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如果你想深入了解野鸭, 高邮湖是观察它们的最佳去处之一。 ___________...

如果你想深入了解野鸭, 高邮湖是观察它们的最佳去处之一。



If you want to learn more about wild ducks, Gaoyou Lake is one of the best places to watch them. 【解析】 “如果你想深入了解野鸭”是if引导的条件状语从句,从句的主语是you,谓语动词是want to do,表示“深入了解”用动词短语learn more about ;宾语是“野鸭”wild ducks。主句的主语是“高邮湖”Gaoyou Lake ;表示“是”此处用单数is;表示“最佳去处之一”用“be one of +最高级+复数名词”的结构,此处用one of the best places;名词后用动词不定式to watch them做定语。故答案为If you want to learn more about wild ducks, Gaoyou Lake is one of the best places to watch them.  

自古以来, 许多名人留下了赞誉扬州之美的著名诗篇。





________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ___.







根据短文内容和首字母提示, 在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完整。在答题卡标有题号的横线上, 完整地写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。

Our lives changed tracks the day our son was born. We w 1. whether we should move back to our home country Brazil. I remember looking down at our newborn baby and thinking about how different his life would be there.

During the ten years away from my big family and my culture, I missed the delicious foods, samba, Brazilian jujitsu(柔术), and sunny skies. My wife m2. our homeland too. As a musician, it would be e3. for her to do her work in Brazil. But in the United Kingdom, I had the funding and lab resources for my research. Would such a move be a disadvantage to my career?

A few weeks later, my brother called from Brazil, telling me that our father had passed away. The great happiness I felt about my son’s birth suddenly gave way to deep s4.. We had no doubt it was the right time to r 5. to Brazil. We applied for the professor positions at a university in our hometown and b6. received offers.

H 7., it wasn’t easy getting started with my research in Brazil. I didn’t receive any start-up funding for my lab. Now, thanks to Brazilian funding, I have a team of bright young scientists and can a8. expensive lab resources.

We are living the lives we wanted to live-working on rewarding research and feeling closer to our family and c 9.in our home country. My son is growing up close to his cousins. I take up Brazilian jujitsu training, which I haven’t been able to do during my years a10.. My wife and I feel happy to find a way home.




The pilot, Antoine De Saint-Exupery, who wrote The Little Prince, died long ago, but the fictional pilot, who told the story, is as alive today as he was many years ago, along with his Prince, the fox, the rose and the snake.

This timeless tale touches upon childhood and growing up. It opens with the reminder: All grown-ups were once children—but few of them remember it. The pilot in this story loses that part of himself. After a stay in the desert with the little prince, he finds his inner child again. It is a simple story with life lessons. Here are some.

One only understands the things that one tames (驯服). Seeing the thousands of roses that look just like his rose makes the prince feel as if he was tricked by his flower. The fox shows him taming someone takes time. The prince understands the nature of relationships: the time he has wasted on his rose makes her so important.

The fox, as his parting gift, shares his secret with the prince: “One can see rightly with the heart. What is essential (very important and necessary) is invisible (not be seen) to the eye. ” When the pilot shows his picture about the snake eating the elephant, adults only see it as a hat. Adults can’t see what’s inside the snake. What is on the surface is not what matters. This truth sets the little prince free. He decides to join his rose back on his planet.

Has he returned to his planet and his rose? The ending exists in the imagination of every reader as well as the pilot. After all, it is a book with something for everyone.

1. is The Little Prince a book for everyone?


Supporting details

A timeless tale

The Little Prince remains a classic novel of all 2..

The book talks about childhood and growing up. The pilot forgets he was 3. a child as he grows up. After a stay with the little prince in the desert, he finds the4.part of himself.

A simple story

with life 5.

One only understands the things that one tames.

It takes time to tame someone.

What really matters to the prince is his 6. because he has“wasted” time on her.

What is essential is invisible to the eye.

Adults 7. the pilot’s picture for a hat because they can’t look beyond the surface.

What matters is what’s 8..

After learning the 9., the prince decides to return to his planet.

An open-ended story

It allows the reader and the pilot to10. their endings of the book.





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