满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Once upon a time, a king dressed up and ...

    Once upon a time, a king dressed up and went to a local village. He placed a large stone in the middle of the main road and hid gold coins under the stone. Then he hid behind a huge tree and watched.

The first person down the street was a milkman with his car (小车). He crashed into the stone and the milk spread all over the ground. “What fool put this stone here? “he shouted. He picked himself up and angrily went away.

After a while, a group of women came along, each balancing a pot of water on her head. One woman tripped over (绊倒) the stone and her water pot went crashing to the ground. She picked herself up and walked away in tears. Neither she nor her friends thought about moving the stone out of the road.

The king watched all day as many people complained about the stone, but he found nobody was willing to move it. The king wondered, “Is there no one in this village who feels any responsibility to keep their neighbors from harm?”

Just then, the king saw a young girl coming along. She was the daughter of a local farmer. She had been working all day and was very tired. But when she saw the stone, she said to herself. “This stone is a danger to anyone who comes down the road after dark. I’ll move it out of the way.”

After a great deal of effort, the girl finally succeeded in moving the stone to the side of the road. Imagine her surprise when she saw the gold coins where the stone had been!

Just then, the king stepped out from behind the tree. “Oh sir,” the girl said, “Is this gold yours? If not, we surely must find the owner, for he will certainly miss it.”

The king said, “My dear, the gold is mine, but now the gold is yours, because you are the only person who has learnt the lesson I want to teach my people. Nothing good can come to a nation whose people only complain and expect others to solve their problems.”

1.How did the milkman feel when he crashed into the stone?

A.Angry. B.Sad. C.Curious. D.Worried.

2.What’s the meaning of the underlined word “responsibility” in Paragraph (段落) 4?

A.欲望 B.兴趣 C.责任 D.能力

3.Why did the king place a stone on the road?

A.He wanted to give the girl a reward. B.He wanted to hide gold coins under it

C.He wanted to play a trick on his people. D.He wanted to see if anyone would move it.

4.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A.All the people complained about the stone.

B.It was not easy for the girl to move the stone.

C.One of the women in the group tried to move the stone.

D.The girl was excited when seeing the gold coins under the stone.

5.What’s the best title (标题) of the passage?

A.A wise king B.A kind girl

C.A stone on the road D.Gold coins under the stone


1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.C 【解析】 文章告诉我们一个哲理:好事情是不会降临到一个臣民只会抱怨和坐等好处的国家的。 1. 细节理解题。根据第二段“What fool put this stone here? “he shouted. He picked himself up and angrily went away.意为“哪个傻子把石头放这儿? “他喊道。 他自己站起来,愤怒地离开了。”由此可知,牛奶工很愤怒。故选A。 2. 词句猜测题。根据第四段The king wondered, “Is there no one in this village who feels any responsibility to keep their neighbors from harm?”意为“国王想知道:“这个村子里没有人感觉自己负有任何责任让邻居免受伤害吗?””可知让村民免受伤害的人一定是有责任心的。故选C。 3. 推理判断题。根据第四段The king wondered, “Is there no one in this village who feels any responsibility to keep their neighbors from harm?”可知国王把石头放路中央,希望有个充满责任感的人来把它搬走。故选D。 4. 推理判断题。根据第五段But when she saw the stone, she said to herself. “This stone is a danger to anyone who comes down the road after dark. I’ll move it out of the way.”可知小女孩看到石头后想着要把它搬走。故A错误。根据第三段Neither she nor her friends thought about moving the stone out of the road.可知这群女人没有想过要搬走石头。故C错误。根据倒数第二段Is this gold yours? If not, we surely must find the owner, for he will certainly miss it.可知女孩找到金子后想快点找到失主。故D错误。根据倒数第三段After a great deal of effort, the girl finally succeeded in moving the stone to the side of the road.可知经过大量的努力,女孩终于成功地将石头移到路边。因此女孩并没有很容易搬走石头。故B正确。故选B。 5. 最佳标题。文章是由一块石头引发了一系列的故事,石头也是人生中的一种障碍,要消灭它还是无视他,不同的人有不同的选择。文章告诉我们,要把石头搬走而不是无视,因为好事情是不会降临到一个臣民只会抱怨和坐等好处的国家的。故选C。

    Welcome to the Summer Palace

Opening hours:

Apr. 1—Oct. 3l: 6:30—18:00; Inside gardens: 8:30—17:00

Nov. 1—Mar. 31: 7:00—17:00; Inside gardens: 9:00—16:00

Ticket Price:

Adult age 18+    ¥30

Child: age 6—18  ¥15

Free for children under 120 cm (3.9 feet), or below 6 years old.

The elderly over 60 enjoy half price.

(Ticket prices of Dehe Garden, Tower of Buddhist Incense, Wenchang Hall, Suzhou Street and Danning Hall are not included)

Online booking:

1. The tickets are sold 7 days in advance (提前)

2. Your Passport or ID information is required, and one person can book only one ticket per day.

3. One adult could only book one child ticket.

Important Notice:

During COVID-19 Epidemic Control Period:

1. The real-time local “Health Code” will be checked before entering.

2. Body temperalure over 37.3 or coughing and short of breath, visitors are not allowed to enter.

3. Wear masks during the visit and keep distance with others.

For more information, you can visit: https://www.travelchinaguide.com/summer-palace-tickets-booking.htm




1.On National Day, visitors can enter the Summer Palace at________.

A.6:00am B.8:00am C.9:00pm D.any time

2.How much will a 70-year-old lady pay at least to visit the Summer Palace?

A.¥15 B.¥30 C.¥45 D.None

3.How much will a young couple with a 4-year-old child pay at least to visit the Summer Palace?

A.¥30. B.¥45 C.¥60 D.¥75

4.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.One adult could only book one child ticket.

B.One should pay extra money to visit Danning Hall.

C.Passport or ID information is needed when booking tickets online.

D.A man with a high fever can enter the Summer Palace with a mask.

5.Where is the passage probably taken from?

A.A story book B.A news report C.A science fiction. D.A travel guide




One day, a 7-year-old boy held a dollar coin in his hand and asked the shop owners along the street, “Excuse me, do you sell God?”

All the day, the stubborn (倔强的) boy went in and out of many stores, asking the ________ question, but each time he was ________.

Then, at the sixty-ninth store, a 60-year-old grandpa ________ and asked the little boy “Why do you want to buy God?”

The boy told him that his parents had died when he was still a baby and his uncle was now ________ him. But several days before, his uncle fell off stairs and was unconscious (昏迷) in hospital. The doctor told the boy that only God could save his uncle.

“How much do you have?” the old man asked.

“One dollar,” ________ the child.

“My boy, God’s price is ________ one dollar,” said the old man

Then the storekeeper took a bottle of “God” from the shelf. “________ it, boy! When your uncle drinks it, he will get well soon.”

The little boy ________ to the hospital and shouted happily to his uncle, “Uncle, I bought God back and you will get well soon.”

The next day, a medical team ________ the world’s top medical experts (专家) came to the hospital. The ________ was very successful.

When the little boy’s uncle saw the large medical bill he almost passed out. ________, the hospital told him the bill had already been paid by a rich elderly man.

The little boy’s uncle went to the ________ to thank the old man. But he was away on holiday, ________ a letter.

“You don’t need to thank me. The bill has been paid by your nephew (侄子). To save you, he brought a ________ and went into every store to buy God. Thank God, ________ was the one that saved you!”

1.A.silly B.same C.serious D.strange

2.A.pitied B.stopped C.supported D.refused

3.A.agreed B.smiled C.silenced D.complained

4.A.raising B.serving C.protecting D.controlling

5.A.repeated B.replied C.reminded D.require

6.A.exactly B.really C.hardly D.truly

7.A.Buy B.Get C.Take D.Accept

8.A.moved B.jogged C.rushed D.jumped

9.A.made of B.made from C.made up D.made up of

10.A.story B.patient C.medicine D.operation

11.A.Instead B.Otherwise C.However D.Anyway

12.A.store B.hospital C.company D.street

13.A.writing B.posting C.leaving D.answering

14.A.card B.bill C.letter D.dollar

15.A.I B.he C.God D.the storekeeper



—I heard NBA star Kobe Bryant’s private helicopter (直升机) crashed. I wonder________.

—All the nine people died including his 13-year-old daughter, Gianna.

A.where the accident happened B.that his daughter died too

C.what was the weather like that day D.if there were any survivors in the accident



— Why not go out for dinner? My treat this time.

— ________. But I’m busy preparing for an interview.

A.Not at all B.In your dreams C.Sounds great D.Don’t mention it



—In China, many students feel stressed because of too much homework.

—Don’t worry. Our government has realized this problem. I’m sure there ________ be good news for them soon.

A.can B.must C.should D.need



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