满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Are you a happy person most of the time?...

    Are you a happy person most of the time? Or do you easily get______ sometimes? Everyone has a different temperament. Usually, it ______ that both genes and environment may affect people's temperaments in different ______. But now scientists have found that the ______ of birth also plays a role.

Scientists from Budapest, Hungary, did a______ among 400 university students. In the survey, each student needed to ______ a questionnaire. The ______ of it was to find out which of four kinds of temperaments they had. From the questionnaire, scientists found that the students always answered something ______ “My mood often changes for no reason” and “I love to deal with new projects, even if it is risky”. These answers were then matched with ______ birthdays.

They discovered that people born in summer easily_______ between sad and happy moods compared with people born in winter. Those who always felt positive were _______ born in spring and summer.

The study also found that those who were born in autumn less probably had a mood of depression which may easily _______ them to cry.

Scientists said that this was probably_______ the seasons had an influence on certain chemicals in the human body. These chemicals are _______ and can control people's moods even in adult life. “It _______ that when you were born may increase or decrease your chance of developing certain mood disorders,” the lead scientist Xenia Gonda told The Telegraph.


Word Bank

temperament脾气  gene基因  positive积极乐观的


1.A.useless B.famous C.angry D.quiet

2.A.believe B.believed C.is believed D.was believed

3.A.lists B.hobbies C.habits D.ways

4.A.season B.year C.festival D.day

5.A.report B.plan C.survey D.project

6.A.catch B.finish C.copy D.test

7.A.secret B.service C.reason D.purpose

8.A.among B.without C.like D.at

9.A.their B.your C.our D.its

10.A.repeated B.changed C.discussed D.praised

11.A.possibly B.really C.deeply D.mostly

12.A.keep B.turn C.drive D.ask

13.A.because B.unless C.if D.though

14.A.comfortable B.important C.stupid D.satisfied

15.A.divides B.punishes C.reports D.seems


1.C 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.B 11.D 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.D 【解析】 【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了科学家通过调查发现,人在不同的季节出生,可能会产生不同的化学物质,从而影响人产生不同的情绪。 1.考查形容词词义辨析。 useless无用的; famous有名的; angry生气的; quiet安静的。由句中“Or”可知,本句和上一句是相反的意思,所以此处询问是否容易生气。故选C。 2.考查动词的语态。分析句子成分可知主语it与谓语believe之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系,应用被动语态,再结合语境可知描述的是客观的情况,时态用一般现在时。故选C。 3.考查名词词义辨析。lists清单; hobbies兴趣,爱好; habits习惯; ways方式。根据空前内容可知,基因和环境以不同的方式影响脾气。故选D。 4.考查名词词义辨析。season季节; year年份; festival节日; day日。结合上下文可知,文章主要是讲出生季节对人的影响。故选A。 5.考查名词词义辨析。report报告;plan计划; survey调查; project项目。根据后句中的“In the survey...”可知指的是调查。故选C。 6.考查动词词义辨析。catch追赶; finish完成; copy复制; test测试。结合语境可推知,此处是指学生来完成问卷。故选B。 7.考查名词词义辨析。secret秘密; service服务; reason原因; purpose目的。由句中“...to find out which of four kinds of temperaments they had.”可知,此处是指调查问卷的目的。故选D。 8.考查介词词义辨析。among在……之中; without没有; like比如,像; at在……。空后是具体的回答,是对学生们的回答举出的例子。故选C。 9.考查人称代词词义辨析。their他(她/它)们的; your你(们)的; our我们的; its它的。由前文内容可知,此处指学生们做出了回答,跟学生的生日能匹配的是他们的答案。故选A。 10.考查动词词义辨析。repeated重复; changed改变; discussed讨论; praised赞扬。由句意可知,此处指夏天出生的人容易在喜怒之间改变情绪。故选B。 11.考查副词词义辨析。possibly可能地; really真正地; deeply深深地; mostly大多数。根据句意可知,感到积极乐观的人大多出生在春天和夏天。故选D。 12.考查动词词义辨析。keep保持; turn转换; drive驱使; ask询问。由句中“...had a mood of depression...”可知此处指这种心情容易驱使他们哭泣。故选C。 13.考查连词词义辨析。because因为; unless除非,如果不; if如果; though尽管。由空后内容可知,不同季节会对人体特定的化学物质有影响,这是前文科学家所说的人有不同情绪的原因。故选A。 14.考查形容词词义辨析。comfortable舒服的; important重要的; stupid愚蠢的; satisfied满足的。根据前后文语境可知,这些化学物质会影响人的情绪,因此化学物质非常重要。故选B。 15.考查动词词义辨析。divides分开; punishes惩罚; reports报道; seems看起来。空后具体阐述了化学物质是如何影响情绪的,此处seems符合语境,It seems that...表示“似乎……”,为固定句型。故选D。

    The streets are quiet, and the stores are closed. There's the smell of fresh bread from a bakery somewhere. It would be hard to say which time of the day in Paris I prefer, but this probably is. Soon the streets will be full of people and traffic, and the real Paris will appear as the city wakes up. Under the city are hundreds of miles of tunnels. There are old subways and wine cellars that have been made into galleries. During the 19th century, farmers grew mushrooms in them. During World War , the French fighters also used them. Since the 1970s, groups of young people have spent days and nights there. Parties, theater performances, art galleries—everything goes here!

Everywhere you go under Paris, there is history and stories. Writers often write about the tunnels in their books. Victor Hugo mentions them in his famous novel—Les Miserables. There is an underground pool there—with fish! Tourists can visit parts of the Paris underground.

However, it's not allowed to enter other parts of the underground. However, there are people who will take you to visit them. I have found two “unofficial” tour guides—Dominique and Yopie. They take me through many tunnels, and after a couple of hours we arrive at a room which isn't on any map.

It's comfortable and clean, with a table, chairs, and a bed. Yopie tells me there are many other places like this. “Many people come down here to have parties. They like the room.”


Word Bank

bakery面包店 tunnel隧道 cellar地窖 gallery画廊


1.Which of the following is not mentioned in the first paragraph?

A.The quiet streets. B.The closed stores.

C.The pool with fish. D.The smell of fresh bread.

2.When did French fighters use the tunnels?

A.During World War . B.During World War .

C.During the 19th century. D.During the 20th century.

3.What is Victor Hugo?

A.He is a farmer. B.He is a soldier. C.He is a writer. D.He is a guide.

4.How might the writer feel when he saw the room that Dominique and Yopie took him to?

A.Sad. B.Proud. C.Afraid. D.Satisfied.

5.What's the best title for the text?

A.A Tour Under Paris B.My Favorite Novel

C.An Introduction to Paris D.Two Surprising Guides




1. 要点:




2. 要求:






[素材选自English in Mind Book 3]


Rebecca is my best friend. I 1. known my friend Rebecca for a long time. We first met at a friend's birthday party five years ago. We found that we both liked Green Day. So I invited Rebecca to my home. We listened 2. music together and soon became good friends.

Three years ago, Rebecca's parents asked me to go on holiday with them! It 3. great. We totally spent three wonderful weeks 4. a village in Ireland. Rebecca and I enjoyed walking along the beautiful beach. We took a lot of photos and had a lot of fun.

Two years ago, I spent a week in hospital and Rebecca came to see me twice a day. But then, last year, Rebecca's father 5. changed his job wanted to move to another town. Since then we did not see each other very much, we have been talking on the phone and writing emails to each other.



[素材选自One Story A Day Book 5]


Bill was a popular kid at school. He played some sports and was in the school team. His favourite _____ was history, but he was very good at math and science.

One day, a new boy named Harry came to the school. He didn't seem to care _____ school and he didn't do his work. He hardly passed his tests. _____ he was good at wrestling, and both he and Bill were accepted to the wrestling team. Unfortunately, Bill started to _____ with Harry.

Within a few months, Bill and Harry were together all the time and they were now very much the same. Bill's marks began to go down and his behaviour got _____, too. Later, Bill realized that he was being dragged down.

One day, he and Harry had a(n)_____ about a little thing, and they stopped being friends. People were glad to see that Bill had _____ that Harry was a bad influence. The two boys ignored each other for about a _____.

Then one day, about a week later, in history class, the teacher asked a _____, but no one knew the answer. Not even Bill. The teacher ______ and was about to give the answer. ______, up went Harry's hand. He actually knew the answer! ______ was shocked, especially Bill. Soon, Harry's marks became quite good, and people realized that he was actually a ______ person.

Harry said______ his friendship with Bill meant so much to him that he needed to change his life.

Harry told Bill, "I needed to ______, and being your friend gave me a reason to do it."

We all can learn a lesson from this. People can change. The power of friendship is amazing. Do you have an amazing friend?

1.A.teacher B.classmate C.subject D.activity

2.A.about B.of C.to D.for

3.A.But B.And C.So D.Or

4.A.give up B.hang out C.show off D.move on

5.A.better B.worse C.braver D.funnier

6.A.discussion B.deal C.fight D.agreement

7.A.included B.chosen C.enjoyed D.realized

8.A.second B.minute C.week D.year

9.A.question B.problem C.trouble D.exercise

10.A.spoke B.waited C.moved D.rode

11.A.Luckily B.Suddenly C.Politely D.Bravely

12.A.Somebody B.Anybody C.Everybody D.Nobody

13.A.smart B.bad C.friendly D.stupid

14.A.that B.when C.who D.where

15.A.wish B.plan C.promise D.change



    Be loyal to a friend. Part of being a friend is being prepared to devote your time and energy to helping out your friends. If your friend needs help with an unpleasant thing, or if he or she just needs a shoulder to cry on, be there for him or her. 1. This is a good way to attract the kind of friends you want in your life.

2. When you say you'll do something, do it. When your friend tells you a secret, keep it secret from others. Be someone that people know that they can rely on. If you show this quality to your friends, they will appreciate it and will be reliable in return.

Be a good listener. Many people think they have to appear very interesting.3. Listen carefully to what people say, remember important details about them, ask questions about their interests, and take the time to learn more about them.

Stress your good qualities. Show others what makes you stand apart from the crowd. Talk about your interests and hobbies. Everyone has interesting stories to tell—don't be afraid to share yours.4. People love to be around someone who makes them laugh.

Choose your friends wisely. As you make friends with more people, you may find that some are hard to get along with. Sometimes you may even realize that certain friendships are unhealthy.5. Value those friends who are a positive influence in your life, and do your best to be a positive influence in theirs.

A.Be a reliable friend.

B.Besides, a little humor always keeps a conversation light and happy.

C.In this case, walk your way out of the friendship as gracefully as possible.

D.Being a loyal friend will attract other people to you who value this quality.

E.Far more important than that, however, is the ability to show that you're interested in others.



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