满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

In the Warring States period, Mozi made ...

In the Warring States period, Mozi made the _______kite in history out of wood.(第一)


first 【解析】 句意:战国时期,墨子用木头制作了历史上第一个风筝。 根据句意和单词的意思可知,这里考查的是序数词first,前面用定冠词,修饰后面的名词kite。故答案为first。  

They are trying to use 3D printers to print food that is both ________and good for us(美味的)



Yancheng is the ______to red-crowned cranes and Milu deer.(家乡)



    The Millennial Trains Project is a non-profit(非营利性的)organization that makes it possible for young people to take part in creative projects. The organization leads crowdfunded(众筹的)train journeys. These journeys provide young people with the chance to help different communities. The organization has already completed two journeys. Twenty-four people are now getting ready to be a part of the third.

To get a place on the train, each person has to raise $5,000 and have an idea for a project. At cach stop, they get off the train to explore a different town, city, or wherever their projects take them.

Amy is planning to visit bookshops and libraries. She wants to find out what they are doing to encourage more people to read, and what technology they are using. She also wants to know if they are using social media(媒体)to connect with people.

Tom wants to make a difference to the education system. He knows that universities are becoming more and more expensive each year, and that many people think higher education is no longer affordable. Over the next 10 days he is visiting seven universities. He wants to see what they are doing to meet these challenges.

Jenny's project is natural disasters. At each stop, she is going to interview local leaders, workers, and computer game designers. She then plans to create a game that will help people prepare for disasters. She believes people are more likely to remember something important when the information is fun



These 24 people are strangers now, but not for long. The next week is going to be a life-changing learning experience for many.


1.Who can get the chance to take part in the projects?

2.How many journeys are mentioned in Paragraph 1?

3.Where is Amy going to visit?

4.How will Jenny help people prepare for disasters?

5.What do you think of the Millennial Trains Project?



    Words are the key to language. And if you want to improve your ability to speak, listen and write in English, you have to learn lots of words. Here are some ideas to help you.

1. Recording words

Important words

Some words are more important than other words. For example, the high frequency word(高频词) “rain” is very common and can be found in a number of important expressions. For example, rainbow, raincoat, rainforest, rainy, pour with rain.. Where possible, pay special attention to the high frequency words and all their associated(有关联的)forms.


When you want to record a new word or expression, remember to write it out in an example sentence. This will give you useful information about the way the word or term is used, and the other words often associated with it. For example, aRain-It's been pouring with rain. bRaincoat— I put on my raincoat.

2. Learning words

Some words are easy to learn. For example, the English word “sofa” is similar in Chinesesha fa. Other words are more difficult, but these ideas might help you.

Word sounds

Use the power of the similar sounds between words. For example, imagine you wanted to learn the word “whale”. Simply think of a word that sounds like "whale" in English or in your own language. Then, make a sentence with this word. For example, “The whale has a long tail.”

Funny sentences

Use the power of humour! Simply make a funny sentence with the word. This will help you remember the word more easily. For example, "William the whale was using his tail to sail the boat.”


If you're really having problems learning your word, draw a picture of your funny sentence. This will really help you remember it. And the funnier the picture is, the better!


Finally, repeat the sentence many times to get it engraved(铭记)in your heart. Repetition is a fantastic way of memorizing things.

Try these methods and find your own ways to learn words and expressions.

  to learn words


You need to learn lots of words if you want to improve your English because they are the     to language.


To     words

•Pay attention to the     frequency words and their associated forms.

•Write a new word out in an     sentence.

To learn words

•Use the power of the similar     between words.

•Try to make a     sentence with the word.

    pictures to help you remember the wotds.

•Repeat the sentence many times     you rember it.


Find you     ways to learn words and expressions.
















    The next time Wayde saw Manningtree, he said, "Could you let me have a little of that medicine? Just enough to see if it works. I’m sorry to trouble you.”

"I have only a very small amount left. It will take me some time to find out how to make more.

"I will pay you anything you ask,.” Wayde said.

“ Don't give me anything now, but promise to pay me $10,000 when you become Prime Minister(首相).”

Wayde laughed. “That’s impossible, "he said. "I shall never become Prime Minister.”

"Who knows " Manningtree said." Give me a week, and I'll see what I can do.”

A week passed. Then, Manningtree came to visit Wayde again. He brought with him a small bottle.

"I cannot find out how to make more of this medicine, "he said, " but you can have what's left I don' t need it anymore.

"That’s very generous of you." Wayde said. " How can I ever thank you?”

"Just take one small drop of the medicine once a month." Manningtree said.

Wayde took the bottle from his friend. Once a month. he took one small drop.

The effect(效果)was immediate. Suddenly, he was not nervous anymore. He was not shy anymore, either. He was confident of his abilities.

He started a business and within a year became a millionaire. He met and married one of the country's most intelligent and beautiful women and had two lovely children with her. He ran for parliament(议会)and succeeded. Within two years, he was a minister. Two years later, he became Prime Minister.

One day, he went to see Manningtree.

“You have come to give me S10,000,” Manningtree said with a laugh. "Forget it. I don't want it.”

“You can certainly have it if you want it." Wayde said. “But that is not the reason I have come to see you.”

“Oh? And what is the reason?" Manningtree asked.

“ I have almost finished the medicine you gave me, " Wayde said. “Have you found out how to make it?”

Again Manningtree laughed. "Oh, yes,” he said. “ I have known how to make it for a long time I knew how to make it when I was at school.”

"What do you mean?” Wayde asked.

“ My dear friend and Prime Minister, " Manningtree said, "the medicine I gave you was just a bottle of distilled water.”

“ But the colour.”

“Oh, I added some coloring.”

“Then, the medicine did me no good, " Wayde said.

“ It didn’t need to. There was nothing wrong with you. All you needed was to have confidence in yourself.”

1.The story is organized         .

A.in time order B.in space order

C.from specific to general D.from general to specific

2.What happened to Wayde after taking the medicine?

A.He got rich in a week as expected.

B.He suddenly got nervous and shy.

C.He succeeded in becoming Prime Minister.

D.He became the most intelligent man in the country.

3.Why did Wayde come to see Manningtree years later

A.To say thanks to the doctor. B.To ask for more of the medicine

C.To pay for the medicine D.To give the rest of the medicine back

4.What do we know about the medicine?

A.It cost Wayde $10,000. B.It was useful but expensive.

C.It didn’t work well on Wayde. D.It was made up of water and coloring.

5.What can we learn from the story?

A.Confidence is the secret of success. B.A friend in need is a friend indeed

C.Helping others is helping ourselves D.Too much medicine is bad for health



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