满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Whenever the exam season comes, stress(焦...

    Whenever the exam season comes, stress(焦虑) may come along. Here are some_______that helped me and my friends through this season.

When the stress of exams is really hitting me, I stop and take a walk. I usually borrow m neighbor's dog and_______for about fifteen minutes. Many boys would simply choose to run for a while, or play ball games. Having some_______ drives away your stress easily most of the time.

And_______you find music helpful, give it a go. Listening to your favorite songs will surely make you_______. The best thing about this is that you don’t have to go_______

But if you are a book lover just like me_______a book you like for half an hour. Reading can take you to places you've_______ been putting yourself into a new world helps you forget your stress in this world for a little bit.

For sure, there's nothing better than laughing. Laughing is the best medicine. It can really keep_______off your mind! Very often I call my best friend and we__________our good times or something funny, and I'm feeling better before I know it.

Remember many others also face the problem of stress just like you, and it is not something that cannot be dealt with.

1.A.way B.reasons C.habits D.results

2.A.walk B.jump C.stand D.sit

3.A.jokes B.sports C.tasks D.lessons

4.A.before B.until C.since D.if

5.A.lovely B.friendly C.happy D.sleepy

6.A.somewhere B.everywhere C.anywhere D.nowhere

7.A.copy B.write C.print D.read

8.A.ever B.never C.seldom D.always

9.A.worry B.pity C.surprise D.pain

10.A.think about B.talk about C.care about D.hear about


1.A 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.B 【解析】 文章主要是讲述排解考试季焦虑的四种方法,如运动,听音乐,做自己爱做的事情和笑。 1. 句意:这里有一些方法可以帮助我和我的朋友度过这个季节。 way方法;reasons原因;habits习惯;results结果;根据句意理解及后句that helped me and my friends through this season可知,这里表达的是“方法”,故选A。 2. 句意:我通常借邻居家的狗去散步15分钟左右。 walk走路;jump跳;stand站;sit坐;根据句意理解及前文I stop and take a walk.可知,这里表达的是“借狗去散步”,故选A。 3. 句意:大多数时候,做些运动可以轻松地消除你的压力。 jokes玩笑;sports运动;tasks任务;lessons课程;根据句意理解及前句Many boys would simply choose to run for a while, or play ball games.可知,这里表达的是“运动”,故选B。 4. 句意:如果你发现音乐对你有帮助,随便听听。 before在……之前;until直到……才;since自从;if如果;根据句意理解及后句give it a go可知,这里表达的是一种假设,表示“如果”,故选D。 5. 句意:听你最喜欢的歌一定会让你快乐。 lovely可爱的;friendly友好的;happy快乐的;sleepy困倦的;根据句意理解及句中的Listening to your favorite songs可知,这里指的是“快乐”,故选C。 6. 句意:最好的是你不用去任何地方。 somewhere某处;everywhere到处;anywhere某个地方,任何地方;nowhere无处;根据句意理解可知,这里表达的是“某个地方”,而本句是否定句,所以这里应该用anywhere表示,故选C。 7. 句意:读一本你喜欢的书半个小时。 copy复制;write写;print打印;read读;根据句意理解及前句But if you are a book lover just like me可知,这里表达的的是“读书”,故选D。 8. 句意:阅读可以把你带到你从未去过的地方。 ever曾经;never从不;seldom很少,不常;always总是;根据句意理解及后句putting yourself into a new world helps you forget your stress in this world for a little bit.可知,这里表达的是“从未去过的地方”,故选B。 9. 句意:它真的可以让你不再忧虑! worry担心;pity可惜;surprise惊讶;pain痛苦;根据句意理解及前文Whenever the exam season comes, stress(焦虑) may come along及后文our good times or something funny, and I’m feeling better before I know it.可知,这里表达的是“忘掉忧虑”,故选A。 10. 句意:我们谈论我们的美好时光或一些有趣的事情。 think about考虑;talk about谈论;care about关心;hear about听说;根据句意理解及空格后的部分our good times or something funny可知,这里表达的是“谈论”,故选B。

My cousin will drive me to school today, but I don't know             .

A.what he'll do B.where he'll go

C.when we'll leave D.why we'll go there



I’m so glad that I             nearly half of the test now.

A.finish B.finished C.will finish D.have finished



Some volunteers are going to              the central park. Let's join them.

A.put up B.clean up C.look up D.give up



Train tickets             online. It is convenient.

A.sold B.were sold C.are sold D.have sold



Helen is the             person in her family. Her two elder sisters are both married.

A.older B.oldest C.younger D.youngest



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