满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

What do you usually do while waiting fo...



What do you usually do while waiting for someone? The descriptions below might say something about you.

A                    B                   C                   D

A. You walk around, rubbing your hands.

B. You stand still, looking at your watch.

C. You cross your arms, looking impatient.

D. You stand staring into the distance, thinking.


If your answer is "A":

You are short-tempered. You are energetic but sometimes careless. You make friends with all your heart. But sometimes you may hurt others because of your quick tongue.

If your answer is "B":

You are patient and very strict with yourself. You work hard. When your friends have trouble, you will try your best to help them.

If your answer is "C":

You are strong-minded. You stick to your own views, but are also good with people. You can make others agree with you.

If your answer is "D":

You have great patience. You're very nice to others. However, you may be too nice.

This quiz is just for fun. Don't take it seriously.

1.If your answer is "A", you may hurt others because of your ________.

A.warm heart B.cold action C.bad behavior D.quick tongue

2.Which one will make an effort to help friends out of trouble?

A.The person who chooses "A". B.The person who chooses "B".

C.The person who chooses "C". D.The person who chooses "D".

3.If Nick crosses his arms while waiting for someone, he is ________.

A.short-tempered B.strict C.strong-minded D.patient

4.After reading the passage, we can know it is ________.

A.an exam B.a quiz C.an ad D.a notice


1.D 2.B 3.C 4.B 【解析】 文章大意:本文是一个趣味测试,通过等人时的动作,来分析一个人的性格,测试仅供娱乐。 1. 2. 3. 4.

    A college teacher once gave a lively class to his students.

He began by holding up a glass _______ some water in it. He held it up for all to see, and asked the students, "_______ do you think this glass weighs?"

"50g!" "100g!" "125g!" the students answered.

"I really don't know unless I weigh it," said the teacher, "but my _______ is what would happen if I held it up like this for a few minutes?"

"Nothing," the students said.

"OK. What would happen if I held it up like this for an hour?" the teacher asked.

"Your arm would begin to_______ said one of the students.

"You are right. Now, what would happen if I held it up for a _______?"

"You might have muscles (肌肉) stress. You could_______ move the arm," said another one.

"You might have no _______ in the arm, or paralysis (瘫痪),"said a naughty student,"You _______ go to the hospital for sure!"

"Very good. But during this period, did the weight of the glass _______?" asked the teacher.

"No," the students said.

"Then what ________ the arm ache and the muscles stress?"

The students were ________.

"No one knows?" the teacher asked, "Well, can you tell me how to________ it?'

"Put the glass down!" said one of the students.

"Exactly!" said the teacher."The problems of life are something like this. Think of them for a few minutes in your________ and you seem OK. Think of them for a long time and you begin to hurt. Think of them even longer and you will not be able to do anything. It's important to think of the challenges in your life,________ it's even more important to 'put them down' at the end of every day before you go to sleep. That way, you are ________you wake up every day fresh and strong and can solve any problem that comes your way!"

1.A.by B.on C.with D.to

2.A.how many B.how much C.how long D.how far

3.A.question B.idea C.answer D.plan

4.A.lose B.die C.stay D.hurt

5.A.day B.summer C.year D.century

6.A.hardly B.quickly C.widely D.usually

7.A.matter B.problem C.sense D.secret

8.A.needn't B.can C.shouldn't D.must

9.A.stop B.happen C.change D.arrive

10.A.sent B.caused C.tried D.repeated

11.A.in need B.in silence C.in danger D.in time

12.A.take off B.hear from C.deal with D.get into

13.A.arm B.body C.head D.mouth

14.A.but B.and C.so D.or

15.A.worried B.lucky C.nervous D.relaxed




I am. I want this pair of shoes, please.

Sure. That's ¥180.

A.Do you sell jackets? B.Who's next, please?

C.Is there a shop near here? D.What can I do for you?



All children are __________ the day when they can go back to school.

A.looking up B.taking care of C.taking out D.looking forward to



We will make fewer mistakes __________ we are careful enough.

A.as long as B.so that C.as far as D.even if



So far, the number of people using 5G mobile phones __________ a lot.

A.is increasing B.are increasing C.has increased D.have increased



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