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[素材选自English in Mind Book 3] "我"和丽贝卡的相识相...

[素材选自English in Mind Book 3]


Rebecca is my best friend. I 1. known my friend Rebecca for a long time. We first met at a friend's birthday party five years ago. We found that we both liked Green Day. So I invited Rebecca to my home. We listened 2. music together and soon became good friends.

Three years ago, Rebecca's parents asked me to go on holiday with them! It 3. great. We totally spent three wonderful weeks 4. a village in Ireland. Rebecca and I enjoyed walking along the beautiful beach. We took a lot of photos and had a lot of fun.

Two years ago, I spent a week in hospital and Rebecca came to see me twice a day. But then, last year, Rebecca's father 5. changed his job wanted to move to another town. Since then we did not see each other very much, we have been talking on the phone and writing emails to each other.


1.have 2.to 3.was 4.in 5.who 【解析】 【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了"我"和"我"的好朋友丽贝卡的相识过程,以及我们在一起度过的难忘的时光。虽然她去了另外一个地方,我们仍然经常联系。 1. 句意:我和朋友丽贝卡已经认识很长时间了。由动词known及时间状语for a long time 可知,此句时态为现在完成时。句子主语为第一人称I,故填have。 2. 句意:我们一起听音乐,不久便成了好朋友。listen to music听音乐,为固定搭配。故填to。 3. 句意:那真的很棒。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少be动词,与形容词great搭配,构成系表结构;根据前句时态可知,应为过去时态,且主语为第三人称单数It,故填was。 4. 句意:我们在爱尔兰的一个村庄里整整度过了精彩的3周的时间。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少介词作地点状语;根据句意可知,指在村子里面,故填in。 5. 句意:但是后来,丽贝卡的父亲换了工作,想搬去另一个镇。分析句子结构可知,此句为定语从句,先行词为Rebecca's father,且先行词在从句中做主语,故填who。  

[素材选自One Story A Day Book 5]


Bill was a popular kid at school. He played some sports and was in the school team. His favourite _____ was history, but he was very good at math and science.

One day, a new boy named Harry came to the school. He didn't seem to care _____ school and he didn't do his work. He hardly passed his tests. _____ he was good at wrestling, and both he and Bill were accepted to the wrestling team. Unfortunately, Bill started to _____ with Harry.

Within a few months, Bill and Harry were together all the time and they were now very much the same. Bill's marks began to go down and his behaviour got _____, too. Later, Bill realized that he was being dragged down.

One day, he and Harry had a(n)_____ about a little thing, and they stopped being friends. People were glad to see that Bill had _____ that Harry was a bad influence. The two boys ignored each other for about a _____.

Then one day, about a week later, in history class, the teacher asked a _____, but no one knew the answer. Not even Bill. The teacher ______ and was about to give the answer. ______, up went Harry's hand. He actually knew the answer! ______ was shocked, especially Bill. Soon, Harry's marks became quite good, and people realized that he was actually a ______ person.

Harry said______ his friendship with Bill meant so much to him that he needed to change his life.

Harry told Bill, "I needed to ______, and being your friend gave me a reason to do it."

We all can learn a lesson from this. People can change. The power of friendship is amazing. Do you have an amazing friend?

1.A.teacher B.classmate C.subject D.activity

2.A.about B.of C.to D.for

3.A.But B.And C.So D.Or

4.A.give up B.hang out C.show off D.move on

5.A.better B.worse C.braver D.funnier

6.A.discussion B.deal C.fight D.agreement

7.A.included B.chosen C.enjoyed D.realized

8.A.second B.minute C.week D.year

9.A.question B.problem C.trouble D.exercise

10.A.spoke B.waited C.moved D.rode

11.A.Luckily B.Suddenly C.Politely D.Bravely

12.A.Somebody B.Anybody C.Everybody D.Nobody

13.A.smart B.bad C.friendly D.stupid

14.A.that B.when C.who D.where

15.A.wish B.plan C.promise D.change



    Be loyal to a friend. Part of being a friend is being prepared to devote your time and energy to helping out your friends. If your friend needs help with an unpleasant thing, or if he or she just needs a shoulder to cry on, be there for him or her. 1. This is a good way to attract the kind of friends you want in your life.

2. When you say you'll do something, do it. When your friend tells you a secret, keep it secret from others. Be someone that people know that they can rely on. If you show this quality to your friends, they will appreciate it and will be reliable in return.

Be a good listener. Many people think they have to appear very interesting.3. Listen carefully to what people say, remember important details about them, ask questions about their interests, and take the time to learn more about them.

Stress your good qualities. Show others what makes you stand apart from the crowd. Talk about your interests and hobbies. Everyone has interesting stories to tell—don't be afraid to share yours.4. People love to be around someone who makes them laugh.

Choose your friends wisely. As you make friends with more people, you may find that some are hard to get along with. Sometimes you may even realize that certain friendships are unhealthy.5. Value those friends who are a positive influence in your life, and do your best to be a positive influence in theirs.

A.Be a reliable friend.

B.Besides, a little humor always keeps a conversation light and happy.

C.In this case, walk your way out of the friendship as gracefully as possible.

D.Being a loyal friend will attract other people to you who value this quality.

E.Far more important than that, however, is the ability to show that you're interested in others.



    Have you ever had an experience where you meet someone new, learn their name and think to yourself, "Wow, they really look just like their names!" What does this mean? Scientists are suggesting that humans connect people's names with their appearance, and can even guess one's name based on how he looks.

Researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel collected thousands of photos of people's faces. They labeled each photo with four names. Then, they asked volunteers to guess which of the four names was correct. The volunteers were able to guess 38 percent of the right names. It seems that humans are able to recognize certain characteristics of faces that can give them clues about someone's name, Reader's Digest reported.

However, this only works when we're looking at names within our own culture. In addition, the volunteers are not good at guessing the real names of people who use nicknames more often than their real names. This shows that a person's appearance is influenced by his name only if he uses it often.

"This kind of face-name matching happens because of a process of self-fulfilling prophecy, as we become what other people expect us to become, "Ruth Mayo from the university told science news website Eurekalert.

The researchers believe there are also similar stereotypes about names. For example, people think that men named Bob should have rounder faces because the word itself looks round. People may think that women named Rose are beautiful, just like the flower they are named for.

1.What does the underlined word "labeled" mean in Chinese?

A.写在…… B.利用 C.复制 D.支付

2.What can we learn from this research?

A.The volunteers guessed nearly 40 percent of right names.

B.Nicknames have a bigger influence on people's appearance.

C.Gender and race have no influence on a person's appearance.

D.People are good at recognizing the different characteristics of faces.

3.Dr. Ruth Mayo thinks some people look like their names because of ________.

A.their culture B.a self-fulfilling prophecy

C.racial stereotypes D.their living environment

4.According to the story, men named Bob are expected to ________.

A.have big eyes B.wear glasses C.look beautiful D.have round faces

5.What does the text mainly tell us?

A.It's not polite to ask strangers about their names.

B.There are several ways to guess a stranger's name.

C.A person's appearance can be influenced by three sides.

D.People can guess others' names based on their appearance.




Simon Dale didn't want to live in a city's apartment building. So he moved to Wales with his family and built a wooden eco­home. With the help 1. his father­in­law, a builder, he moved into a comfortable new home after only four months.

The eco­house is made of natural materials. Simon Dale and his father­in­law dug into the side of a hill and 2. used the mud and stone to make the walls. The floor 3. made from wood from the nearby sea. The design is open­plan. 4. is no central heating. But there is a wood­burner and solar panels on the top 5. can provide power for lighting, music and computing. Drinking water is from nearby spring.Simon Dales says, “we try to live in peace with the natural world.” He has certainly done his best to achieve that.



    I was never very tidy, while my roommate Kate was well­organized. Each of her things always had its _______, but I was always looking for something every minute. Over time, Kate got neater and I got messier. She would push my _______ clothing over, and I would lay my books on her tidy desk. We both got tired of each other.

A war broke out one evening. Kate came into the room. Soon, I heard her _______, “Take your shoes away! Why under my bed!” Then, I saw my shoes flying at _______. I jumped to my feet and started yelling, but she yelled _______ louder.

The room was filled with _______. We could not have stayed together for a single minute but for a phone call. Kate _______ it. From her end of the conversation, I could _______ right away her grandma was seriously ill. When she hung up, she quickly crawled into her bed, under the covers, sobbing.

_______, that was something she could not go through alone. All of a sudden, a warm ________ of sympathy rose up in my heart.

Slowly, I collected the pencils, took back the books, made my bed, cleaned the shoes and swept the floor, even on her ________. I got so concentrated on my work that I even didn't notice Kate had ________.

She looked at me in ________, reaching out her hands to catch mine. I looked up into her eyes. She smiled at me and said, “Thanks.”

Kate and I ________ roommates for the rest of the year. We didn't always agree, ________ we learned the key to living together: giving in, cleaning up and holding on.


Word Bank

yell叫喊:  sob哭泣


1.A.way B.place C.name D.seat

2.A.clean B.safe C.funny D.terrible

3.A.shout B.shouting C.shouted D.to shout

4.A.him B.her C.me D.them

5.A.back B.up C.off D.away

6.A.silence B.sadness C.happiness D.anger

7.A.answered B.refused C.received D.called

8.A.believe B.work C.catch D.make

9.A.Clearly B.Easily C.Properly D.Quickly

10.A.gesture B.thought C.expression D.feeling

11.A.road B.line C.side D.part

12.A.gone on B.taken away C.sat up D.turned over

13.A.surprise B.fear C.purpose D.time

14.A.started B.stayed C.became D.grew

15.A.and B.or C.but D.so



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