满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—What do you feel ____________ you are l...

What do you feel ____________ you are looking through the old pictures?

How time flies!

A.because B.though C.while D.unless


C 【解析】 句意:——你翻看这些旧照片时有什么感觉?——时间过得真快啊! 考查连词辨析。because因为;though尽管;while当……时候;unless除非。根据答句“How time flies!”感慨时间过得快,可推出是问看旧照片时的感觉,用while引导时间状语从句。故选C。  

Don’t forget to keep a safe distance(距离)at least one meter, Jack!


A.Sorry, I won’t B.No, I can’t do it C.Not at all D.I hope not



    A cicada is a large insect. It is about three centimeters long. Like many other insects, it has six legs. On the forehead are two big eyes, between which is a long beak. It uses its beak to drink juice from trees. The adult cicada has two sets of wings which can shake together to produce a high, continuous sound when the weather is hot.

In its whole life, it mainly goes through two stages. In the beginning, when a cicada is under the ground, it is called a baby cicada. It drinks juice from tree roots and it is covered in a hard shell. At this time, it has no wings - just legs. After coming out of the ground, it breaks out of its old shell. Under the old shell is a new shell and four wings. The cicada finds a place in the sun to dry its new shell and wings. Gradually, the baby cicada grows into an adult. After a cicada becomes an adult, it sings loudly in hot summer. That’s why it is called a born singer in nature.

At present, over two thousand kinds of cicadas are distributed (分布) around the world. All of them spend most of their life underground. You can find about four hundred and fifty kinds in Africa. Besides, there are about one hundred and twenty kinds in China. There are also about seven special kinds in the US that stay under the ground for many years.








    I am Wuhan, a super big modern city with a population of over 11 million. I am home to China’s largest railway transfer center. No other city in the world embraces 1. ( many) college students than me. At the beginning of 2020, the Covid-19 outbreak 2. (fall) on me. I locked myself down 3.(quick). It’s believed to stop the epidemic from 4. ( spread). The lockdown is never seen in the history of new China. The 5. ( decide) was made with huge courage. I am Wuhan. Since I was locked down, I have seen groups of medical workers arrive in the city, one after another. Brothers and sisters 6. different parts of the country have rushed for my rescue( 救援). You all have offered 7. best that you have to back me up. A number of 8. (hospital) have been built to make sure every patient is treated. I am greatly 9. ( thank) to you all for sending me food and supplies. With the whole country’s joint efforts, I have returned to normal. So far, I 10. ( win) the battle! I am Wuhan. We are Wuhan. We are Wuhan, China.



    In school, when children are given tasks, some of them are too lazy to think. They___________asking parents or teachers what to do instead of thinking by themselves. How then do you teach your children to think critically (批判性地)?

Firstly, allow your children to play ___________, which is important in raising children to think on their own as it forces them to ___________ what to play with and how. It is during ___________ that children get curious enough to try something.

Secondly, ask them ___________ questions. When your children ask you a question, don’t be quick to give a ___________. Help them think about possible answers by asking them questions in turn:“ Hmmm, that’s an interesting question, and ___________ do you think the answer should be?" And when they give their opinions, always ___________ them.

Thirdly, don’t be quick to get involved when your children make an improper ___________. Let them reflect for a while and try again by themselves. Don’t say “you are ____________ for doing that". But when your children choose properly, be sure to praise them.

1.A.take up B.stay up C.end up D.give up

2.A.carefully B.freely C.quietly D.happily

3.A.guess B.promise C.learn D.decide

4.A.play B.trip C.discussion D.study

5.A.open-hearted B.happy-ending C.surprise-ending D.open-ended

6.A.reward B.reason C.reply D.report

7.A.what B.how C.why D.which

8.A.correct B.encourage C.accept D.compare

9.A.mistake B.choice C.effort D.excuse

10.A.stupid B.clever C.exciting D.impolite



    I was four months pregnant (怀孕的) with my first child when my baby’s heart stopped beating. I was terribly sad. As days went on, I was nervous about ___________ to work. I am a middle school teacher and didn’t know how to face kids. After four weeks of rest, I ___________ into my empty classroom and turned on the lights. On the wall were a hundred colored paper butterflies, each with a handwritten ___________on it from my students. All of them had ___________ words: “Keep moving forward.” “Don’t give up on God.” “Know I love you." It was___________what I needed. These words really comforted me.

1.A.stopping B.beginning C.returning D.choosing

2.A.ran B.walked C.moved D.rushed

3.A.message B.wish C.dream D.name

4.A.patient B.creative C.secret D.warm

5.A.hardly B.exactly C.probably D.mainly



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