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(素材源自One Story A Day Book 5) 选对朋友很重要 One...

    (素材源自One Story A Day Book 5)


One day I ran across Johnny Baker on the street. He was a lot older than I was and known as the worst kid in the neighborhood. He came to me and said, "I'm going to the store. Want to come along or are you too chicken?" I agreed.

When we left the store, he stole two chocolate bars and put one in my hand. At that moment, the owner of the store came out. Johnny ran off, but I stayed. I was in big trouble then. My grandfather told me a story about a frog and a scorpion that night.

There was once a frog and a scorpion who both lived on an island. One day, there was a fire in the whole island. Just as the frog was about to jump into the water, the scorpion came to him and begged, "Please help me get off the island! I can't swim. Let me ride on your back."

"No," said the frog. "You'll sting me!"

"No!" the scorpion said. "Why would I do that? If I did that, we'd both die!"

The frog thought about this and finally agreed.

Once they were far from the shore, the scorpion stung the frog in the back. The frog tried to swim, but he couldn't continue. "Why did you do that?" he cried out. "Now we'll both die!" The scorpion replied, "Because I am a scorpion."

When my grandfather finished telling the story, he looked at me and said, "One of the most important decisions you make in your life is who you call your friends." I nodded my head.

1.Who is Johnny Baker?

A.He is a bad child in the neighborhood. B.He never steals things from the stores.

C.He is the oldest boy on the street. D.He likes going shopping with others.

2.What did Johnny Baker give the writer when they left the store?

A. B. C. D.

3.Why was the writer in big trouble?

A.Because his grandfather was quite pleased with Johnny.

B.Because he was considered as the thief by mistake.

C.Because he was not like the frog in the story.

D.Because he decided not to find friends after knowing the story.

4.How might the frog feel after the scorpion stung him?

A.Angry. B.Moved. C.Nervous. D.Tired.

5.What does the text mainly tell us?

A.Choosing friends in your life is very important.

B.Friends have a big influence on each other.

C.Never believe in a bad person.

D.The scorpion and the frog are enemies forever.


1.A 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.A 【解析】 【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了作者和街上的最坏的孩子Johnny逛商店, Johnny偷了东西后逃跑了,而作者被当作了小偷。后来爷爷给作者讲了蝎子和青蛙的故事, 作者明白了在人生中选择什么样的朋友很重要。 1. 细节理解题。题干意为:谁是Johnny Baker? 根据文中第一段第二句"He was a lot older than I was and known as the worst kid in the neighborhood."可知他比作者年龄大, 是街上最坏的孩子。故选A。 2. 细节理解题。题干意为:当他们离开商店时, Johnny Baker给了作者什么? 根据文中第二段第一句"When we left the store, he stole two chocolate bars and put one in my hand."可知, 他给了作者一根巧克力棒。故选A。 3. 推理判断题。题干意为:作者为什么陷入了大麻烦?根据文中第二段中"At that moment, the owner of the store came out. Johnny ran off, but I stayed. I was in big trouble then."可推测出商店的老板误认为作者是小偷。故选B。 4. 推理判断题。题干意为:被蝎子刺伤后,青蛙感觉如何? 据文中倒数第二段中"'Why did you do that?' he cried out. 'Now we'll both die!'" 可知青蛙很生气。故选A。 5. 主旨大意题。题干意为:这篇文章主要告诉了我们什么?联系上下文, 文中通过作者自己的亲身经历和爷爷所讲的蝎子和青蛙的故事, 告诉我们人生路上选择朋友很重要, 如果一旦选错就会让自己陷入麻烦甚至失去生命。结合选项可知A项最符合文意。故选A。

    智能手机给我们的生活带来了很多便利,特别是各种APP(微信WeChat,趣配音Fun Dubbing,抖音Tik Tok,共享单车Bike Sharing)在我们的生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色。请以“The smart phone has changed our life”为题,写一篇英语短文。

1. 要点:1)在哪些方面改变了我们的生活;



2. 要求:1)文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称;


The smart phone has changed our life




    Helen's grandfather had a farm. On the farm,1.was a little elephant. Its mother was killed by hunters. It was dangerous to keep the little elephant in the forest, because people were cutting down lots of trees for farming. So grandfather took2. back to the farm. Grandfather warned Helen not to go near the elephant, but Helen noticed that the elephant3. lonely. She wanted to make friends with it. Sometimes Helen sat on the ground reading 4. the elephant was standing by her. Gradually there was a friendship between them. When the elephant saw Helen, it would run up to her like a dog. Her grandfather wondered why the elephant liked Helen so much. Helen's answer was that she loved it.

Helen is right. If we can make friends with animals, the relationship 5.people and animals will be harmonious. We should love and protect animals.


Word Bank

hunter猎人   harmonious和谐的




    Last summer, my brother and I were out in the middle of the lake on our rowboat, having a great time. We were about one kilometre away from our campsite _____ the wind picked up and bad weather rolled in.

_____!” my brother called. “Let's get out of here before the storm hits.” We _____ to row back to the shore. But we soon found that the _____ was very strong, and we were moving slowly.

We also _____ thick clouds floating above. They weren't ordinary clouds. They were very dark. “It's going to be a terrible storm,” shouted my _____. We rowed as hard as we could, but it seemed we were getting nowhere.

There was a strange green color in the clouds as they raced _____ above us. Try as we might, we could make no headway against the powerful force. Just then, my brother came up _____ a good idea.

Since we couldn't make it back to shore against the wind, we could simply go with the wind and let it push our _____ to the other shore.

We turned the boat around and began to row as ______ as we could. The little rowboat had never travelled so fast! Although the other shore was also about a kilometre away, we covered the distance in no time, thanks to the powerful wind pushing us. We ______ the shore and stood there, watching the sky.

It was then that I saw the scariest thing ever. From the sky came a long stream of cloud, shaping like a funnel. We realized ______ we were seeing a tornado!

We watched the tornado touch down and sweep across our campsite. If we had made it back to the camp, who knows what would have happened to ______!

Our campsite was broken, but we weren't hurt. We were very ______. I learned about the incredible ______ of nature that day. It's something that I will never forget.


Word Bank

rowboat划艇  campsite 营地     shore  incredible难以置信的  tornado 龙卷风


1.A.before B.if C.though D.when

2.A.Look back B.Go away C.Hurry up D.Keep off

3.A.learned B.started C.used D.finished

4.A.wind B.rain C.snow D.storm

5.A.felt B.touched C.sounded D.saw

6.A.father B.brother C.mother D.sister

7.A.shyly B.sadly C.happily D.angrily

8.A.with B.in C.on D.under

9.A.coat B.boat C.glasses D.books

10.A.fastest B.the fastest C.faster D.fast

11.A.reached B.found C.remembered D.looked

12.A.where B.that C.what D.who

13.A.us B.him C.her D.them

14.A.clever B.kind C.lucky D.helpful

15.A.story B.result C.power D.influence



    It seems that every day we read about at least one of these (earthquakes, floods and hurricanes) somewhere in the world.  1.It's something much smaller and not so well­known as an earthquake—it's an insect called the locust.

The locust usually does things alone. It lives on its own and eats on its own.2. When the number of locusts increases somewhere and there are lots of plants to eat, the locusts get together in swarms.

3.It is found in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia—in about 60 countries altogether. When desert locusts swarm, they bring problems to one­tenth of all the humans in the world.

4.A swarm of desert locusts can be 1,200 km2 in size. And there can be 50 million locusts in each square kilometer. Each locust eats its own weight in plants every day—so a swarm of desert locusts can eat more than 150 million kilos of food in one day. They can also fly very long distances.5.

Farmers fear the desert locust because it destroys the harvest and brings hunger to people all over the world.


Word Bank

hurricane飓风  locust 蝗虫   swarm一大群;云集


A.The numbers are huge and frightening.

B.Perhaps the most dangerous locust is the desert locust.

C.But, sometimes, something changes the way nature works.

D.But every year, somewhere, another kind of disaster causes great damage to plants and people.

E.In 1954, a swarm of locusts from northwest Africa flew thousands of miles to finally land in Great Britain!



    Have you ever posted a photo on a social networking site? How would you feel if your photo ended up on an advertisement in a foreign country? This is what happened to the Smiths of Missouri.

The Smiths, an all­American family with two children, posted the photo during their holiday. The picture showed the husband and wife, Jeff and Danielle, and their two smiling children. Later Danielle, who lives in St Louis posted the picture on her blog and other social networking sites. Then, she forgot about it until a few months later when she received an e­mail from a friend, Brian.

Brian was traveling around Europe. One day, he noticed a big advertisement with some familiar faces on it: Jeff, Danielle and their two children. Brian took a photo of the ad and e­mailed it to his friend back in the USA. When Danielle saw that her photo had been used for the ad, she described it as, “Interesting, I suppose. But quite terrible.”

The shop owner Mario Bertuccio was shocked, too. He said he found the image on the Internet. He explained, “As soon as I realized it was a real family, I took it down and said sorry to the Smiths by email. I also told them that if they lived nearer, I would send a bottle of good wine to them.”

In her blog, Danielle wrote, “So, this is the way we pay for indulging in social media, I guess.” She said that next time when she posted a picture online, she was going to put a watermark on it.

1.When did Brian find his friend's photo was used as an ad?

A.When he was taking a trip in Europe.

B.When he was taking photos in Missouri.

C.When he was making advertisements in Europe.

D.When he was buying things in Europe.

2.Which word can best describe Danielle's feeling when she saw the ad of her photo?

A.Interested. B.Excited.

C.Terrible. D.Satisfied.

3.What did the shop owner do when he realized it was a photo of a real family?

A.He bought the photo online.

B.He ran a grocery store in the USA.

C.He sent a bottle of good wine to show his sorry.

D.He took down the ad and e­mailed the Smiths to say sorry.

4.What does the underlined word “indulging” mean in Chinese?

A.沉溺 B.珍视 C.专注 D.着眼

5.What's the best title for the text?

A.A good place—the Internet B.Be careful to post photos online

C.Posting photos online becomes popular D.Danielle became famous in a strange way



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