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    繁忙而充实的一学期结束之后,寒假是每个同学都很期待的假期,你也一定有过很棒的寒假。请以“My wonderful winter holiday” 为题写一篇英语短文,讲述你美好的寒假。


1. 文中不得出现真实的姓名和学校名称;

2. 词数100左右。

My wonderful winter holiday



My wonderful winter holiday Winter holiday is really a good time for us to relax. I spent a wonderful holiday last year. I often did exercise after supper. I took an active part in sports which can help me keep healthy and study better. I often watched TV or did some reading in the evening. Sometimes I listened to music for a while. I found it was a good way to relax myself. Of course, I helped my parents with the housework at home. Sometimes I went on a field trip with my friends. All in all, I had a wonderful time during the winter holiday. 【解析】 【审题指导】细读所给的文字提示,提取以下信息: 1. 本文要求讲述你的美好的寒假,故文体为记叙文; 2. 本文要求描述自己在寒假期间的活动,人称以第一人称为主;描述寒假期间的活动,事情已经发生,时态以一般过去时为主; 3. 词数100左右。文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称。 我的美好寒假 要点提示 素材串联 开篇:引入话题     寒假是放松的好时间,去年我度过了一个美好的寒假 正文:介绍具体的活动   1. 晚饭后去锻炼,积极参加运动(do exercise; take an active part in); 2. 晚上经常看电视、读书,有时候会听音乐(watch TV; listen to ); 3. 帮助父母做家务(help sb. with sth.); 4. 和朋友去郊外旅游(go on a field trip)。 结尾:总结全文 寒假期间玩得很愉快(have a wonderful time)  

    Nowadays, as the world's climate changes, extreme weather is becoming more and more. For example, in Britain,1.are more than 50 tornadoes a year now. However, tornadoes are just one sign of the world's climate changes. In many countries, there are more floods. In some other places, it2. much hotter than before in summer. Why do these happen? Because the global temperatures are rising.

However, scientists still don't know enough 3. reasons. Some believe the climate changes naturally. But most scientists think the real reason is human activities, such as cutting down trees, driving cars too much and so on. If we can not stop the temperatures from increasing,4. ice will melt completely one day. As a result, sea levels will rise and many islands will disappear forever. So we 5. work together to save the earth, and to save ourselves. Let's take action now!


Word Bank





    Are you a happy person most of the time? Or do you easily get______ sometimes? Everyone has a different temperament. Usually, it ______ that both genes and environment may affect people's temperaments in different ______. But now scientists have found that the ______ of birth also plays a role.

Scientists from Budapest, Hungary, did a______ among 400 university students. In the survey, each student needed to ______ a questionnaire. The ______ of it was to find out which of four kinds of temperaments they had. From the questionnaire, scientists found that the students always answered something ______ “My mood often changes for no reason” and “I love to deal with new projects, even if it is risky”. These answers were then matched with ______ birthdays.

They discovered that people born in summer easily_______ between sad and happy moods compared with people born in winter. Those who always felt positive were _______ born in spring and summer.

The study also found that those who were born in autumn less probably had a mood of depression which may easily _______ them to cry.

Scientists said that this was probably_______ the seasons had an influence on certain chemicals in the human body. These chemicals are _______ and can control people's moods even in adult life. “It _______ that when you were born may increase or decrease your chance of developing certain mood disorders,” the lead scientist Xenia Gonda told The Telegraph.


Word Bank

temperament脾气  gene基因  positive积极乐观的


1.A.useless B.famous C.angry D.quiet

2.A.believe B.believed C.is believed D.was believed

3.A.lists B.hobbies C.habits D.ways

4.A.season B.year C.festival D.day

5.A.report B.plan C.survey D.project

6.A.catch B.finish C.copy D.test

7.A.secret B.service C.reason D.purpose

8.A.among B.without C.like D.at

9.A.their B.your C.our D.its

10.A.repeated B.changed C.discussed D.praised

11.A.possibly B.really C.deeply D.mostly

12.A.keep B.turn C.drive D.ask

13.A.because B.unless C.if D.though

14.A.comfortable B.important C.stupid D.satisfied

15.A.divides B.punishes C.reports D.seems



    The streets are quiet, and the stores are closed. There's the smell of fresh bread from a bakery somewhere. It would be hard to say which time of the day in Paris I prefer, but this probably is. Soon the streets will be full of people and traffic, and the real Paris will appear as the city wakes up. Under the city are hundreds of miles of tunnels. There are old subways and wine cellars that have been made into galleries. During the 19th century, farmers grew mushrooms in them. During World War , the French fighters also used them. Since the 1970s, groups of young people have spent days and nights there. Parties, theater performances, art galleries—everything goes here!

Everywhere you go under Paris, there is history and stories. Writers often write about the tunnels in their books. Victor Hugo mentions them in his famous novel—Les Miserables. There is an underground pool there—with fish! Tourists can visit parts of the Paris underground.

However, it's not allowed to enter other parts of the underground. However, there are people who will take you to visit them. I have found two “unofficial” tour guides—Dominique and Yopie. They take me through many tunnels, and after a couple of hours we arrive at a room which isn't on any map.

It's comfortable and clean, with a table, chairs, and a bed. Yopie tells me there are many other places like this. “Many people come down here to have parties. They like the room.”


Word Bank

bakery面包店 tunnel隧道 cellar地窖 gallery画廊


1.Which of the following is not mentioned in the first paragraph?

A.The quiet streets. B.The closed stores.

C.The pool with fish. D.The smell of fresh bread.

2.When did French fighters use the tunnels?

A.During World War . B.During World War .

C.During the 19th century. D.During the 20th century.

3.What is Victor Hugo?

A.He is a farmer. B.He is a soldier. C.He is a writer. D.He is a guide.

4.How might the writer feel when he saw the room that Dominique and Yopie took him to?

A.Sad. B.Proud. C.Afraid. D.Satisfied.

5.What's the best title for the text?

A.A Tour Under Paris B.My Favorite Novel

C.An Introduction to Paris D.Two Surprising Guides




1. 要点:




2. 要求:






[素材选自English in Mind Book 3]


Rebecca is my best friend. I 1. known my friend Rebecca for a long time. We first met at a friend's birthday party five years ago. We found that we both liked Green Day. So I invited Rebecca to my home. We listened 2. music together and soon became good friends.

Three years ago, Rebecca's parents asked me to go on holiday with them! It 3. great. We totally spent three wonderful weeks 4. a village in Ireland. Rebecca and I enjoyed walking along the beautiful beach. We took a lot of photos and had a lot of fun.

Two years ago, I spent a week in hospital and Rebecca came to see me twice a day. But then, last year, Rebecca's father 5. changed his job wanted to move to another town. Since then we did not see each other very much, we have been talking on the phone and writing emails to each other.



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