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中国政府采取了恰当措施,挽救了更多人的生命。(take…steps, so th...

中国政府采取了恰当措施,挽救了更多人的生命。(take…steps, so that)



The Chinese government took proper steps so that more people/ lives were saved. 【解析】 中国政府Chinese government;采取了恰当措施take proper steps;这里描述的是过去的事情,所以应该用过去时;挽救save;更多人的生命more people/ lives,而句中所给的提示词有so that,引导的是目的状语从句,所以这里可以用被动语态的结构,主语是更多人(生命),且表达的动作是过去的,所以助动词应该用were,说成so that more people/ lives were saved,故答案为The Chinese government took proper steps so that more people/ lives were saved.  

大明感觉不舒服,他请了一天假。(ask for)




无论你做什么,都不要失去勇气。(whatever, never)








    On Saturday morning, every boy in town is happy, except Tom Sawyer. He has to paint the fence because he 1. (punish) for the mistakes he made yesterday. The fence is at least nine 2.(foot) high and runs nearly half the block long. After only a few strokes, he sits down and begins to think of all the fun he has planned for the day. He knows that the painting 3.(take) up all afternoon. Even 4.(bad), other boys will come by soon and see him 5.(do) his chores. Just then, Ben Rogers comes along the road with an apple in his hand. Tom has an idea. He picks up his brush and goes back to work.

"Got to work, hey?" says Ben. "Work? What work are you talking about? It's not every day a boy gets to paint a whole fence by 6.(he)." Then Tom goes on 7.(paint). Ben watches Tom in 8.(silent). He becomes more and more 9.(interest). After a while, he says, "Say, Tom, let me try."

"No, I'm sorry. Aunt Polly says there isn't one boy in a thousand that's fit to paint the fence."

"Come on, Tom. Let me just try, please...I'll give you my apple!"

Tom considers moment longer. Then very slowly he hands the brush over to Ben. Sitting under a shady tree, Tom eats the apple and watches Ben paint the fence in the hot sun. He thinks he 10.(discover)something wonderful since then: To make a boy want something, all you have to do is make that something hard to get!



    How can we protect the Earth? One problem to solve is climate(气候)change. You might wonder about climate change. What is it, exactly?

Gases surround the Earth. 1. Sunlight passes down through the gases. The gases trap(储存)the sun's heat and act like blanket. Without these gases, the Earth would be very cold. The trouble comes when humans add too many gases to the atmosphere. The gases build up and trap even more heat. This causes changes in climate. The Earth becomes too warm.

2. There's another gas causing climate change. No one talks about it as much. It is nitrous oxide(氧化亚氮). Many call it laughing gas. Dentists may give patients nitrous oxide so they will not feel pain. The atmosphere has small amounts of nitrous oxide. But nitrous oxide can stay in the atmosphere more than 100 years which can change the climate a lot.

Nitrous oxide forms naturally. 3. Bacteria are living organisms(生物)made of single cells. Farmers use nitrogen fertilizer(氮肥)to help grow bigger crops. The bacteria in the soil take the nitrogen from the fertilizer and make more nitrous oxide with it.

So how can we help? "Number one is to not waste food," Wagner Riddle, a scientist from Canada, said. 4. That number comes from a U. S. university study. "There is a lot that goes into making food", Wagner Riddle says. "So then if it's wasted, it's for nothing."

A.That's the reason for climate change.

B.It comes from bacteria(细菌)that live in the dirt.

C.Carbon dioxide(二氧化碳)is one gas that traps heat.

D.More than one-third of all food created in the U. S. is wasted.

E.These gases reach high into the sky and are called the atmosphere(大气层).



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