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热点:大兴机场 Since its reform and opening up ...


Since its reform and opening up began in the late 1970s, China 1. made great achievements in many fields.

Beijing's new airport saw four passenger planes complete test. Flights from China Southern Airlines made the first flight, taking 2. from Beijing Capital International Airport in the northern part of the city Monday morning. At 930 am, the plane landed smoothly on the western runway at Beijing Daxing International Airport.

China's first science fiction film The Wandering Earth interests moviegoers. We must believe that 3. is a bright future in China's science fiction film industry. Science fiction is really taking the central stage in China.

A study from NASA said that the Earth is a greener place 4. it was 20 years ago. China is leading the world's greening effort, 5. is from tree­planting programs and intensive agriculture in China.


Word Bank

intensive agriculture 集约农业



1.has 2.off 3.there 4.than 5.which 【解析】 【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了自从20世纪70年代改革开放以来,中国在各个领域取得了伟大的成就,并简单介绍了在机场建设,科幻电影,土地绿化这三个方面所取得的成就,增强了人民的民族自豪感。 1.句意:自从20世纪70年代末期改革开放开始以来,中国已经在许多领域取得了巨大成就。分析句子结构可知,since引导的时间状语从句用一般过去时,主句应用现在完成时。结合主语是China。故填has。 2.句意:周一早晨,北京新的机场见证了中国南航的四架飞机完成了飞行测试,从市里北边的北京首都机场起飞,进行了第一次飞行。take off起飞,为固定搭配。故填off。 3.句意:我们必须相信中国科幻电影工业有一个光明的未来。分析句子结构可知,本句是there be句型,表示某地有某物。故填there。 4.句意:来自美国国家航空航天局的一项研究显示,地球是一个比二十年前还要绿色的地方。此处表示对比关系,结合前面的greener可知此处填表示形容词比较级的介词than。故填than。 5.句意:中国是世界绿化行动的带头人,这大部分来自于中国的植树计划以及机械化集约农业。分析句子结构可知,此处是一个非限制性定语从句,先行词是前面整个句子,在从句中作主语。故填which。

    Ashley was fashionable, and the “Queen Bee” in my school.

I looked up to her. I listened to the music she listened to, wore the clothes she wore. I even took art class though I had really wanted to take theatre. I finally fitted in_____ group.

One day, I skipped out of my last class a few minutes early to _____ seats for our group at the dining hall. Concentrating on my homework, I didn't notice they had sat down behind me. Before I _____ say a word, I realized what they were talking about.

I listened silently. “She's such a loser” one girl said.

Another girl added, “Ashley, she_____ follows you, trying to copy you.”

“I wish she would leave us alone. We were in the same summer school and now she thinks we're best friends.” The once familiar voice sounded so_____ and strange.

I couldn't help crying_____. I felt heart­broken for the very first time. I _____ we were friends.

I ran home. My mother just_____  me while I sobbed for hours. The advice she gave me was so _____, and I had heard it a million times, “Just be yourself and people will like you for ______ you are.” Then and there I ______ to find myself back. That was exactly what I did.

Over the next month, I went through a lot of______. I bought new clothes that I wanted to wear. I no longer went to art class ______ them, and took theatre. I began making new friends. I developed my own ______.

I had an amazing school year.______ I look back, I think it was the year when I discovered the person I was going to be. Despite the pain I felt that day, it was a gift they had given me.

Word Bank:  skip跳过  sob啜泣

1.A.my B.her C.his D.our

2.A.get B.buy C.sell D.move

3.A.will B.could C.shall D.might

4.A.once B.always C.hardly D.never

5.A.serious B.special C.weak D.cold

6.A.sadly B.shyly C.excitedly D.nervously

7.A.found B.reminded C.realized D.thought

8.A.holds B.held C.is holding D.will hold

9.A.funny B.simple C.useful D.different

10.A.where B.what C.how D.who

11.A.failed B.forgot C.decided D.continued

12.A.pains B.doubts C.changes D.troubles

13.A.with B.about C.against D.without

14.A.skills B.habits C.projects D.opinions

15.A.Before B.Unless C.When D.If



    My name is Juliana, and I love travelling. Last summer, I went on a four­day holiday to Costa Rica. It was wonderful! I love animals, and the animals in Costa Rica are cooler than any I 1. ever seen.

First, we decided to spend two days in the Barra Honda National Park. We wanted to see the bats that live in large caves. There are thousands 2. bats! We saw them in the day when they were sleeping. We brought flashlights to help us see them better because 3. was too dark in the caves. At night, the bats fly out of the caves and eat insects. Some bats can eat 1,000 insects 4. a single hour. That's amazing.

After leaving Barra Honda, we travelled south to the Corcovado National Park 5.  is a bigger park. Corcovado has got many different kinds of animals: 220 different types of butterflies, 400 different types of birds and 6,000 different types of insects!





she enjoyable laugh so seem again healthy make of flower

My aunt Susan is unusual to me. She is warm­hearted and kind, but best of all, she is humorous. She always makes me 1..

Since her recent retirement, she has started drinking tea. She likes to discover all different kinds 2. tea. Green tea is her favorite. Each day, 3. drinks four or five cups.

For her birthday this year, mom gave her some new tea from Africa. There were some words on the box: This tea can make you 4. and more beautiful.

Mom and aunt Susan laughed. “Tea that will make you beautiful? ”said my aunt. “I will drink some now.” Mom 5. a cup of tea for aunt Susan.

The tea was dark green. There are some pretty white 6. in it. aunt Susan sipped her tea slowly. “This 7. really good and I want to taste more” she said. Then she asked, “Am I getting more beautiful?”

We laughed. My aunt is very beautiful. She does not need tea to make her beautiful. Aunt Susan had another drink of the tea. She smiled and asked me 8., “Am I getting more beautiful

My aunt then said, “Maybe it takes time to become beautiful, 9. I will be patient and wait.”

It was really a funny and 10. afternoon. I love my aunt Susan. “You are beautiful,” I said. Aunt Susan smiled. “Thank you, Joy,” she said. “You are beautiful, too.”



    Seniors dancing on a public square is popular in China. I've learned that on the newspaper before.

Walking through the ______ park, the trees stand cold and bare. The wind has shaken their yellow _____ to the ground. As I keep walking, a noise from the background is becoming _____ and clearer. Now, 100 meters _____ me, a group of women are gathering at the side of the path. In the cold wind of December, they're moving their arms and legs to the _____. They are, of course, the dancing seniors.

It seems that if you go to any_____ space around China, you are likely to see these dancing women. _____ I first came to China, I saw a lot of seniors dancing on a public square. It was one of the things that _____ me. That's because in Britain, dancing outside is not a cultural _____. You won't see any age group swinging their arms and tapping their feet in a park. Usually people just ______ a walk for exercise.

Some people think dancing seniors are______. This is because they make too much noise. But others ________ their choice of dancing in public. Most of them are middle­aged. There is no more work, and their kids work in other cities. They ______ have some free time to do what they like.

Personally, I like seeing these women enjoying ______. They ______ us of the importance of exercise as we get older. Besides, most of them have raised the whole families. Now it's their time to have fun and enjoy some peace.

1.A.spring B.summer C.autumn D.winter

2.A.leaves B.fruits C.trees D.plants

3.A.better B.louder C.lower D.smaller

4.A.as for B.thanks to C.ahead of D.together with

5.A.movie B.piano C.video D.music

6.A.tidy B.busy C.public D.wide

7.A.Before B.And C.When D.Until

8.A.taught B.shocked C.worked D.helped

9.A.model B.picture C.idea D.habit

10.A.take B.show C.want D.leave

11.A.exciting B.boring C.dangerous D.interesting

12.A.choose B.respect C.refuse D.share

13.A.quickly B.seriously C.slowly D.finally

14.A.yourself B.herself C.ourselves D.themselves

15.A.remind B.tell C.find D.prepare




Have you ever jumped on a trampoline? Today many people use it for exercise.

Back in the 1980s, researchers found that jumping on a trampoline was a good way to help astronauts regain their strength. Actually, trampolining has many advantages. It helps bones and muscles grow and improves your balance by stimulating the inner ear. It is especially useful for increasing flow of the lymphatic system, which helps your body get rid of harmful toxins. Trampolining has benefits similar to those of running, but without too much stress on knees and ankles.

If you would like to start trampolining, you may first need to ask a doctor to make sure it's a safe activity for you. It's easy to find an inexpensive trampoline, but it should be well­made and strong enough to support your weight. To avoid accidents, some trampolines have a safety net around them. Remember: whenever you are on a trampoline, be careful not to jump near the edge of it.

Here are a few exercises for beginners

●High Knee Lift. Raise one knee at a time. Lift your knee higher than you usually do when you are running.

●Star Jump. Jump into the air and spread your arms and legs into a star shape. As you gain more confidence, practice more difficult levels.

●Tuck Jump. At the top of your jump, bring the knees to the chest, with the arms holding the legs.

●Pike Jump. Jump high, bring the legs up, and point the toes forward. Touch your toes with hands.

There are many more exercises you can try. Happy trampolining!

1.According to the passage, what benefit can we get from trampolining?

A.It helps with bone growth.

B.It cures illnesses in our knees.

C.It helps reduce stress on muscles.

D.It prevents ears from being hurt.

2.How can we do trampolining safely?

A.Buy an expensive trampoline.

B.Jump in the center of a trampoline.

C.Choose a trampoline without a net.

D.Lose weight before starting trampolining.

3.Which picture shows Tuck Jump?

A. B.

C. D.

4.This passage introduces ________.

A.an exercise to improve our fitness

B.an exercise to gain self­confidence

C.a way to keep balance when we jump

D.a way to avoid accidents when exercising

5.Where is the text most probably from?

A.A science book. B.A sports magazine.

C.A guidebook. D.A history book.



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