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我们在九月份庆祝教师节。(celebrate) ________________...




We celebrate Teachers’ Day in September. 【解析】 这是陈述句。句子的主语是we我们;句子是一般现在时,谓语动词是celebrate庆祝;宾语是“教师节”用“名词的所有格+名词”的结构Teachers’ Day,表示节日的专有名词单词的首字母大写;时间状语“在九月份”用in September。故答案为We celebrate Teachers’ Day in September.  

    On Saturday morning, every boy in town is happy, except Tom Sawyer. He has to paint the fence because he 1. (punish) for the mistakes he made yesterday. The fence is at least nine 2.(foot) high and runs nearly half the block long. After only a few strokes, he sits down and begins to think of all the fun he has planned for the day. He knows that the painting 3.(take) up all afternoon. Even 4.(bad), other boys will come by soon and see him 5.(do) his chores. Just then, Ben Rogers comes along the road with an apple in his hand. Tom has an idea. He picks up his brush and goes back to work.

"Got to work, hey?" says Ben. "Work? What work are you talking about? It's not every day a boy gets to paint a whole fence by 6.(he)." Then Tom goes on 7.(paint). Ben watches Tom in 8.(silent). He becomes more and more 9.(interest). After a while, he says, "Say, Tom, let me try."

"No, I'm sorry. Aunt Polly says there isn't one boy in a thousand that's fit to paint the fence."

"Come on, Tom. Let me just try, please...I'll give you my apple!"

Tom considers moment longer. Then very slowly he hands the brush over to Ben. Sitting under a shady tree, Tom eats the apple and watches Ben paint the fence in the hot sun. He thinks he 10.(discover)something wonderful since then: To make a boy want something, all you have to do is make that something hard to get!



    How can we protect the Earth? One problem to solve is climate(气候)change. You might wonder about climate change. What is it, exactly?

Gases surround the Earth. 1. Sunlight passes down through the gases. The gases trap(储存)the sun's heat and act like blanket. Without these gases, the Earth would be very cold. The trouble comes when humans add too many gases to the atmosphere. The gases build up and trap even more heat. This causes changes in climate. The Earth becomes too warm.

2. There's another gas causing climate change. No one talks about it as much. It is nitrous oxide(氧化亚氮). Many call it laughing gas. Dentists may give patients nitrous oxide so they will not feel pain. The atmosphere has small amounts of nitrous oxide. But nitrous oxide can stay in the atmosphere more than 100 years which can change the climate a lot.

Nitrous oxide forms naturally. 3. Bacteria are living organisms(生物)made of single cells. Farmers use nitrogen fertilizer(氮肥)to help grow bigger crops. The bacteria in the soil take the nitrogen from the fertilizer and make more nitrous oxide with it.

So how can we help? "Number one is to not waste food," Wagner Riddle, a scientist from Canada, said. 4. That number comes from a U. S. university study. "There is a lot that goes into making food", Wagner Riddle says. "So then if it's wasted, it's for nothing."

A.That's the reason for climate change.

B.It comes from bacteria(细菌)that live in the dirt.

C.Carbon dioxide(二氧化碳)is one gas that traps heat.

D.More than one-third of all food created in the U. S. is wasted.

E.These gases reach high into the sky and are called the atmosphere(大气层).



    Shameem was born in a small village in Pakistan. In her village, it was a tradition to keep girls inside their homes. They were not allowed to get an education.

Fortunately, Shameem's uncle, a university teacher, wanted to give her a chance to see the world. He offered Shameem a chance to attend school. So she became the only girl student in her class.

However, Shameem struggled to complete her schooling. To get permission for college, she went on three-day- hunger strike(抗议). After graduating from college, Shameem got a position in non-profit organization(非营利性组织)working to help women in rural(农村的)areas.

There, she saw a Pakistan that she didn't know. Until then, she thought she had a difficult life. But there, she saw what women in other parts of Pakistan were experiencing. Some women had 11 children, but nothing to feed them. They would walk three hours every day to get water.

Shameem found that the position was more than just a job for her. She discovered her power. By setting an example, her experience could encourage more people to understand the importance of education and send their daughters to school.

Now, Shameem teaches in a rural school in her hometown. "The first day I walked into the school," she said, "I saw all these little Shameems staring at me with dreams in their eyes, the same dream of freedom which I had in my childhood."

Today, there is not a single girl in her village who doesn't go to school.

1.Who played an important role in sending Shameem to school?

A.Her uncle. B.Her parents. C.A workmate. D.A university student.

2.Why did Shameem work for a non-profit organization?

A.To make much money. B.To finish her education.

C.To discover her power as an example. D.To help poor women in the countryside.

3.What's the main idea of Paragraph 4?

A.Shameem walked three hours to get water. B.Shameem used to know her homeland well.

C.Women and children were short of food. D.Women's situation was more awful than expected.

4.What's the influence of Shameem's effort?

A.Girls have the same dream. B.No girl is allowed to attend school.

C.All girls in the school are named Shameem. D.The idea of girls' education in her village has changed.



    A neighbor called 911 at 11:09 a.m. after seeing smoke coming from a house in the 165 block of 54th Street Southeast.

The man who lives in the home was able to get his older child and the family dog out of the house on fire. Just then Monroe police officers arrived. The father said his younger child was still on the upper level of the house but he didn't know where.

Officers did a quick search of the house but couldn't find the girl. One of them closed the door to the master bedroom, where the fire started, controlling it and slowing its spread. Firefighters arrived and after searching the closet and narrow beds in another bedroom, one firefighter noticed the closed toy box at the foot of the bed.

"She wasn't making sounds," later the firefighter said of the girl, whose exact age he didn't know. "I opened it up and saw her. She was lying in the toy box just balled up."

Firefighters got the girl outside, where she was examined by doctors and found to be fine. The fire was quickly put out. The police officer who managed to shut the master bedroom door was highly praised. And the girl's father was so thankful to firefighters.

1.How did the police officers know a child was still missing?

A.The neighbor called. B.The father told them.

C.The family dog jumped wildly. D.The child was making much noise.

2.Why did the officer try to shut the master bedroom door?

A.To protect the toy box. B.To slow the fire's spreading.

C.To clear the way for firefighters. D.To keep fire from entering the master bedroom.

3.Where was the girl found finally?

A.In a closet. B.Inside a toy box. C.Behind a door. D.Under a narrow bed.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.Calling 911 B.A house on fire C.Saving a girl out of fire D.A thankful father



Amy: Bye, Lucy. I have to bounce!

Lucy: What?

Amy: I have to bounce. You know—I have to go. We say that a lot in San Francisco.

Lucy: That's cool! What other things do you and your friends say?

Amy: Well, for example, we say someone is 'sketchy' if we think they aren't very nice.

Lucy: Sketchy? All right I like it.

Amy: What about things you say here in Britain?

Lucy: Well, if I say ‘He's tasty’, do you know what it means?

Amy: Beats me!

Lucy: It means he's good-looking.

Amy: Look, there's Dave. He's quite tasty, isn't he?

Lucy: Well, he's a bit sketchy sometimes—but I like him!

Dave: Hi! What are you two laughing about?

Amy: I can't tell you now—I have to bounce!

Dave: Huh?

1.The two girls are mainly talking about ________.

A.the boy B.the language C.their friends D.their hometowns

2.The three characters are making a conversation in ________ according to the picture.

A.a school yard B.a supermarket C.a library D.a cinema

3.When they say "A girl is tasty" in Britain, it means she is ________.

A.kind B.smart C.pretty D.happy



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