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无规矩不成方圆。你们学校的图书馆有哪些规定呢?请以“The rules of m...

    无规矩不成方圆。你们学校的图书馆有哪些规定呢?请以“The rules of my school library”为题,并根据以下要点和要求,用英语写一篇短文,介绍你们图书馆的规定。

1. 要点:1)你们学校图书馆有哪些规定;2)你对这些规定的看法。

2. 要求:1)文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称;2)词数100左右。

The rules of my school library



例文 The rules of my school library There are many rules in my school library. The first rule is that we can't speak loudly. If we have questions to ask, we must communicate with each other in a low voice. The second rule is that we can't eat in the self­study room. If we are hungry, we can go out of the self­study room and eat in a rest area. The third rule is that we can not run after each other in the study room. Although these rules sometimes make me unhappy, I think they are really good for us. 【解析】 略  

    One day, Mark Carey, a farmer from a village 1. southern part of Switzerland, had a dream. In the dream, he was kissing his son good night when suddenly something round appeared in the sky. It looked 2.a spaceship. Then it began to land. After it landed, a strange creature with two huge eyes came out. The creature walked towards the door. It seemed so dangerous! Mark pushed against the door with all his strength and prevented it 3. running into the house.

The next day, April 10th, it 4. reported on TV that some strange creatures had been to the village and drawn a starfish on the wall. Some people thought they must be aliens that came from other planets. Some thought they may be a kind of animal coming to their village 5. look for food.

Do you think it is strange? What's the truth of it? Nobody knows. It's still a mystery.

Word Bank: creature生物



    Basketball can be fun, or it can be trouble. People gather around a ball, but their reactions often go _____ the object.

It was a terribly hot summer day _____ the group of us appeared on the basketball court. Silently, we _____ up and played, as always. The sun was a big “squeezer”, as it not only squeezed out of us sweat and energy, but also our _____ feelings. Body contact became more and more often, and we could all _____ the attacks of elbows. After another round of game, one of the players and I fell to the ground at the same time. From his burning eyeballs, I could see a _____ was almost unavoidable.

It suddenly came to _____ that my tins of Cola were lying on the ground, about an inch away from me. “Buddy, hot down here. What about a _____?” I said to him. _____ I rolled one to him, looking at him in the eyes with my most sincere facial expression. “I guess I'm quite fine. Lucky no ______ bones or we'll end up in the hospital! ”I said.

Other players watching nearby all laughed. I could clearly see some movements on his face. My ______ did work! He picked the Cola up, tried to open it, and walked over. As he passed by my side, he ______ his left hand, and smiled at me. I smiled back, took his hand, and gave him a light shake.

A gentle wind caught me on the face ______ I returned to the basketball court. The sun continued to provide ______ for us. What could be better than a group of school students ______ basketball skills on a warm, sunny afternoon?

Word Bank

reaction反应squeezer剥削者    sweat汗水 elbow肘部

1.A.towards B.about C.beyond D.for

2.A.where B.when C.what D.how

3.A.teamed B.cheered C.looked D.caught

4.A.tired B.angry C.excited D.unhappy

5.A.accept B.afford C.smell D.feel

6.A.match B.fight C.touch D.risk

7.A.them B.her C.him D.me

8.A.game B.talk C.drink D.ball

9.A.Angrily B.Equally C.Guiltily D.Carefully

10.A.lazy B.hidden C.medical D.broken

11.A.humor B.chance C.advice D.trust

12.A.looked at B.thought of C.put away D.held out

13.A.before B.after C.as D.because

14.A.worry B.warmth C.stress D.peace

15.A.protecting B.encouraging C.exchanging D.comparing



[素材选自English in Mind Book 3]


In my hometown there is a beautiful lake. It's in the middle of the mountains and the water is freezing. People don't go there very often. It's only on hot summer days that brave people go for a quick swim there because they believe that it's dangerous to swim there.

The story goes that one day some fishermen were fishing on the lake. When they pulled up their net, they saw they had caught a creature which looked like a person. They were terrified, and tried to kill it. But just then, a heavy thunderstorm began. The men disappeared, but their boat was found a few days later.

To be honest, I don't believe a single word of the story. But recently someone said he had seen the strange creature. He even showed a photo of it. Not surprisingly, the picture was so dark that it didn't show anything. On the Internet someone says the creature came from another planet and the police know this, but deny it because they don't want to frighten people.

Does the world really exist this kind of creature? Maybe only scientists can tell us the truth in the future. What we should do is to believe the science.

Word Bank

creature生物 terrified害怕的

1.When do people go swimming in the lake?

A.In spring. B.In summer. C.In autumn. D.In winter.

2.Why do people swim only for a short time in the lake?

A.Because the lake is dirty. B.Because the water is cold.

C.Because the lake is dangerous. D.Because swimming there isn't allowed.

3.What can we see in the picture?

A.Nothing. B.The creature. C.The lake. D.The fishermen.

4.What does the underlined word “deny” mean in Chinese?

A.接受 B.否认 C.怀疑 D.扣留

5.What's the passage mainly about?

A.Some fishermen. B.An interesting story.

C.The writer's hometown. D.A strange creature.



    Like many high school graduates, Maggie Doyne didn't go straight to college. She decided to travel and arrived in western Nepal in 2006. A war had just ended there and left many children living on the streets. They were often forced to work at hard physical jobs for little money.

One day, while walking down a country road, Doyne saw a little girl breaking up rocks. She soon learned that 7­year­old Hima sold the rocks to support her family. With deep sadness, she decided to pay Hima's tuition for school. Encouraged by the changes in the child, Doyne thought“If we can help one child, why not

Doyne felt that the street children's greatest need was a home. She found a piece of land for sale and bought it with $5000 she saved from years of babysitting. In 2008 the Kopila Valley Children's Home was set up. With the help from the community, another goal was reached in 2010—the Kopila Valley School. Over 350 children now attend the school and over 50 live in the home.

Today, Doyne lives in the home and is “mum” to the kids.

1.When did Maggie Doyne travel to western Nepal?

A.In 2006. B.In 2007. C.In 2008. D.In 2010.

2.The children in Nepal lived on the streets because of ________

A.rocks B.the war C.bad health D.poverty

3.Why did Hima break up the rocks?

A.To do physical exercise.

B.To build a new school.

C.To get money for her family.

D.To repair the country road.

4.What can we learn from Paragraph 3?

A.The street children once worked as babysitters.

B.Doyne got some support from the community.

C.Doyne borrowed much money from the government.

D.Over 5000 children attended the Kopila Valley School.

5.What is the best title for the text?

A.Maggie Doyne—A Lonely Traveller

B.War in Western Nepal

C.Maggie Doyne—Mum to More Than 50

D.A Girl Lived on Her Own



    自我保护是青少年需要掌握的重要技能。请以“How to protect myself”为题,谈谈你在生活中怎样进行自我保护,并根据以下要点和要求写一篇英语短文。

1. 要点:1)面对危险如何自救;



2. 要求:1)文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称;


How to protect myself




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