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China has accepted western fashion and t...

    China has accepted western fashion and technology as it has developed these years, but a lot of young people are turning to the past for their clothes choices and putting on traditional "hanfu".

As the government encourages the renaissance (复兴) of traditional culture, hanfu is getting more and more popular with the teenagers. Every year, we can enjoy different hanfu shows around the cities. These shows bring us back to Han dynasty. We learn more about the history, culture and beauty from them.

Hanfu hasn't been in the same style since Han dynasty. However, this kind of clothes has something in common. They all have large soft robes (袍子), with sleeves that hang down to the knees, so the hands can't be seen.

In modern China, the hanfu lovers are from history fans, cartoon fans to clothes fans.

"Clothes are the basic part of culture, so both the traditional clothes and modern clothes play the same role in culture," said Zhang Jun, a famous reporter. "If the people and the country do not even understand our traditional clothes or don't wear them, how can we talk about other important parts of our culture?"

1.What clothes does the passage talk about?

A. B. C. D.

2.Han fu is getting more and more popular because ________.

A.China has accepted western fashion B.China has accepted western technology

C.China has developed in recent years D.the government encourages traditional culture

3.Who are hanfu lovers in China nowadays?

A.History fans. B.Cartoon fans. C.Clothes fans. D.All of the above.

4.What does the underlined word "sleeves" mean?

A.衣领 B.衣袖 C.纽扣 D.拉链

5.According to Zhang Jun, he thinks ________.

A.clothes are not the part of culture B.it's not necessary for us to wear hanfu

C.clothes help us understand our culture better D.hanfu isn't so important as modern clothes


1.A 2.D 3.D 4.B 5.C 【解析】 文章介绍的是随着传统文化的复兴,汉服变得越来越受欢迎了,以及汉服的样子,和所代表的文化意义。 1. 细节理解题。根据文中They all have large soft robes (袍子), with sleeves that hang down to the knees, so the hands can’t be seen. 它们都有大而柔软的长袍,袖子垂到膝盖,所以手看不见。可知与描述相符的是A选项中的图片,故选A。 2. 细节理解题。根据文中As the government encourages the renaissance (复兴) of traditional culture, hanfu is getting more and more popular with the teenagers.可知,随着政府鼓励传统文化的复兴,汉服越来越受到青少年的欢迎。故选D。 3. 细节理解题。根据文中In modern China, the hanfu lovers are from history fans, cartoon fans to clothes fans.可知,在现代中国,汉服爱好者从历史迷、卡通迷到服装迷。故选D。 4. 词义猜测题。根据文中They all have large soft robes (袍子), with sleeves that hang down to the knees, so the hands can’t be seen. 他们都有大而柔软的长袍,……垂到膝盖,所以手看不见。可知,这里的sleeves指的是“袖子”,故选B。 5. 细节理解题。根据文中“Clothes are the basic part of culture, so both the traditional clothes and modern clothes play the same role in culture,” said Zhang Jun, a famous reporter. “If the people and the country do not even understand our traditional clothes or don’t wear them, how can we talk about other important parts of our culture?” 著名记者张军说:“服装是文化的基本组成部分,所以传统服装和现代服装在文化中起着同样的作用。如果人民和国家连我们的传统服装都不懂,或者不穿,我们怎么谈我们文化的其他重要部分呢?”可知,衣服能帮助我们更好地了解我们的文化,故选C。

    Many students in Zunyi like eating our local food—mashed (捣碎的) potatoes, because it is cheap and delicious. However, do you know how to make it? Here are some ingredients and steps.


1kg of potatoes

25g of oil

Salt and pepper


First, peel the potatoes. Try to cut the potatoes into small pieces.

Second, cook the potatoes in a pot filled with water for half an hour.

Next, when the potatoes are soft, put them in a bowl, and mash them with a fork.

After that, add the oil, salt and pepper. If you like, add some meat!

Finally, fry it for a few minutes. Now it's ready.



1.The reason why students in Zunyi like mashed potatoes is that ________.

A.its crispy and salty B.it's cheap and delicious

C.it's sweet and cheap D.it's expensive and delicious

2.What ingredients do we need to make mashed potatoes?

Potatoes                Oil                Salt and pepper        Sugar

A.①②④ B.①③④ C.①②③ D.②③④

3.How long should we cook the potatoes in a pot?

A.30 minutes. B.45 minutes. C.60 minutes. D.90 minutes.

4.How many steps are necessary for making mashed potatoes?

A.2. B.3. C.4. D.5.

5.Where can you probably read this passage?

A.In a storybook. B.In a cookbook.

C.In a guidebook. D.On a news website.



By the Youth

When we were scared, sad and helpless, you gave us courage, warmth and hopes.


When we had to stay at home to keep away from the illness, you, workers, helped us buy living things;

Leaving your children behind, you worked in the neighborhood every day, you never complained but smiled the whole day.


When we needed all kinds of materials, you, drivers, drove them there without thinking twice;

Running on the streets, between the cities, you made sure things went well as usual.

When we had coughs or fevers, you, , tried your best to save our lives;

Looking after the patients in the hospital day and night, you never gave up until the sick got well.


There are many people doing jobs in silence;

There are many people giving hands without telling their names.

Thanks for your hard work and selflessness.

You're the heroes of the times.

You're the most beautiful in our hearts.

We love you!




1.We had to stay at home because ________.

A.we didn't want to go out B.we had enough food

C.we didn't want to work D.we wanted to avoid the illness

2.According to the poem, the drivers were ________.

A.warm-hearted B.awful C.cruel D.cold

3.Which can be the best for    ▲   ?

A.scientists. B.officers. C.doctors and nurses. D.drivers.

4.What's the writer's purpose of writing this poem?

A.To show his praises. B.To show his regrets.

C.To show his worries. D.To show his wishes.

5.What's the best title for the poem?

A.To the politest people. B.To the most beautiful people.

C.To the cleverest people. D.To the most humorous people.








A.Please remember to protect your eyes.

B.Have a good day, bye!

C.Don't worry! You will go back to school soon.

D.I have to go to school every day.

E.Because I can play basketball with my neighbors.

F.Because I have to take online lessons at home.

G.Actually, I feel a little bit bored.



    Jim and Steve were twins. They played on the same football team, and shared all the same toys, the same bedroom and the same friends. They shared ________.

One Sunday, Jim and Steve went ________ to ride their blue bike, but they wanted to go to different places. Their mother heard the two boys arguing and came outside. She told ________ to take turns to ride the bike. However, they didn't want to share it.

A few days later, their mother brought a pet ________ home for the boys. "Can't we each have our own cat?" asked the boys angrily. They were ________ of sharing everything.

"I'm sorry, but you must share one cat," the mother said. "You will have to ________ the cat and make sure it has enough food and doesn't do anything wrong." Then the boys began to share the jobs.

One day, the cat got into the mother's bedroom. After a few minutes, the cat had fun playing with the ball of yarn (线) and ________ away the yarn all over the room. Steve saw it and quickly went to find Jim, telling him ________ the cat had done.

"Oh, no! It's our job to clean up the mess," cried Jim. The boys quickly picked up the yarn and ________.

"Just think, Jim, if we had two cats, they would have made a ________ mess," said Steve.

"That's right," laughed Jim. "Maybe sharing isn't so bad!"

1.A.anyone B.someone C.nothing D.everything

2.A.outside B.inside C.upstairs D.downstairs

3.A.us B.them C.him D.her

4.A.dog B.cat C.fish D.bird

5.A.tired B.full C.short D.proud

6.A.catch B.meet C.feed D.beat

7.A.throwing B.giving C.running D.going

8.A.where B.why C.what D.who

9.A.put it up B.put it back C.put it on D.put it off

10.A.happier B.easier C.smaller D.bigger



    I am Turere. Since the age of nine, I have helped to _____ my family's cows. _____ a child, I enjoyed playing with electronics. I made my own _____ such as electronic toys from car parts. I also built _____ electronic devices(仪器) for my neighbors.

At the age of 13, I invented something that _____my life. One night, a lion came into my family's _____ and killed a cow. I was angry. However, _____ the lion, I thought, was not the best way to solve the problem. _____ I decided to invent a solution.

The first idea I got was to use _____ because I thought lions were scared of fire. ______ I came to realize that that didn't really help, because it was even ______ the lions to see through the cowshed(牛棚).

And a second idea I got was to use a scarecrow(稻草人). I was trying to trick the lions into ______ that I was standing near the cowshed. But lions are very ______. They will come the first day and they see the scarecrow, and they go back. But the second day, they'll come and they say, this thing is not ______ here, it is always here! So he jumps in and kills the animals.

So one night, I was walking around the cowshed with a torch(手电筒), and that day, the lions didn't come. And I discovered that lions were ______ of a moving light. So I had an idea...

1.A.put up B.look after C.find out D.give up

2.A.From B.With C.On D.As

3.A.improvement B.decisions C.inventions D.mind

4.A.another B.others C.the other D.other

5.A.changes B.changed C.is changing D.has changed

6.A.company B.school C.park D.farm

7.A.to kill B.killing C.killed D.to killing

8.A.Moreover B.However C.Instead D.Also

9.A.water B.fire C.music D.film

10.A.So B.And C.Or D.But

11.A.giving B.teaching C.running D.helping

12.A.following B.protecting C.thinking D.taking

13.A.clever B.stupid C.clean D.dirty

14.A.riding B.coming C.running D.moving

15.A.free B.sure C.afraid D.tired



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