满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

“Marilla, can I meet a bosom friend in A...

    “Marilla, can I meet a bosom friend in Avonlea?” Anne asked.

“A what kind of friend?”

“A best friend. A very___________ friend. I can tell all my secrets to her. ”

“Diana Barry lives near. She’s about your age. Perhaps she will be your playmate. You’ll have to be careful how you___________yourself, though. Her mother, Mrs Barry, won’t let Diana play with any little girl_________isn’t nice and good.”

“I hope her hair isn’t red. It’s _________ enough to have red hair, freckles and grey eyes myself.”

“Diana has black eyes and black hair. She is pretty. ”

Anne became interested in her new “_________”.

“Oh, I’m so glad she’s pretty. I can’t be beautiful so a _________ best friend is wonderful. ”

Anne continued, “I had two imaginary friends. At Mrs Thomas’ house, I used to _________my reflection in the mirror (镜子) was another little girl, Katie Maurice. Then I went to live with Mrs Hammond. I had another imaginary friend, Violetta, and I loved her almost as well as I loved _________. ”

“You need a real _________friend to stop your crazy imaginations.” Marilla said.

The next __________, Marilla took Anne to Diana’s home.

Diana was a very pretty girl, with her mother’s__________ eyes and hair.

Mrs Barry said, “Diana, take Anne out into the garden and show her your flowers.”

Outside in the garden, stood Anne and Diana, looking____________at each other over a cluster of bluebells.

Anne said at last, almost in a whisper, “Diana, do you think you can like me a little— __________ to be my bosom friend?”

Diana laughed. She always laughed__________ she spoke.

“Sure,” she said. “Anne, Im awfully glad you’ve come to live at Green Gables.”

When Marilla and Anne went home, Diana went with them as__________ as the bridge. They parted with many promises to spend the next afternoon together again.

—Taken from Anne of Green Gables

1.A.close B.pretty C.common D.happy

2.A.protect B.enjoy C.help D.behave

3.A.whom B.which C.who D.what

4.A.bad B.smart C.lucky D.special

5.A.master B.home C.friend D.mirror

6.A.similar B.wise C.careful D.beautiful

7.A.wonder B.realize C.doubt D.imagine

8.A.Mrs Barry B.Katie Maurice C.Diana D.Violetta

9.A.living B.true C.natural D.perfect

10.A.morning B.afternoon C.evening D.night

11.A.blue B.black C.red D.grey

12.A.madly B.shyly C.impatiently D.unwillingly

13.A.enough B.well C.hard D.much

14.A.so B.after C.since D.before

15.A.long B.high C.far D.near


1.A 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.B 11.B 12.B 13.A 14.D 15.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文,文章节选自《绿山墙的安妮》,主要讲述玛利亚带着安妮去见新朋友戴安娜的故事。 1. 句意:一个非常亲近的朋友。 close近的;pretty漂亮的;common一般的;happy开心的。根据“A best friend”及“I can tell all my secrets to her”可知表示的是亲密的朋友,用形容词close。故选A。 2. 句意:你要小心自己的表现。 protect保护;enjoy享受;help帮助;behave表现。此处用behave oneself表示“表现良好,规规矩矩”。故选D。 3. 句意:她的母亲巴里女士不让戴安娜和任何不好的小女孩玩耍。 whom谁,作宾语;which哪一个;who谁,做主语或宾语;what什么。定语从句先行词是girl,用who指代人,在从句中做主语。故选C。 4. 句意:我自己有红色的头发、雀斑和灰色的眼睛就足够坏的。 bad坏的;smart聪明的;lucky幸运的;special特别的。根据前文“won’t let Diana play with any little girl isn’t nice and good”以及“I hope her hair isn’t red”可知此处用形容词bad。故选A。 5. 句意:安妮变得对她的新朋友感兴趣。 master主人;home家;friend朋友;mirror镜子。根据“Diana has black eyes and black hair. She is pretty”可知此处表达的是对Diana这个新朋友感兴趣。故选C。 6. 句意:我不漂亮因此一个漂亮的好朋友是很棒的。 similar相似的;wise明智的;careful小心的;beautiful漂亮的。根据“I’m so glad she’s pretty”可知此处用beautiful表示“漂亮的”。故选D。 7. 句意:在托马斯的房子里,我过去常在镜子里想象我的倒影是另一个女孩凯蒂莫里斯。 wonder想知道;realize意识到;doubt怀疑;imagine想象。根据“my reflection in the mirror was another little girl”可知此处用动词imagine表示“想象”。故选D。 8. 句意:我有另一个朋友薇奥蕾塔,我爱她几乎就像我爱凯蒂莫里斯一样。 Mrs Barry巴里女士;Katie Maurice凯蒂莫里斯;Diana戴安娜;Violetta薇奥蕾塔。根据前文“another little girl, Katie Maurice”可知此处指的是“爱凯蒂莫里斯一样”。故选B。 9. 句意:你需要一个真正的活着的朋友来停止你疯狂的想象。 living活着的;true正确的;natural自然的;perfect完美的。根据“my reflection in the mirror”以及“stop your crazy imaginations”可知此处指的是真实的活着的朋友。故选A。 10. 句意:第二天下午,玛利亚带着安妮去了戴安娜的家。 morning早上;afternoon下午;evening傍晚;night晚上。根据后文“spend the next afternoon together again”可知此处用afternoon。故选B。 11. 句意:戴安娜是一个非常漂亮的女孩,拥有她母亲的黑色的眼睛和头发。 blue蓝色的;black黑色的;red红色的;grey灰色的。根据“Diana has black eyes”可知此处用颜色词black。故选B。 12. 句意:安妮和戴安娜站在外面花园里,在一簇风铃草上很害羞地互相看着。 madly疯狂地;shyly害羞地;impatiently不耐烦地;unwillingly不情愿地。根据“Anne said at last, almost in a whisper”可知二人很害羞,后来安妮才悄悄地说。故选B。 13. 句意:戴安娜,你觉得你会有那么一点点喜欢我——足以做我的知心朋友吗? enough足够的;well健康的;hard难的;much多的。根据“like me a little”及“to be my bosom friend”可知此处用enough表示“足够的”。故选A。 14. 句意:她总是说话之前大笑。 so因此;after在……之后;since自从;before在……之前。根据“Diana laughed”和后文她讲话的内容可知大笑在说话之前,用连词before。故选D。 15. 句意:当玛利亚和安妮回家,戴安娜跟着他们去一直走到桥梁那里。 long长的;high高的;far远的;near近的。根据“They parted with many promises to spend the next afternoon together again”可知他们关系变得亲密,戴安娜送他们一直走到桥那里,此处用as far as表示“直到……为止”。故选C。

—Mum, I read a book about wild animals today. Some of them are in danger.

—________. We shouldn’t buy fur coats any more.

A.It's a great pity B.It doesn’t matter C.Never mind D.My pleasure



— I cant find you.

—I dont know________ . Im on the left side of a tree.

A.who I am B.who am I C.where I am D.where am I



No matter how far you have gone down the wrong road, ________.

A.turn back B.turn off C.turn out D.turn over



—I’m tired out. I have stayed up late the whole week.

—You'd better________ your time better and have things organized.

A.make B.have C.take D.manage



From the top of the Autumn Hill people________ enjoy the fullest sight of Ge Garden.

A.have to B.need C.should D.can



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