7.”可知,对于一个7岁的女孩来说,剪刀、别针这些东西是很危险的,因此妈妈曾经很为她担心。故选A。 4. 句意:有一年,她决定去一所时装设计学校上暑期课程,在那里她从老师Joan那里学到了很多技能。 考查名词辨析及语境。course课程;vacation假期;sport运动。根据句中“…where she learned many skills from her teacher Joan.”,Rachel学到了很多技能,所以她上的是暑期课程,故选A。 5. 句意:Rachel 12岁的时候,Joan邀请了几个十几岁的孩子和她一起参加著名的多伦多时装周。 考查动词辨析及语境。satisfy使满足,满意;join参加,加入;direct指导。根据句意可知,Joan带领着几个孩子和她一起参加多伦多时装周。join sb.表示“加入某人,和某人一起……”,符合语境,故选B。 6. 句意:太棒了,我知道我想去那里。 考查形容词辨析及语境。simple简单的;strange奇怪的,陌生的;amazing令人惊异的。根据上句话“I loved it”可知,Rachel喜欢去时装周,所以她的评价是好的,C选项符合语境,故选C。 7. 句意:在明尼苏达州时装周上,Rachel穿着她那件缀有蓝色小蝴蝶装饰的时髦夹克,看上去特别漂亮。 考查副词辨析及语境。especially特别,尤其;probably可能;normally正常地。根据句子结构可知,该空修饰空后的形容词beautiful,结合语境可知,当Rachel穿着那件缀有蓝色小蝴蝶装饰的时髦夹克时,她尤其漂亮。用especially表示程度加深,符合语境,故选A。 8. 句意:参加活动的人都在欣赏她的技巧和设计。 考查动词辨析及语境。improving提高,改善;admiring欣赏,钦佩;developing发展。根据短文开头“Yesterday at the Minnesota Fashion Week, the 15-year-old designer(设计者)Rachel amazed the fashion world when she showed her clothes for the first time.”可知,在明尼苏达时装周上,Rachel震惊了时尚界,因此人们都欣赏她的设计。故选B。 9. 句意:我在晚饭后做了所有的衣服,因为在学校我总是有一个繁忙的时间表和许多家庭作业。 考查连词辨析及语境。as因为;当……时候;when当……时候;unless除非,如果不。根据句意可知,空后解释了前面说的“I did all my work on the clothes after dinner”的原因,因此这里应用as引导原因状语从句,故选A。 10. 句意:Rachel卖掉了她所有的作品,所得的钱捐给了当地的一家儿童医院。 考查名词辨析及语境。jacket夹克衫;decoration装饰;money钱。句中提到“Rachel sold all of her works”,下句话说“医院需要它让孩子们住得尽可能舒服”,因此该空指的是Rachel卖掉作品得来的钱。故选C。

— Could you tell me ________?

— Throwing off poverty(脱贫).

A.who people often talk about this year

B.what people often talk about this year

C.which do people often talk about this year



Du Fu is a great Chinese poet ________ has become popular with many people around the world.

A.which B.whom C.who



— Your hometown is famous for tea, right?

— Yes. Now tea plants ________ on most mountains here.

A.will grow B.are grown C.were grown



In some cities of China, you'll get fined ________ you don't walk along the crosswalk while crossing the road.

A.if B.though C.until



My grandma ________ the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team and watches almost all their matches on TV.

A.is crazy about B.is good for C.is strict with



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