满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Last year, I worked in a middle school n...

    Last year, I worked in a middle school near my mother's house, and I stayed with her for a month. During that time, I helped her do some housework and buy some _____.

After the first week, I noticed that the food was eaten up very _____. Then I began keeping an eye on my mom. To my _____, I found that she would put some of the food into a paper bag and go out with it at about nine every morning. And finally, I decided to _____ her. I saw her taking the food to the street _____. She would also _____ a lot of time talking and playing with them.

One day, I talked to a neighbor and found out that my mum was _____ in the area. The children were very friendly to her and even thought of her as _____  own mother. Then it hit me—why wouldn't she want to tell me about it? Was she worried that I would stop buying food _____ I found it out?

When my mum got home, I gave her a big hug. I told her she didn't need to keep it a _____ to me. _____  she told me something about the children. Some of them lived with an old lady in a small house. Others _____ on the street. For years, she was helping the poor street children by giving them food. After she told me everything, I was so _____ by how selfless (无私的) she was. She helped others in need. As her son, I was so _____ of my mum.

I _____ to buy food for my mum after that. But I always added one more bag for her other children.

1.A.drinks B.clothes C.food D.fruit

2.A.easily B.comfortably C.slowly D.quickly

3.A.surprise B.joy C.happiness D.sadness

4.A.see B.call C.follow D.catch

5.A.pupils B.children C.dogs D.villagers

6.A.take B.pay C.cost D.spend

7.A.bored B.well-known C.interested D.relaxed

8.A.their B.his C.her D.your

9.A.although B.unless C.if D.before

10.A.secret B.challenge C.joke D.present

11.A.But B.Although C.And D.Or

12.A.played B.ran C.cried D.slept

13.A.angry B.moved C.disappointed D.worried

14.A.sorry B.tired C.afraid D.proud

15.A.stopped B.refused C.continued D.hated


1.C 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.A 11.C 12.D 13.B 14.D 15.C 【解析】 【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了作者发现给母亲买的食物总是很快吃完,继而发现母亲每天将食物装在袋子里带出家门。于是作者跟着母亲,发现她将食物分给了那些有需要的孩子。作者在知道了事情真相后,为自己的母亲感到自豪。 1. 考查名词词义辨析。根据下文"...I noticed that the food..."可知是帮助妈妈买食物。故选C。 2. 考查副词词义辨析。结合语境可知,此处是作者注意到食物很快被吃完,quickly符合语境。故选D。 3. 考查名词词义辨析。根据句意可知此处表示惊讶to one's surprise令某人感到惊讶的是,为固定搭配。故选A。 4. 考查动词词义辨析。根据下一句"I saw her taking the food to the street 5 "可知,作者是跟着母亲才能看到她在做什么。follow符合语境。故选C。 5. 考查名词词义辨析。根据第三段第二句中"The children were very friendly to her..."可知,作者的母亲把食物分给了街上的孩子们,children符合语境,故选B。 6. 考查动词词义辨析。根据句意可知此处是指花费时间和孩子们说话和玩。故选D。 7. 考查形容词词义辨析。从"I talked to a neighbor"和下文"The children were very friendly to her"可推知作者的母亲很受欢迎。故选B。 8. 考查代词词义辨析。根据句意可知,孩子们对她很友好甚至把她看作他们的母亲。此处用their指代children。故选A。 9. 考查从属连词词义辨析。从下文"When my mum got home, I gave her a big hug."可知作者是支持母亲的,而母亲担心如果作者发现就不会再买食物了。故选C。 10. 考查名词词义辨析。根据下文"...she told me something about the children."可知作者不希望母亲将这件事情对他保密。secret符合语境。故选A。 11. 考查连词词义辨析。结合语境可知此处前后为顺承关系。故选C。 12. 考查动词词义辨析。根据上文"Some of them lived with an old lady in a small house."可知,有的孩子和一个老妇人住在一个小房子里,其他人睡在大街上。slept符合语境。故选D。 13. 考查形容词词义辨析。根据上文"For years, she was helping the poor street children by giving them food."可知,作者被母亲无私的行为感动了。故选B。 14. 考查形容词词义辨析。根据语境可知此处指作者为自己的母亲感到自豪,proud符合语境。故选D。 15. 考查动词词义辨析。根据下句"But I always added one more bag for her other children."可知作者是继续给母亲买食物,continued符合语境。故选C。  

[素材选自One Story A Day Book 5]


One day I ran across Johnny Baker on the street. He was a lot older than I was and known as the worst kid in the neighborhood. He came to me and said, "I'm going to the store. Want to come along or are you too chicken?" For some reasons, I agreed.

When we left the store, he stole two chocolate bars and put one in my hand. At that moment, the owner of the store came out. Johnny ran off, but I stayed. I was in big trouble then. My grandfather told me a story about a frog and a scorpion that night.

There was once a frog and a scorpion who both lived on an island. One day, there was a fire in the whole island. Just as the frog was about to jump into the water, the scorpion came to him and begged, "Please help me get off the island! I can't swim. Let me ride on your back."

"No," said the frog. "You'll sting me!"  

"No!" the scorpion said. "Why would I do that? If I did that, we'd both die!"

The frog thought about this and finally agreed.

Once they were far from the shore, the scorpion stung the frog on the back. "Why did you do that?" he cried out. "Now we'll both die!" The scorpion replied, "Because I am a scorpion."

When my grandfather finished telling the story, he looked at me and said, "One of the most important decisions you make in your life is who you call your friends." I nodded my head.

1.Who is Johnny Baker?

A.He is a bad child in the neighborhood. B.He never steals things from the stores.

C.He is the oldest boy on the street. D.He likes going shopping with others.

2.What did Johnny Baker give the writer when they left the store?

A. B. C. D.

3.Why was the writer in big trouble?

A.Because he didn't like the frog in the story.

B.Because his grandfather was quite pleased with Johnny.

C.Because he was considered as the thief at last by mistake.

D.Because he decided never to find friends after knowing the story.

4.How might the frog feel after the scorpion stung him?

A.Angry. B.Moved. C.Nervous. D.Tired.

5.What does the text mainly tell us?

A.Never believe in a bad person. B.Scorpion and frog are enemies forever.

C.Friends have a big influence on each other. D.Choosing friends in your life is very important.



    Time management is the process of planning how much time should be spent on activities. Good time management allows you to complete more in a shorter period of time, lowers your stress and leads you to success.


Make a plan

The best way to achieve success and keep your life in order is to make a plan.


Give full attention

Get away from your phone and computer. Although they are important to daily communication, they can take up much more attention than they deserve. Consider shutting them off completely as you work on a task that requires your full attention.


Learn to say “no”

Many business leaders put a lot of their success down through simply saying “no”. That is, they put their efforts in the few areas that are really important and have the courage to say “no” to everything else.


Give yourself a break

Taking breaks is good for your brain. Don't be hard on yourself: you will actually perform better if you take breaks and find a hobby besides study. Only an active brain can solve problems better.


Word Bank

deserve 应得  involvement 参与

A.Hope above suggestions will be helpful to your study and daily life.

B.For example, if you do your homework at night, you'd better turn off the phone in order to be more careful.

C.What you achieve importantly depends on the way you manage your time. Here is some advice on how to manage your time better.

D.Those who ask for your involvement would be more disappointed if you unwisely agreed to do something, but then failed to finish it. So, be honest with yourself and others.

E.This starts as a list of all the tasks that are important for achieving your goals. Write them down, and don't just depend on your memory: it's not as good as you think it is.





1. 必须包含所有提示信息,可适当发挥,开头已给出,不计入总词数;

2. 意思清楚,表达通顺,行文连贯,书写规范;

3. 请勿在文中使用真实的姓名和校名。

Dear David,

I'm pleased to know that you're interested in Chinese medicine._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Li Hua




Do you know how rice first came to China? There is an old Chinese story 1. is about little girl who went out to fish. There was famine(饥荒)and everybody was very 2. /'hʌŋgrɪ/.

The little girl felt her net growing heavy and was very happy. However, it was the King of Frogs(青蛙)that she 3. /kɔ: t/. The frog told her to hold out her fishing net to the sun's rays and he would sing 4. magic song. The little girl followed his instructions. She was 5.greatsurprised to see the rays of sunshine falling through the net. And they were changed 6. golden grains(谷粒)of rice. The first rice was thought to arrive in this way.

We do not know whether this story is true, but it tells 7.wethat rice has the same value as gold to the Chinese. Rice 8.bealways the main food for the Chinese. For centuries, much land has been devoted(奉献)to rice-planting and many Chinese people are 9.farmer, who work very hard for each grain.

It's important to 10. /seɪv/ food and say no to waste. After all, waste not, want not.




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