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I am Wuhan, a super big modern city with...

    I am Wuhan, a super big modern city with a population of over 11 million. I am home to China’s largest railway transfer center. No other city in the world embraces 1. ( many) college students than me. At the beginning of 2020, the Covid-19 outbreak 2. (fall) on me. I locked myself down 3.(quick). It’s believed to stop the epidemic from 4. ( spread). The lockdown is never seen in the history of new China. The 5. ( decide) was made with huge courage. I am Wuhan. Since I was locked down, I have seen groups of medical workers arrive in the city, one after another. Brothers and sisters 6. different parts of the country have rushed for my rescue( 救援). You all have offered 7. best that you have to back me up. A number of 8. (hospital) have been built to make sure every patient is treated. I am greatly 9. ( thank) to you all for sending me food and supplies. With the whole country’s joint efforts, I have returned to normal. So far, I 10. ( win) the battle! I am Wuhan. We are Wuhan. We are Wuhan, China.


1.more 2.fell 3.quickly 4.spreading 5.decision 6.from 7.the 8.hospitals 9.thankful 10.have won 【解析】 文章大意:在2020年初,武汉这座拥有1100多万人口的超大现代化城市爆发了Covid-19,本文叙述了全国各地对武汉这座城市的大力支援,最终武汉在全国人民的共同努力下,赢得了这场没有硝烟的战斗! 1. 句意:世界上没有任何一个城市比我拥有更多的大学生。 根据No other city in the world embraces __1__ ( many) college students than me.由后面的than,可知此处应用比较级形式,many的比较级为more,故答案为more。 2. 句意:在2020年初,Covid-19的爆发降临到我身上。 根据At the beginning of 2020, the Covid-19 outbreak __2__(fall) on me.由时间状语At the beginning of 2020,可知句子时态用一般过去时,fall on降落、降临,fall的过去式为fell,故答案为fell。 3. 句意:我很快把自己封锁了起来。 根据I locked myself down __3__(quick).可知设空处修饰前面的动词,所以应用副词,与quick所对应的副词形式是quickly,故答案为quickly。 4. 句意:这被认为可以阻止疫情的蔓延。 根据It’s believed to stop the epidemic from __4__ ( spread).可知,提示词spread意为“蔓延、传播”,动词;设空处前面的from是介词,后接动词的ing形式,故答案为spreading。 5. 句意:这个决定是以巨大的勇气作出的。 根据The __5__ ( decide) was made with huge courage.可知,提示词decide意为“决定”,设空处在句中作主语,应填入一个名词形式,与decide所对应的名词是decision,故答案为decision。 6. 句意:来自全国各地的兄弟姐妹们纷纷赶来救援我。 根据Brothers and sisters __6__ different parts of the country have rushed for my rescue( 救援).可知此处指的是“来自”全国各地的兄弟姐妹们,from来自,介词。故答案为from。 7. 句意:你们都尽了最大的努力支持我。 根据You all have offered __7__ best that you have to back me up.可知设空处后面的best为最高级形式,一般最高级前面需要加定冠词the,故答案为the。 8. 句意:已经建立了许多医院,以确保每个病人都得到治疗。 根据A number of __8__ (hospital) have been built to make sure every patient is treated.可知,提示词hospital医院,名词;a number of的意思是“若干”或“许多”,相当于 some 或 a lot of,和复数名词连用;故答案为hospitals。 9. 句意:我非常感谢你们给我送来食物和日常用品。 根据I am greatly __9__ ( thank) to you all for sending me food and supplies.可知,提示词thank感谢,动词;设空处在句中用在系动词am后面作表语,所以应用形容词thankful,故答案为thankful。 10. 句意:到目前为止,我已经赢得了这场战斗! 根据So far, I __10__ ( win) the battle!由So far可知句子时态用现在完成时,其结构为have/has+动词的过去分词,主语是I,用have,win的过去分词是won,故答案为have won。

    In school, when children are given tasks, some of them are too lazy to think. They___________asking parents or teachers what to do instead of thinking by themselves. How then do you teach your children to think critically (批判性地)?

Firstly, allow your children to play ___________, which is important in raising children to think on their own as it forces them to ___________ what to play with and how. It is during ___________ that children get curious enough to try something.

Secondly, ask them ___________ questions. When your children ask you a question, don’t be quick to give a ___________. Help them think about possible answers by asking them questions in turn:“ Hmmm, that’s an interesting question, and ___________ do you think the answer should be?" And when they give their opinions, always ___________ them.

Thirdly, don’t be quick to get involved when your children make an improper ___________. Let them reflect for a while and try again by themselves. Don’t say “you are ____________ for doing that". But when your children choose properly, be sure to praise them.

1.A.take up B.stay up C.end up D.give up

2.A.carefully B.freely C.quietly D.happily

3.A.guess B.promise C.learn D.decide

4.A.play B.trip C.discussion D.study

5.A.open-hearted B.happy-ending C.surprise-ending D.open-ended

6.A.reward B.reason C.reply D.report

7.A.what B.how C.why D.which

8.A.correct B.encourage C.accept D.compare

9.A.mistake B.choice C.effort D.excuse

10.A.stupid B.clever C.exciting D.impolite



    I was four months pregnant (怀孕的) with my first child when my baby’s heart stopped beating. I was terribly sad. As days went on, I was nervous about ___________ to work. I am a middle school teacher and didn’t know how to face kids. After four weeks of rest, I ___________ into my empty classroom and turned on the lights. On the wall were a hundred colored paper butterflies, each with a handwritten ___________on it from my students. All of them had ___________ words: “Keep moving forward.” “Don’t give up on God.” “Know I love you." It was___________what I needed. These words really comforted me.

1.A.stopping B.beginning C.returning D.choosing

2.A.ran B.walked C.moved D.rushed

3.A.message B.wish C.dream D.name

4.A.patient B.creative C.secret D.warm

5.A.hardly B.exactly C.probably D.mainly



    Terrible weather events are harming the planet, and experts warn of even greater results to come. The sea ice loss and the Arctic ice melting (融化) caused by climate change have increased much in the last ten years. So they have pushed down the number of polar bears and seals while polar bears depend on sea ice for hunting seals.

According to the data from the WMO, temperatures on the Antarctica (南极洲) just hit 18.3, which is higher than the record of 17.59 in March, 2015. Moreover, temperatures in this area have warmed about 3 over the last 50 years. Although such temperatures might be considered pleasant for a picnic or a hiking trip, this is the Antarctica we are talking about. It is home to the most inhospitable environment on the planet because it is supposed to be an extremely cold place. In fact, the average temperature of the continent’s central area is -57.

Besides, many places are experiencing the extreme weather this summer. Australia is undergoing its worst drought (干旱) since the 1930s, leaving bushfires burning so long and causing many deaths. Meanwhile in Europe, crops in the northwest are suffering the driest weather in the past 80 years. Recently West Texas in America has also gone through its worst drought in more than 70 years, while floods have hit Eastern and Southern China.

“Climate change is bad for us human beings, which causes direct health problems. I’m afraid there will be more common events like the one that 30,000 to 50,000 persons died in Europe in 2003 due to the heat wave there,” Professor Schwartz said. “It will also cause more air pollution, diseases and lack of clean water and so on.”

1.What doesn’t bring down the number of polar bears according to this passage?

A.Hunting. B.Climate change. C.The sea ice loss. D.The Arctic ice melting.

2.What can you get out of this passage?

A.The Antarctica is pleasant for a hiking trip.

B.Extreme weather led to wildfires burning in Europe.

C.Climate change will cause air pollution and diseases.

D.The temperatures on the Antarctica hit the highest in March, 2015.

3.What does the underlined word “inhospitable" in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A.comfortable to live B.friendly to live C.unhealthy to live D.unfit to live

4.Which place didn’t experience drought this year?

A.Europe. B.Australia. C.America. D.China.

5.What is the main idea for this passage?

A.The whole planet is drier and drier. B.The Antarctica is warmer and warmer.

C.Climate change is getting worse and worse. D.The number of polar bears is smaller and smaller.



    Up to now, Wood has published more than 60 diaries, and he still updates the diaries frequently on social media websites. In his first diary, he mentioned, “news is going around about a bad cold virus in Wuhan, but I feel worlds away from me and few people wear masks in public.”

He recorded in his diaries that thousands of medical workers from different provinces and cities went to Hubei to help with the anti-epidemic (抗疫). Restaurants and shops were closed down, while supermarkets checked people’s body temperatures. And community workers across the country took strict action, asking people to stay at home and helping the old buy daily necessities.

“People in some countries said these measures could cause panic among the public. However, my experience in China shows these efforts are useful and effective, which finally removed people’s fear,” Wood said.

Wood’s diaries soon attracted the world’s attention. Over 10,000 people left him messages on Facebook, and he was interviewed by Canadian CTV which later showed his diaries on its website.

“I also received greetings from my family and friends in Canada. They said they were inspired by the efforts the Chinese have made, he said. “People from some countries thought the Chinese overreacted, and that the Chinese government had overdone in epidemic prevention and control. However,since more countries and regions have been infected(感染) by the virus, more and more people came to realize how proper and important China’s control and prevention measures are.”

Wood is working with the New World Press, which plans to make his diaries a book named The Invisible War. In this book, he hopes to share China’s anti-epidemic experience with more people across the world so they can build confidence to fight against the virus.

1.What can we infer from the first paragraph?

A.People thought the virus spread fast.

B.People failed to realize the danger of the virus.

C.People wore masks in restaurants and supermarkets.

D.People paid enough attention to Wood’s news report.

2.What’s the main idea of Paragraph 2?

A.Business people’s work against the virus. B.Different people’s efforts against the virus.

C.Community workers’ key role against the virus. D.Medical workers’ great support against the virus.

3.Which one did Wood agree about China’s anti-epidemic measures?

A.The measures removed people’s fear.

B.The Chinese cared too much about the virus.

C.The measures would make people worry a lot.

D.The government took too strict measures to control the virus.

4.What caused some foreigners to change their thought?

A.People’s infection in more countries and regions.

B.The worldwide news report on China’s measures.

C.Wood’s experience in China shared in his diaries.

D.Chinese people’s working together against the virus.

5.What is The Inuisible War mainly going to talk about?

A.What Wood has experienced at home during the virus.

B.What people in the world have done to fight the virus.

C.What China has done to control and prevent the virus.

D.What Wood’s friends have done to help him fight the virus.



    Zhang Jiacheng, aged 14, is a one-armed boy who recently became an online star because of a short video of him playing basketball. Now, news on the boy has reached NBA player Stephen Curry.

“Who is this kid? Help me find him! He is so cute ,” posted Curry on Weibo. Later that day, Zhang replied to Curry, “Hello, Curry! I am a big fan of yours. I love you so much because you achieved a lot although you are not one of the big guys in the NBA.

Zhang also talked about his favorite CBA players Yi Jianlian of Guangdong and Guo Ailun of Liaoning. In fact, Yi had already noticed Zhang. Having shared his video, Yi posted on Weibo, “Your heart is always the strongest part of your body.” Yi’s former national teammate Zhu Fangyu also reposted the video, commenting (评论), “I have never seen any kid play basketball better than him. We want to invite him to visit our team.” Former CBA player Wang Jing spoke highly of his performance, “Your right hand has been taken away, but you have the most powerful left hand.”

His perfect moves make it even harder to believe that this kid learned these skills in less than two years. Be it rainy or windy, Zhang never stops playing basketball. He has posted 13 videos of him developing basketball skills and earned almost one million likes. “Give it a try, or give it up," Zhang believed. Zhang said his dream is to become a professional basketball player in the future. By the way he plays, you know he is serious.

1.Who didn’t comment on Zhang?

A.Guo Ailun. B.Yi Jianlian. C.Stephen Curry. D.Zhu Fangyu.

2.Which comment can describe Zhang best?

A.Help me find him! He is so cute.

B.We want to invite him to visit our team.

C.Your heart is always the strongest part of your body.

D.Your right hand has been taken away, but you have the most powerful left hand.

3.What does the underlined sentence probably mean in the last paragraph?

A.He takes Zhu Fangyu’s words seriously.

B.He hurts himself seriously in playing basketball.

C.He finds it hard to be a professional basketball player.

D.He really wants to be a professional basketball player.

4.Why is Zhang highly praised?

A.Many stars like him.

B.He has millions of fans.

C.He is one-armed but he learned to play basketball.

D.He has strong will and wonderful basketball skills.

5.What can we learn from Zhang?

A.It’s never too old to learn. B.Never give up your dream.

C.A good beginning is half done. D.Failure is the mother of success.



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