满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

When Claire Vlases of Montana was in Gr...


When Claire Vlases of Montana was in Grade 7, she learned about plans to modernize her middle school. Claire asked the school board(董事会)to add solar panels to the project because, she explained, clean energy would be helpful to a really modern school.

The board liked the idea but said it could offer just $ 25,000-one-fifth of the cost. So Claire organized a group of kids and grown-ups who set to work raising the rest. They sold their second-hand books, put on talent shows and asked for donations(捐赠), even going door-to-door for them. One donated more than half the cost!

After two years of hard work, the group paid for the solar panels, which now provide one-fourth of the school’s electricity needs-saving the neighborhood thousands of dollars. “My favorite part about this project was that one person could start something small and then the project could grow and have a big influence on the community,” Claire said. “There are always going to be hard parts. When there’s a challenge(挑战)presented to you, you can learn from it and use it as chance to overcome it.”

1.After knowing the project was still in need of money, Claire ________.

A.raised $ 25,000 B.asked for more help

C.sold old newspapers D.donated half the cost

2.What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph2 refer to(指代)?

A.Solar panels. B.Second-hand books.

C.Shows. D.Donations.

3.Which picture shows the change of the electricity cost after the use of solar panels?

A. B.

C. D.

4.From Claire’s words in the last paragraph, we learn that ________.

A.hard work was her favorite B.the project went smoothly

C.a small thing makes a big difference D.solar panels cost a lot

5.What would be the best title for the text?

A.A Dependent Girl B.A Modern School

C.Don’t Waste Energy D.Never Give Up


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.C 5.D 【解析】 学校安装太阳能电池板时资金不足,克莱尔为了帮助学校安装太阳能电池板,自己组织了一群孩子和成年人,他们坚持不懈,寻求帮助,经过两年的艰苦努力以后,太能能电池板成功安装,并为学校和社区节省了大量的资金。 1. 细节理解题。根据第二段中“So Claire organized a group of kids and grown-ups who set to work raising the rest.”可知,在得知这个项目还需要钱的时候,克莱尔组织了一群孩子和成年人去筹集这个项目还需要的钱,也就是说克莱尔寻求了更多的帮助。故选B。 2. 词意猜测题。Solar panels.太阳能电池板。Second-hand books.二手书。Shows.演出。Donations.捐款。根据上文中“They sold their second-hand books, put on talent shows and asked for donations.”可知,他们通过出售二手书,举办才艺表演来获得捐款,所以此处them代指上文中donations,表示“他们甚至通过挨家挨户的方式来获得捐款”。故选D。 3. 细节理解题。根据第三段中“which now provide one-fourth of the school’s electricity needs-saving the neighborhood thousands of dollars”可知,太阳能电池板现在提供了学校四分之一的电力需求,为社区节省了数千美元,也就是说安装了太阳能电池板以后,费用在逐步降低,结合图示可知C项正确。故选C。 4. 细节理解题。根据最后一段中“My favorite part about this project was that one person could start something small and then the project could grow and have a big influence on the community”可知,克莱尔最喜欢这个项目的部分是,一个人可以开始一些小的事情,然后这个项目可以扩大,并对社区有很大的影响,也就是说“一件小事就会有重大的影响”。故选C。 5. 选择最佳标题。根据全文内容可知,克莱尔为了帮助学校安装太阳能电池板,自己组织了一群孩子和成年人,他们坚持不懈,永不放弃,经过两年的艰苦努力以后,太能能电池板成功安装,并为学校和社区节省了大量的资金,所以文章最佳标题为Never Give Up永不放弃。故选D。


Notices from the Student Center

Slogan(标语)Design Competition

Purposes: To use English creatively and help provide a clean and safe school.

Classical Drama

Enjoy new season of great dramas written by Hans Christian Andersen at the music hall!



Date& Time


1st place

An electronic dictionary

Sep. 6  8:00 pm

The Little Mermaid

2nd place

A novel: Harry Potter

Oct. 2  7:30 pm


3rd place

A movie ticket: Mulan

Nov. 7  8:30 pm

The Red Shoes

Each student can send slogans by e-mail to info@smartschool. com before Aug. 30

Starring: Happy Tree Drama Team

Director: Tom Weaver

30-minute Fitness Club

30-a-day Fitness is a fun fitness class for students. Here are some advantages:

Keep in shape.

Make bones grow.

Improve a sense of balance.

Increase daily physical activity.

Don't miss the chance!

Visit www. smartschool. com

Little Cook Training Program

If you enjoy creating delicious dishes, why not attend our "Little Cook Training Program"? Each student who takes part in it will get certificate(证书).

Date: Aug. 3-15

Time: 11:00 am-4: 30 pm

Place: dining hall

If you are interested in it, please e-mail info@smartschool. com

For information: Adelina Santos

Tel: 5323009




1.What is the prize for 2nd place in Slogan Design Competition?

A.A certificate. B.A novel. C.A dictionary. D.A movie ticket.

2.When is Thumbelina put on?

A.8:00 pm, Sep. 6 B.7:30pm, Oct. 2.

C.8:30 pm, Nov. 7. D.11:00 am, Aug. 3.

3.How many advantages does the fitness class have?

A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five.

4.What will the students probably do in Little Cook Training Program?

A.Enjoy The Red Shoes. B.Increase daily physical activity.

C.Learn how to make Beijing duck. D.Help the cooks wash dishes.

5.The organizer of the activities above is ________.

A.the Student Center B.Tom Weaver

C.Fitness Club D.Adelina Santos



    From Hobby to Job

Yesterday at the Minnesota Fashion Week, the 15-year-old designer(设计者)Rachel amazed the fashion world when she showed her clothes for the first time. _______ agreed that they looked fantastic.

Rachel taught herself to make clothes when she was just 7. "I didn't like my own clothes and wanted to _______, so I usually added things-like pockets or ties. My Mom used to get a bit _______ about all the scissors and pins lying around," laughed Rachel. Then one year, she decided to have a summer _______ at a fashion and design school, where she learned many skills from her teacher Joan. When Rachel was 12, Joan invited a few teenagers to _______ her at the famous Toronto Fashion Week. "I loved it," said Rachel. "It was just _______ and I knew that I wanted to be there. "

At the Minnesota Fashion Week, Rachel looked _______ beautiful in her smart jacket with a decoration(装饰)of a small blue butterfly on it. People at the event were _______ her skill and designs. "I did all my work on the clothes after dinner, _______ I always had a busy timetable at school and much homework as well. But it was worth it. " Rachel felt proud.

Rachel sold all of her works and the ________ went to a local children's hospital. "I know that the hospital needs it to make the children's stay as comfortable as possible," she said.

1.A.Someone B.Everyone C.No one

2.A.take notes B.do researches C.make changes

3.A.worried B.excited C.disappointed

4.A.course B.vacation C.sport

5.A.satisfy B.join C.direct

6.A.simple B.strange C.amazing

7.A.especially B.probably C.normally

8.A.improving B.admiring C.developing

9.A.as B.when C.unless

10.A.jacket B.decoration C.money



— Could you tell me ________?

— Throwing off poverty(脱贫).

A.who people often talk about this year

B.what people often talk about this year

C.which do people often talk about this year



Du Fu is a great Chinese poet ________ has become popular with many people around the world.

A.which B.whom C.who



— Your hometown is famous for tea, right?

— Yes. Now tea plants ________ on most mountains here.

A.will grow B.are grown C.were grown



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