满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Have you ever posted a photo on a social...

    Have you ever posted a photo on a social networking site? How would you feel if your photo ended up on an advertisement in a foreign country? This is what happened to the Smiths of Missouri.

The Smiths, an all­American family with two children, posted the photo during their holiday. The picture showed the husband and wife, Jeff and Danielle, and their two smiling children. Later Danielle, who lives in St Louis posted the picture on her blog and other social networking sites. Then, she forgot about it until a few months later when she received an e­mail from a friend, Brian.

Brian was traveling around Europe. One day, he noticed a big advertisement with some familiar faces on it: Jeff, Danielle and their two children. Brian took a photo of the ad and e­mailed it to his friend back in the USA. When Danielle saw that her photo had been used for the ad, she described it as, “Interesting, I suppose. But quite terrible.”

The shop owner Mario Bertuccio was shocked, too. He said he found the image on the Internet. He explained, “As soon as I realized it was a real family, I took it down and said sorry to the Smiths by email. I also told them that if they lived nearer, I would send a bottle of good wine to them.”

In her blog, Danielle wrote, “So, this is the way we pay for indulging in social media, I guess.” She said that next time when she posted a picture online, she was going to put a watermark on it.

1.When did Brian find his friend's photo was used as an ad?

A.When he was taking a trip in Europe.

B.When he was taking photos in Missouri.

C.When he was making advertisements in Europe.

D.When he was buying things in Europe.

2.Which word can best describe Danielle's feeling when she saw the ad of her photo?

A.Interested. B.Excited.

C.Terrible. D.Satisfied.

3.What did the shop owner do when he realized it was a photo of a real family?

A.He bought the photo online.

B.He ran a grocery store in the USA.

C.He sent a bottle of good wine to show his sorry.

D.He took down the ad and e­mailed the Smiths to say sorry.

4.What does the underlined word “indulging” mean in Chinese?

A.沉溺 B.珍视 C.专注 D.着眼

5.What's the best title for the text?

A.A good place—the Internet B.Be careful to post photos online

C.Posting photos online becomes popular D.Danielle became famous in a strange way


1.A 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.B 【解析】 【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了Smith一家把照片发到网上却被人用在广告里的故事,告诉我们不要随便把自己的私人照片发到网上。 1.细节理解题。题干意为:Brian是什么时候发现他朋友的照片被用在广告里的?根据第三段第一、二句“Brian was traveling around Europe...”可知他是在游历欧洲的旅途中发现的。故选A。 2.细节理解题。题干意为:哪个词可以最能形容Danielle看到有她照片的广告时的感受?根据第三段最后一句“When Danielle saw that...‘Interesting, I suppose. But quite terrible.’”可推知Danielle看到朋友发的广告图片时感觉很糟糕。故选C。 3.细节理解题。题干意为:商店老板得知这是一个真实家庭的照片后是怎么做的?根据第四段可知商店老板知道此事后将照片从广告里取了下来,并且通过邮件向Smith一家表达了歉意。故选D。 4.词义猜测题。题干意为:划线单词“indulging”的汉语意思是什么?根据最后一段可知Danielle在她的博客里写道:我猜,这就是我们________社交媒体所付出的代价,结合下句可知她得到了启发,故此处是指沉溺于社交媒体所付出的代价。故选A。 5.标题归纳题。题干意为:这篇文章最好的标题是什么?通读全文可知文章讲述了在网络上发自己的私人照片要谨慎。故选B。

    People in Uganda usually invite guests to enjoy bananashake and dishes. When the guests come, they usually give each of them 1. cup of delicious banana juice. After that they have the banana dishes2. spoons for dinner. The most traditional banana dish is matoke.

The delicious matoke is one of the oldest dishes in the world for celebrating important events. A legend says that Kintu served matoke for the earth first. Ugandans think that Kintu was the first man3. the earth.

4. do they cook matoke? First, people peel some bananas and place them in banana leaves.5., they steam them for about one hour. And then mash them. Finally, they add some sauce, fresh fish or meat. Do you want to enjoy this delicious food?


Word Bank

matoke乌干达蕉饭  legend 传说  steam   mash捣碎




    My mom works hard. She takes care of me and my young ________. Every day when she gets home from work, she makes supper for us.

One day, I _______to help my mom. She's always taking care of us and feeding us, so I thought, “It's about time I do_________for her too. I'm nine years old.”

I decided to cook supper for her. I don't know a lot about _______. But it doesn't look that difficult, right? Noodles are easy to cook. All you do is to boil water in a pot, then add the noodles and continue boiling. This was how I saw my mom doing it many_______.

I was really_______. “Today, when Mom comes home, supper will be cooked. We will sit down and eat some delicious noodles,” I said to myself.

After school I couldn't wait to _______ home and started cooking. I boiled the water on the stove and ______ the noodles. I was very careful. I cooked the noodles a long time.

Just before Mom got home, I _____ the stove. The noodles were not like the kind my mom _______ makes. They were very mushy. They were more like a soup.

Mom was_______ when she came home. She put the noodles in the bowls _______ sat with me and ate her noodles. “Mmm! These are very _______ noodles,” she said, “These are the best noodles in the world. You make a very good _______ soup, my son.”

I knew that I had overcooked the noodles. They were terrible. But that's not the point. Mom knew that I was trying to help out. Later, she told ________ that she would give me a cooking lesson if I wanted.


Word Bank



1.A.sister B.father C.teacher D.friend

2.A.disagreed B.decided C.disliked D.failed

3.A.anything B.nothing C.something D.everything

4.A.teaching B.swimming C.drawing D.cooking

5.A.times B.minutes C.weeks D.days

6.A.relaxed B.excited C.interested D.worried

7.A.run B.walk C.drive D.ride

8.A.poured B.threw C.added D.watched

9.A.turned on B.turned off C.turned up D.turned down

10.A.hardly B.never C.seldom D.usually

11.A.surprised B.bored C.sorry D.tired

12.A.but B.or C.and D.so

13.A.bad B.sour C.sweet D.good

14.A.potato B.noodle C.vegetable D.fruit

15.A.me B.you C.her D.us



    Food expressions are popular with language learners.1. Today we are going to talk about the expressions that use the word “potato”

The potato is a kind of common food. We have an expression that uses “potato” to describe a person like that: simple and common. If someone is a meat­and­potatoes kind of person, he prefers simple and common things, such as potatoes and blue jeans. 2. It can also describe the most important part of an activity. For example, we might say that trying our best is the meat­and­potatoes of taking part in an racing competition.

You may know that “hot potato” is a party game. In the game, players form a circle and pass on a small object quickly to each other when music plays. Everyone wants to pass on the object to the next person as fast as possible.3.

However, “hot potato” is more than a game. It can also mean a difficult issue(事情). And if an issue is too difficult to deal with, it might be a good idea to “drop it like a hot potato”.

4. They are unimportant matters. If someone describes an issue as a “small potato” he means the issue is not worth his time. For example, if the police in a big city do not have enough resources, they probably won't waste much time on “small potatoes” like bicycle thieves. 5. But please note. We may say “small potatoes” for unimportant matters. But, we do not say “big potatoes” for important ones. English is funny that way!


A.They have tasks that are more important.

B.Besides describing people, there is another way to use meat­and­potatoes.

C.The expressions combine two important things of culture: food and language.

D.“Hot potatoes” might be important issues but “small potatoes” are just the opposite.

E.It's because when the music stops, the player holding the object must leave the game.



    Tomatoes are one of the world's oldest foods. They were discovered by the Indians of South America thousands of years ago. The first tomatoes were very small. By the time the Europeans brought them to Europe in the 1500s, they were larger. They looked more like the tomatoes we eat today.

When tomatoes first arrived in Italy, they were known as “love apples”. Italians believed that if you ate a tomato, you would easily fall in love.

In the United States, people believed that tomatoes were poisonous, and that you would die immediately after eating one. It wasn't easy to persuade people otherwise.

That was, until 1820, Robert Johnson decided to prove people wrong. He announced that he would publicly eat one bushel of tomatoes—about 50. A huge crowd showed up to watch. They were sure that Mr. Johnson was going to die. Of course, he survived. And the tomato went on to gain a big place in the American diet.

In the beginning, people argued whether a tomato was a fruit or a vegetable. From a purely scientific point of view it is a fruit. A fruit is the ripened ovary of any plant that makes seeds. However, this didn't stop most people from calling it a vegetable. They reasoned that tomatoes are eaten with the main meal—just like vegetables.

They are not eaten as dessert, like other fruits such as apples or bananas. Therefore, they thought the tomato must surely be a vegetable.

Fruit or vegetable, tomatoes have survived for a long time. They are not likely to disappear any time soon. They are just too good to eat.


Word Bank

poisonous有毒的  bushel蒲式耳  survive活下来,幸存  ripened ovary成熟的子房


1.What did Italians think of tomatoes?

A.They thought tomatoes were harmful to humans.

B.They regarded tomatoes as “love apples”.

C.They didn't know tomatoes were fruit or vegetables.

D.They thought tomatoes were fruit.

2.Which paragraph proved tomatoes were safe?

A.Paragraph 2. B.Paragraph 3.

C.Paragraph 4. D.Paragraph 5.

3.Tomatoes were fruit ________.

A.because we looked from a purely scientific opinion

B.because they were discovered thousands of years ago

C.because tomatoes were eaten with the main meal just like vegetables

D.because tomatoes were not eaten as dessert

4.What does the underlined word “ persuade ” mean in Chinese?

A.打败 B.注意 C.放弃 D.劝说

5.What's the best title for the text?

A.The history of tomatoes B.The value of tomatoes

C.The benefits of eating tomatoes D.The difference between fruit and vegetables











Dear Mike,

How time flies! It’s time to say goodbye.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Yours sincerely,

Li hua



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