满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

I am Turere. Since the age of nine, I ha...

    I am Turere. Since the age of nine, I have helped to _____ my family's cows. _____ a child, I enjoyed playing with electronics. I made my own _____ such as electronic toys from car parts. I also built _____ electronic devices(仪器) for my neighbors.

At the age of 13, I invented something that _____my life. One night, a lion came into my family's _____ and killed a cow. I was angry. However, _____ the lion, I thought, was not the best way to solve the problem. _____ I decided to invent a solution.

The first idea I got was to use _____ because I thought lions were scared of fire. ______ I came to realize that that didn't really help, because it was even ______ the lions to see through the cowshed(牛棚).

And a second idea I got was to use a scarecrow(稻草人). I was trying to trick the lions into ______ that I was standing near the cowshed. But lions are very ______. They will come the first day and they see the scarecrow, and they go back. But the second day, they'll come and they say, this thing is not ______ here, it is always here! So he jumps in and kills the animals.

So one night, I was walking around the cowshed with a torch(手电筒), and that day, the lions didn't come. And I discovered that lions were ______ of a moving light. So I had an idea...

1.A.put up B.look after C.find out D.give up

2.A.From B.With C.On D.As

3.A.improvement B.decisions C.inventions D.mind

4.A.another B.others C.the other D.other

5.A.changes B.changed C.is changing D.has changed

6.A.company B.school C.park D.farm

7.A.to kill B.killing C.killed D.to killing

8.A.Moreover B.However C.Instead D.Also

9.A.water B.fire C.music D.film

10.A.So B.And C.Or D.But

11.A.giving B.teaching C.running D.helping

12.A.following B.protecting C.thinking D.taking

13.A.clever B.stupid C.clean D.dirty

14.A.riding B.coming C.running D.moving

15.A.free B.sure C.afraid D.tired


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.D 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.D 11.D 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.C 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了图雷尔从小就帮助家里照顾的奶牛,在一次驱赶狮子的经历中,他不用传统的思维方式,不断转换看问题的角度,最终找到驱赶狮子的新方法。旨在激励学生发散自己的思维,形成敢于开拓创新的良好思维品质。 1. 考查动词短语辨析。根据空后的“family's cows”可知是帮忙照顾奶牛,故选B。 2. 考查介词词义辨析。根据语境可知此处是指作为一个孩子。故选D。 3. 考查名词词义辨析。根据空后的“...such as electronic toys from car parts.”可知,这是他用别的零件制作的小发明,故选C。 4. 考查不定代词词义辨析。分析句子结构可知,空后有名词“electronic devices(仪器) ”,应选用other,表示别的,其他的。故选D。 5. 考查动词的时态。根据上下文语境可知,本文为一般过去时,此处动词应用一般过去式形式。故选B。 6. 考查名词词义辨析。根据空后的“...and killed a cow.”,可知狮子是来到了“我们”家的农场。故选D。 7. 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,空处作主语,需用动名词形式。故选B。 8. 考查副词词义辨析。根据语境可知,作者并不想用杀死狮子的方式来解决问题,而是采用另一种方法。此处表示的是转折关系。故选C。 9. 考查名词词义辨析。根据空后的句子“...because I thought lions were scared of fire.”可知,他的第一个主意是用火。故选B。 10. 考查连词词义辨析。根据上文“because I thought lions were scared of fire.”及下文“that didn't really help.”可知,此处表示转折。故选D。 11. 考查动词词义辨析。根据常识可知,火可以发光,狮子可以借着亮光看清楚牛棚里的一切,反而帮助了狮子。故选D。 12. 考查动词词义辨析。根据语境可知,此处是指作者在诱导狮子去想“我”就在牛棚旁边站着,这样它就不敢过来了。故选C。 13. 考查形容词词义辨析。根据下文“They will come the first day and they see the scarecrow... So he jumps in and kills the animals.”可知,狮子是很聪明的,故选A。 14. 考查动词词义辨析。根据下文“it is always here.”可知,狮子已经知道了稻草人是不会移动的。故选D。 15. 考查形容词词义辨析。根据语境可知,因为那天“我”拿着手电筒到处走,所以狮子没来,这证明了狮子害怕移动的光。故选C。

    随着科技的发展,手机的功能越来越多,使我们的生活越来越方便,但也带来了不少的问题。请以“The mobile phone”为题并按照以下要点和要求写一篇英语短文。

要点: 1)我们在手机上可以做什么;



要求: 1)文中不得出现真实的人名和学校名称;


The mobile phone




    In our everyday life, we can see inventions everywhere. Even the smallest inventions can make  1. big difference to our life. The barcode is one of the most useful inventions. If you want to know the information of the goods, you can scan the barcode with your smart phones. But do you know how the barcode 2. invented?

In 1984, an owner of a small food store found it difficult 3. record the inventory and prices of his goods. So, Bernard Silver and a group of students from the institute set up a barcode system to solve the problem. The good news was that Bernard Silver took up the challenge and began to work on it. To protect the invention, Bernard and 4. classmate Woodland decided to get a patent. Finally, 5. October 7th, 1985, they got the patent. And the invention is used by many people around the world today.



    Now, in the 21st century, there are lots of great inventions.1. However, while we are enjoying these, we should never forget those who devoted themselves to making people's life better in the 20th century.

2. Like many other famous inventors, they had failed many times. However, they never gave up —even though almost no one was interested in what they were doing. For many times, they risked their lives to test their airplane. Finally, after lots of calculations and improvements, they succeeded.

3. The invention led to a quantum leap in human history. From then on, better and safer airplanes have been invented and long flights have become increasingly convenient and comfortable. Their around­the­world trips have become a reality. Without the Wright brothers, we might still have to spend days, weeks or even months travelling to distant places today.

The Wright brothers have also inspired generations of people to make great achievements in their own fields. China, for example, had to depend on the Western countries for their large airplanes. Of course, our country didn't want to continue that way forever. With the same adventurous spirit as that of the Wright brothers, Chinese people kept trying and made great progress. Today, China has its own large airplanes.4.

Thanks to the Wright brothers, humans realized the dream of flying. Till today, their experiences still have a great influence on young people.5. I think they are among the greatest people of the 20th century.

A.That's an important step forward.

B.The result of their work shocked the world.

C.In 1903, the Wright brothers invented the airplane.

D.They inspire young people to realize their own dreams.

E.We enjoy a lot of convenience, thanks to the latest technology.



Hamilton Zoo

Over 600 animals: tigers, pandas...

Opening hours: 900am500pm Monday—Sunday

An adult: 15

A child (under 12 years old): 10

Tel: 23653692

If Jim and his 5­year­old son want to go to the Hamilton Zoo, they should pay ________

A.10 B.15 C.25 D.4



    Robots will save schools money. The cost to build a robot and hire a Filipino teacher to work with is around $20000 a year. That is about half the cost of supporting a foreign teacher in South Korea. What's more, robot teachers can make students have more fun learning English.

What's the cost of hiring two English teachers from abroad in South Korea a year?

A.$10000. B.$20000. C.$40000. D.$80000.



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