满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Many schools across the country have shu...

    Many schools across the country have shut their doors due to the coronavirus outbreak. This puts teachers and students in new situation. They are turning to online learning. For some students, this is a new experience. Here are a few helpful tips.

1. Find a quiet place

Getting ready for a video lesson? Your first step is finding a quiet place to set up. Choose a place where nobody or nothing will take your attention away.

2. Set goal(目标)for yourself

Before class starts, set a goal for yourself. A goal gets your mind ready to learn. It gives you an extra purpose in class. It can even help you focus on what your teacher is saying.

3. Check: Are you muted?

Before the lesson starts, mute yourself! Background noises may not sound loud on your side. But even tiny sounds can be louder through speakers!

4. Practice active listening

Here are ways to practice active listening: Keep your eyes on the screen, ________ looking around the room. Nod, smile and react to what you're hearing.

5. Follow your teacher's instructions

Usually your teacher can see you raise your hand. That's not so easy on a video classroom. So be sure to follow instructions. Your teacher will let you know how to show that you want to ask or answer a question.

6. Keep calm and troubleshoot

Has something gone wrong during? Screen froze? Bumped(被挤出)from the class? App crashed? Don't be nervous! Problems like this will happen. It is not the end of the world. Try logging(登录)back on, check your WiFi or restart your computer if you need to. If all else fails, keep calm-and try logging on again!

1.In Tip 1: To get ready for a video lesson, find a quiet place to make sure ________.


2.In Tip2: List two advantages of setting goal before class starts.(列举两条设定目标的好处)

(1) _____________________________________________

(2) _____________________________________________

3.(1)In Tip3: What' s the Chinese meaning of mute?(写出mute的汉语意思)


(2)In Tip4: Fill in the blank with one phrase.(在句子空白处填一个恰当的短语)


4.In Tip5: Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.(将划线句子翻译成汉语)


5.In Tip6: How do you understand the underlined sentence?(写出划线句子的近义句,禁止使用文中原句)



1.that nobody or nothing will take your attention away. 2. It gets your mind ready to learn. It helps you focus on what your teacher is saying. 3. 静音 instead of 4.你的老师将会让你知道怎样展示你想问问题或者回答问题。 5.It’s not the day of doom. 【解析】 这是一篇说明文,文章主要介绍网上在线学习的六点建议。 1. 句意:为了准备好视频课,找一个安静的地方来确保没有任何人或物移走你的注意力。 根据第二段“Getting ready for a video lesson? Your first step is finding a quiet place to set up. Choose a place where nobody or nothing will take your attention away”可知make sure后面用that引出从句表达“没有任何人或物移走你的注意力”。故答案为that nobody or nothing will take your attention away. 2. 根据第三段“A goal gets your mind ready to learn. It gives you an extra purpose in class. It can even help you focus on what your teacher is saying.”设定目标的好处是第一让你的心里准备好学习,第二帮助你注意你的老师所说的话。故答案为It gets your mind ready to learn.和It helps you focus on what your teacher is saying. 3. 根据图片显示以及第四段“Background noises may not sound loud on your side. But even tiny sounds can be louder through speakers”很小的声音可能会比讲话的人的声音大,因此上课前要让自己静音。mute的意思是“静音”。故答案为静音。 句意:让自己的眼睛放在屏幕上而不是在房间四处看。 根据“Keep your eyes on the screen”可知此处否定“looking around the room”,用短语instead of doing表示“而不是做某事”。故答案为instead of。 4. 划线的句子“Your teacher will let you know how to show that you want to ask or answer a question”,句子的主语是your teacher你的老师;谓语动词是will let you know表示“将会让你知道”,宾语是“疑问词+动词不定式”的结构,how to show表示“怎样展示”,show后面是that引导的宾语从句,从句you want to ask or answer a question表示“你想问问题或者回答问题”。故答案为你的老师将会让你知道怎样展示你想问问题或者回答问题。 5. 划线的句子“It is not the end of the world”表示这不是世界的末日。近义的句子可以用it’s not the day of doom。故答案为It’s not the day of doom.

中国政府采取了恰当措施,挽救了更多人的生命。(take…steps, so that)




大明感觉不舒服,他请了一天假。(ask for)




无论你做什么,都不要失去勇气。(whatever, never)








    On Saturday morning, every boy in town is happy, except Tom Sawyer. He has to paint the fence because he 1. (punish) for the mistakes he made yesterday. The fence is at least nine 2.(foot) high and runs nearly half the block long. After only a few strokes, he sits down and begins to think of all the fun he has planned for the day. He knows that the painting 3.(take) up all afternoon. Even 4.(bad), other boys will come by soon and see him 5.(do) his chores. Just then, Ben Rogers comes along the road with an apple in his hand. Tom has an idea. He picks up his brush and goes back to work.

"Got to work, hey?" says Ben. "Work? What work are you talking about? It's not every day a boy gets to paint a whole fence by 6.(he)." Then Tom goes on 7.(paint). Ben watches Tom in 8.(silent). He becomes more and more 9.(interest). After a while, he says, "Say, Tom, let me try."

"No, I'm sorry. Aunt Polly says there isn't one boy in a thousand that's fit to paint the fence."

"Come on, Tom. Let me just try, please...I'll give you my apple!"

Tom considers moment longer. Then very slowly he hands the brush over to Ben. Sitting under a shady tree, Tom eats the apple and watches Ben paint the fence in the hot sun. He thinks he 10.(discover)something wonderful since then: To make a boy want something, all you have to do is make that something hard to get!



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