满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Robots will save schools money. The cost...

    Robots will save schools money. The cost to build a robot and hire a Filipino teacher to work with is around $20000 a year. That is about half the cost of supporting a foreign teacher in South Korea. What's more, robot teachers can make students have more fun learning English.

What's the cost of hiring two English teachers from abroad in South Korea a year?

A.$10000. B.$20000. C.$40000. D.$80000.


D 【解析】 略  

Winnipeg Railway Museum & Gift Shop

Where the past meets the present



Students (615 years)$3.00

5 & Under (with a parent)FREE  

For group tours

Call 9424632 or email wpgrail@mts.net


Martin will visit Winnipeg Railway Museum with his 4­year­old daughter. How much should he pay?

A.$3.00. B.$5.00. C.$8.00. D.$30.00.




1. 要点:




2. 要求:






    Clothing is a language. We can know more about culture 1. the traditional clothing.

Africa has a long history and a rich culture, and this is shown in traditional clothing. The three colors—red, gold 2. green, are often used in the clothing. The first color stands for the blood of millions of people who fought3. freedom; the second is for rich resources of the earth; and the third stands for the grassland of home.

Because clothing has strong social meanings, people are very careful in choosing what to wear. It would be a serious mistake4. people wear the wrong clothes. For example, in Ghana, a woman should wear her waistband differently according to how important the social event is.

Today although more and more young people like wearing Western clothes, traditional African dress is still quite valuable. This is because it 5. deep cultural meanings.




At some point, you've probably looked at old photos of people and asked yourself, “Why did they wear that? What were they thinking” The people in the photo probably thought that they _____ great! The truth is, _____ stays the same forever, especially in the world of fashion. What's cool today will be ugly before long. What we like to wear _____ all the time.

A century ago, many men—from businessmen to taxi drivers—wore suits to work. Even young boys regularly _____ suits and ties. Women didn't just wear skirts or dresses when they wanted to _____. They wore them all the time—even if they were just staying home!

Over time, casual clothes replaced formal clothes. For example, jeans are very_____ today. They were first made for _____ in factories. They needed pants with strong fabric that didn't tear _____. In 1873, tailor Jacob Davis and businessman Levi Strauss created denim pants they _____overalls because people wore them over their clothes. Cowboys wore denim jeans and, ______ the Western movies of the 1930s, many people began wearing them. Today, jeans and a sweatshirt are practically a uniform for teens around the world.

Like clothes, ______ have also changed over time. You ______ prefer to wear sneakers, but in the past both men and women wore shoes with high heels. In the early eighteenth century, King Louis XIV of France started wearing tights with red­heeled shoes. This was the fashion for nearly a century ______ men began wearing more practical shoes without heels.

Things change. You might think your clothes are______ now, but if a hundred years from now people see a photo ______ you, they might just ask, “Why did they wear that

1.A.sounded B.looked C.smelt D.tasted

2.A.something B.everything C.anything D.nothing

3.A.changes B.describes C.imagines D.spreads

4.A.drew B.wore C.bought D.sold

5.A.dress up B.look up C.get up D.cut up

6.A.popular B.strange C.cheap D.expensive

7.A.students B.teachers C.workers D.farmers

8.A.easily B.happily C.angrily D.quickly

9.A.spoke B.called C.listened D.caught

10.A.thanks to B.instead of C.except for D.for example

11.A.hats B.trousers C.coats D.shoes

12.A.may B.must C.need D.should

13.A.while B.after C.before D.though

14.A.fashionable B.ugly C.tidy D.clean

15.A.at B.of C.in D.on



    Time management is the process of planning how much time to spend on activities. Good time management allows you to complete more in a shorter period of time, lowers the stress and leads to success.


Make a plan

The best way to achieve success and keep your life in order is to make a plan.


Give full attention

Get away from your phone and computer. Although they are important to daily communication, they can take up much more attention than they deserve. Consider shutting them off completely as you work on a task that requires your full attention.


Learn to say “no”

Many business leaders put a lot of their success down through simply saying “no”. That is, they put their efforts in the few areas that are really important and have the courage to say no to everything else.


Give yourself a break

Taking breaks is good for your brain. Don't be hard on yourself: you will actually perform better if you take breaks and find a hobby besides study. Only an active brain can solve problems better.


A.Hope above suggestions will be helpful in your study and daily life.

B.For example, if you do your homework at night, you'd better turn off the phone in order to be more careful.

C.What you achieve importantly depends on the way you manage your time. Here is some advice on how to better manage your time.

D.Those asking for your involvement would be more disappointed if you unwisely agreed to do something, but then failed to finish it. So, be honest with yourself and others.

E.This starts as a list of all the tasks that are important for achieving your goals. Write them down, and don't just depend on your memory: it's not as good as you think it is.



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