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Piao Wenyao (朴文圭) fell in love with the ...

    Piao Wenyao (朴文圭) fell in love with the game of go (围棋) when he started to play it at the age of 5. _______ that time, he knew he would be a go player for life. He kept practicing hard for many years.

On February 23, 2011, Piao _______ the 15th LG World Cup final (决赛). He became the _______ go world champion (冠军). It is Piao's _______ international title. He was then only 22 years old.

When Piao was about 10 years old, he came to Beijing with his parents to learn go. Several months later, an accident happened and his father lost his life in an underpass (地下通道). It was a big blow (打击) to his _______ . Piao's mother had to work harder to _______ her son in his education.

Piao began to shine in 2005, but _______ got a championship. As younger players attracted the world's attention, Piao kept _______ cool.

In 2008, Piao entered the final of an important international match. He started off strong, but his rival (对手) later caught up to him and Piao lost the match. This loss was a _______ and disappointing failure for Piao.

But even during these dark times Piao didn't ________ giving up. What gives him such strong determination (决心)?

"The game of go has a special attraction ________ makes me give my whole heart. Try our best and ________ get the victory—it is the best thing in the world," he said.

1.A.In B.At C.On D.For

2.A.won B.beat C.got D.defeated

3.A.best B.tallest C.youngest D.oldest

4.A.first B.second C.third D.last

5.A.class B.grade C.family D.school

6.A.give B.invite C.take D.support

7.A.once B.never C.seldom D.sometimes

8.A.her B.his C.your D.their

9.A.lucky B.easy C.nice D.terrible

10.A.hear of B.dream of C.think of D.take care of

11.A.it B.who C.what D.that

12.A.finally B.loudly C.silently D.carelessly


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.B 9.D 10.C 11.D 12.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文,文章讲述第15届LG世界围棋决赛冠军得主朴对围棋的兴趣以及在比赛中失败仍不放弃,尽自己最大的努力最终取得胜利的经历。 1. 句意:在那个时候,他知道他将终生下围棋。 in在……里面;at指具体的点;on在……上面;for为了。此处用介词短语at that time表示“在那个时候”。故选B。 2. 句意:2011年2月23日,朴赢得了第15届LG世界围棋决赛。 won赢得;beat打败;got得到;defeated打败。根据“the 15th LG World Cup final”可知此处表示在比赛中获胜,用动词won。故选A。 3. 句意:他成为最年轻的围棋世界冠军。 best最好的;tallest最高的;youngest最年轻的;oldest最老的。根据“He was then only 22 years old”可知此处用youngest表示“最年轻的”。故选C。 4. 句意:这是朴的第一个国际头衔。 first第一;second第二;third第三;last最后的。根据“he won the 15th LG World Cup final”可知此处用序数词first表示“第一个”。故选A。 5. 句意:这是他家庭的一个巨大的打击。 class班,课;grade年级;family家庭;school学校。根据“an accident happened and his father lost his life in an underpass”父亲在事故中去世,可知这是家庭的损失,此处用名词family。故选C。 6. 句意:朴的母亲不得不工作更努力来支持儿子的教育。 give给;invite邀请;take带走;support支持。根据“her son in his education”可知此处用动词support表示“支持”。故选D。 7. 句意:朴在2005年开始红了,但是从没得到冠军。 once一次;never从不;seldom很少;sometimes有时。根据“On February 23, 2011”及“Piao began to shine in 2005”可知2005还没得到冠军,用副词never。故选B。 8. 句意:作为更年轻的选手吸引世界的注意,朴保持着自己的冷静。 her她的;his他的;your你的;their他们的。根据句子的主语Piao可知此处用his表示“他的”。故选B。 9. 句意:这个损失对朴来说是一个糟糕的让人失望的失败。 lucky幸运的;easy容易的;nice好看的;terrible糟糕的。根据“loss”和“disappointing failure”可知此处用表示贬义的形容词terrible表示“糟糕的”。故选D。 10. 句意:但是甚至是在这些黑暗的时候,朴没有想过放弃。 hear of听说;dream of梦想;think of想起;take care of照顾。根据“gives him such strong determination”可知表达“没有想过放弃”,用动词短语 think of。故选C。 11. 句意:围棋比赛有特别的吸引力让我全身心投入。 it它;who谁,what什么;that那个。此处用连词that引导定语从句,先行词是attraction,表示的是物,从句缺少主语,用关系代词that。故选D。 12. 句意:尽我最大努力最后取得胜利,这是世界上最好的事。 finally最后;loudly大声地;silently安静地;carelessly不小心地。根据“get the victory”可知此处副词finally表示“最后”。故选A。

It's exciting that Chinese women's volleyball team won the World Cup.

Well, teamwork is important. As we know___________.

A.a good beginning is half done B.one tree can't make a forest

C.actions speak louder than words D.every coin has two sides



Mr. Wang, I didn't catch what you said. Could you tell me ________ again?

OK. Wait a minute.

A.how we will get there B.what should we take C.when would we start D.where shall we meet



Chinese people usually stay at home with their families on ___________ to welcome the new year.

But this year, thousands of medical workers left their homes to fight the COVID-19 (新冠肺炎).

A.National Day B.the Mid-autumn Festival C.the Spring Festival              D.the Dragon Boat Festival



Project Hope celebrated its 30 birthday in 2019.

Yeah. It ___________ children from poor families the chance to go to school since 1989.

A.offered B.has offered C.is offered D.is offering



Michael, could you please help me ___________ this math problem?

OK. Let me have a try.

A.look up B.look after C.work out D.put away



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