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As a kid, I walked to the library severa...

    As a kid, I walked to the library several times a week and stayed up late reading. I checked out so many books and returned them so quickly the librarian once snapped, “Don’t take home so many books if you’re not going to read them all.”

“But I did read them all,” I said.

In college, when I created my online dating(约会)profile, in the “ favorite books” section I put One Hundred Years of Solitude, A Moveable Feast, White Fang and so on. But I realized I hadn’t read most of those titles for two years.

David was my first online date. David read about a book or two a week. When we compared libraries, we had only four titles in common.

On our seventh date, David and I visited the library.

“I have a game,” he said, taking out two pens and Post-its(便利贴). Let’s find books we’ve read and leave reviews in them for the next person. ”

We stayed there for an hour.

Before leaving, I said, “I will tell you something. I’ve only read one book this year. ”

“But you like books, ”he said. “You like bookstores. You like libraries. Read a book!”

Back home, David’ s charge to “read a book” echoed in my head. I bought books whenever I got the chance, but I hardly read them. They sat on every surface until my house appeared to wear books the way one wears clothes.

I picked up one. Whenever I wanted to give up on it, I thought of David__________.

“How’s your day?” David texted.

“Good. A little tired, ”I replied. “I stayed up late and finished my book. ”The last time I’d pulled an all-nighter to read, I was 12 and the book was Little Women.

David suggested we visit the library again. He pulled a book from the shelf, dropped to one knee, and opened it. Inside, his Post-it read:“Karla, it has always been you. Will you marry me? ”

His proposal had rested in the book for over a year.

1.How do the first two paragraphs help develop the story?

A.To show how rude the librarian was. B.To show Karla was always a reader.

C.To prove Karla just liked borrowing books. D.To prove it’s better to buy books than borrow books.

2.Which is the correct order of what happened to Karla?

a. She had a game with David.

b. She created her online dating profile.

c. She was shown the Post-it written to her.

d. She told David she only read one book that year.

e. She found they had only four titles in common.

A.dbeac B.baecd C.beadc D.dbase

3.Which sentence should go in the empty box in Paragraph 5 from the bottom?

A.I just loved the idea of reading.

B.I tried to appear to be a book lover.

C.I painfully realized most of my books went unread.

D.I felt him pushing me to be more of the person I used to be.

4.What’s the best title of the passage?

A.Falling in love by the book B.Buying books for yourself not for your shelf

C.A true lover of books knows no time D.Love books enough and books love you back


1.C 2.C 3.D 4.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文,文章主要讲述的是作者之前只喜欢借书但是不喜欢读书,和大卫约会时大卫鼓励作者去读书,最后大卫用书里的便条纸向作者求婚。 1. 推理判断题。根据第一段“I checked out so many books and returned them so quickly”以及“Don’t take home so many books if you’re not going to read them all”可知Karla只是喜欢借书。故选C。 2. 推理判断题。根据“I created my online dating profile” ,“When we compared libraries, we had only four titles in common” ,“I have a game”,“I’ve only read one book this year”以及“He pulled a book from the shelf, dropped to one knee, and opened it. Inside, his Post-it read” 可知正确的顺序是She created her online dating profile 她建立了网上约会档案;She found they had only four titles in common她发现他们只有四本书是都读过的; She had a game with David 她和大卫玩一个游戏; She told David she only read one book that year 她告诉大卫那年她只读了一本书;She was shown the Post-it written to her大卫给她展示了写给她的便条。故选C。 3. 推理判断题。根据“‘But you like books, ’he said. ‘You like bookstores. You like libraries. Read a book! ’”可知大卫鼓励作者读书,此处表达我想放弃的时候就想起大卫说过的话,感觉他在推动我改变自己。用“I felt him pushing me to be more of the person I used to be”。故选D。 4. 标题概括题。文章主要讲述的是作者之前只喜欢借书但是不喜欢读书,和大卫约会时大卫鼓励作者去读书,最后大卫用书里的便条纸向作者求婚。标题可概括为Falling in love by the book。故选A。

    20,000 local sea creatures, from dolphins to otters(水獭),  await you at Aquarium(水族馆)of the Bay, San Francisco, CACalifornia. When you see a river otter in the wild, you know that water system is healthy. Plus, theyre fun to watch! Here come the Aquariums popular and lovable river ottersTahoe, Ryer and Shasta.

Me: I was born at the Oakland Zoo. Im the half-brother of Ryer. February 20,  2016 is my birthday and I joined the Aquariums river otter family in January, 2017. Im named after Lake Tahoe, CA.

How to find me: My fur is reddish in color. I am the youngest but the longest of the group.

Hobbies: I enjoy playing with rope and toys, running and jumping around.

Me: Im a male river otter named after Ryer Island, CA. I was born in February, 2013 at the Oakland Zoo and joined the Aquariums otter team in 2014.

How to find me: I have the widest head and the fattest face.

Hobbies: What could be more fun than playing with my food and balancing rocks, and curling up with a warm blanket for a nap a short sleep?We river otters can sleep up to 18 hours a day.

Me: Im a 7-year-old male river otter named after Mount Shasta, CA. I was saved from the fur trade in Louisiana and found a new home at the Aquarium in 2013.

How to find me: Im the largest of the otters. I have large close-set eyes. Which of the three is me?

Hobbies: I enjoy long afternoon naps, throwing leaves and sticks into the water.




1.The passage mainly talks about________.

A.how to play with the otters in the zoo B.how to protect river otters in the wild

C.the importance of protecting river otters D.the river otter family at Aquarium of the Bay

2.Which of the following is TRUE about Ryer?

A.He was born in February, 2014. B.He has large close-set eyes.

C.He is the half-brother of Tahoe. D.His fur is reddish in color.

3.What do the three otters have in common?

A.They are all named after a place in California. B.They were all born at the Oakland Zoo.

C.They can sleep at most 8 hours a day. D.They enjoy playing with food and rocks.



    “Marilla, can I meet a bosom friend in Avonlea?” Anne asked.

“A what kind of friend?”

“A best friend. A very___________ friend. I can tell all my secrets to her. ”

“Diana Barry lives near. She’s about your age. Perhaps she will be your playmate. You’ll have to be careful how you___________yourself, though. Her mother, Mrs Barry, won’t let Diana play with any little girl_________isn’t nice and good.”

“I hope her hair isn’t red. It’s _________ enough to have red hair, freckles and grey eyes myself.”

“Diana has black eyes and black hair. She is pretty. ”

Anne became interested in her new “_________”.

“Oh, I’m so glad she’s pretty. I can’t be beautiful so a _________ best friend is wonderful. ”

Anne continued, “I had two imaginary friends. At Mrs Thomas’ house, I used to _________my reflection in the mirror (镜子) was another little girl, Katie Maurice. Then I went to live with Mrs Hammond. I had another imaginary friend, Violetta, and I loved her almost as well as I loved _________. ”

“You need a real _________friend to stop your crazy imaginations.” Marilla said.

The next __________, Marilla took Anne to Diana’s home.

Diana was a very pretty girl, with her mother’s__________ eyes and hair.

Mrs Barry said, “Diana, take Anne out into the garden and show her your flowers.”

Outside in the garden, stood Anne and Diana, looking____________at each other over a cluster of bluebells.

Anne said at last, almost in a whisper, “Diana, do you think you can like me a little— __________ to be my bosom friend?”

Diana laughed. She always laughed__________ she spoke.

“Sure,” she said. “Anne, Im awfully glad you’ve come to live at Green Gables.”

When Marilla and Anne went home, Diana went with them as__________ as the bridge. They parted with many promises to spend the next afternoon together again.

—Taken from Anne of Green Gables

1.A.close B.pretty C.common D.happy

2.A.protect B.enjoy C.help D.behave

3.A.whom B.which C.who D.what

4.A.bad B.smart C.lucky D.special

5.A.master B.home C.friend D.mirror

6.A.similar B.wise C.careful D.beautiful

7.A.wonder B.realize C.doubt D.imagine

8.A.Mrs Barry B.Katie Maurice C.Diana D.Violetta

9.A.living B.true C.natural D.perfect

10.A.morning B.afternoon C.evening D.night

11.A.blue B.black C.red D.grey

12.A.madly B.shyly C.impatiently D.unwillingly

13.A.enough B.well C.hard D.much

14.A.so B.after C.since D.before

15.A.long B.high C.far D.near



—Mum, I read a book about wild animals today. Some of them are in danger.

—________. We shouldn’t buy fur coats any more.

A.It's a great pity B.It doesn’t matter C.Never mind D.My pleasure



— I cant find you.

—I dont know________ . Im on the left side of a tree.

A.who I am B.who am I C.where I am D.where am I



No matter how far you have gone down the wrong road, ________.

A.turn back B.turn off C.turn out D.turn over



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