满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Last Sunday, Mark invited me to help ser...

    Last Sunday, Mark invited me to help serve dinner at Tent City. A number of _________ had been set up for the homeless in the area.

My husband was not available to _________ our two sons, so I took 9-year-old Tony and 5-year-old Toby with me. Many of the people we _________ had missing teeth or wore dirty clothes. My sons had a lot of questions as what they saw challenged their _________ ideas about how people lived in the world.

"Why don't they buy food _________ us?" "Why don't they have homes?"…

We talked about the _________ why people ended up in that type of situation. And I mentioned the importance of creating a safety net for them, " Sometimes the safety net is other people who can share some of their time and resources(资源)," I _________.

I was _________ that my boys would make too much noise. But to my _________, the people we served were quite thankful that I had brought them. Many said how fun it was to have __________ children around.

After dinner, I saw Tony sit together with several elderly men. He was __________ them talk about sports. To be honest, I had __________ realized that he was such a good listener. __________ some people returned to their tents, I heard Tony say to them, "Thanks so much for having dinner with us." I could see that his simple words had __________ them greatly. I hugged him a little tighter(更紧的)because what he said had touched me too. It was a great reminder that treating people with __________ can lift all of us up.

1.A.houses B.shops C.tents D.schools

2.A.look up B.look after C.look into D.look for

3.A.raised B.served C.saved D.admired

4.A.good B.different C.strange D.common

5.A.like B.from C.for D.with

6.A.excuses B.wishes C.interests D.reasons

7.A.explained B.agreed C.realized D.suggested

8.A.angry B.worried C.mad D.crazy

9.A.sadness B.regret C.surprise D.excitement

10.A.polite B.active C.intelligent D.hard-working

11.A.agreeing with B.running after C.depending on D.listening to

12.A.never B.always C.ever D.usually

13.A.If B.Although C.As D.Because

14.A.touched B.disappointed C.hurt D.shocked

15.A.power B.smile C.respect D.encouragement


1.C 2.B 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.D 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.B 11.D 12.A 13.C 14.A 15.C 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文,作者带着两个儿子参加了一次为无家可归的人准备晚餐的活动。孩子们在与这些无家可归的人的交流过程中,懂得了要尊敬地对待他人。 1. 句意:为该地区无家可归的人搭起了许多帐篷。 houses房屋;shops商店;tents帐篷;schools学校。根据前文“Mark invited me to help serve dinner at Tent City”可知,马克邀请作者去帐篷城做晚餐,所以为无家可归的人搭了许多帐篷。故选C。 2. 句意:我丈夫不能照顾我们的两个儿子,所以我带着9岁的托尼和5岁的托比一起。 look up查找;look after照顾;look into调查;look for寻找。根据语境可知,作者的丈夫不能照顾他们的两个儿子,所以作者带着他们一起,故此处应用look after符合语境。故选B。 3. 句意:我们服务的许多人都没有牙或者穿着脏衣服。 raised饲养;served服务;saved拯救;.admired钦佩。根据上文“Mark invited me to help serve dinner at Tent City”可知,作者去帐篷城是为了帮忙准备晚餐的,故此处应用动词serve符合语境。故选B。 4. 句意:我的儿子们有很多问题,因为他们所看到的挑战了他们关于人们如何生活在这个世界上的常见的观念。 good好的;different不同的;strange奇怪的;common常见的。根据语境可知,作者的儿子们看到了许多贫困的人,这一切挑战了他们对这个世界固有的常见的想法,所以提出了很多问题。故选D。 5. 句意:他们为什么不像我们一样买食物? like像;from从;for为了; with和。根据语境可知,孩子们对眼前看到的景象产生了疑问,他们想那些人为什么不像我们一样买食物,故此处应用介词like表“像”。故选A。 6. 句意:我们讨论了人们陷入这种情况的原因。 excuses借口;wishes希望;interests兴趣;reasons原因。根据后文“why people ended up in that type of situation”可知,作者和孩子们讨论的是为什么人们会陷入这种境地的原因。故选D。 7. 句意:“有时安全网可以让其他人分享他们的一些时间和资源,”我解释说。 explained解释;agreed同意;realized认识到;suggested建议。根据前文“And I mentioned the importance of creating a safety net for them”可知,此处是作者对孩子们解释给这些无家可归的人建立安全网的原因。故选A。 8. 句意:我担心我的孩子们会制造太多噪音。 angry生气的;worried担心的;mad发疯的;crazy疯狂的。根据语境可知,作者担心自己的两个儿子会制造太多噪音。故选B。 9. 句意:但令我惊讶的是,我们服务的人都很感激我把他们带来。 sadness悲伤;regret后悔;surprise惊讶;excitement兴奋。根据前文内容可知,作者原本担心孩子们会制造太多噪音,但是他们的服务对象却非常感激作者把孩子带到那里,故作者感到非常惊讶。故选C。 10. 句意:很多人说有活跃的孩子在身边是多么有趣。 polite礼貌的;active活跃的;intelligent聪明的;hard-working努力的。根据语境可知,孩子们在那询问问题非常活跃,因此他们说有活跃的孩子在身边非常有趣。故选B。 11. 句意:他在听他们谈论体育。 agreeing with同意;running after追赶;depending on依靠;listening to听。根据后文“that he was such a good listener”可知,托尼一直在听老人们说话。故选D。 12. 句意:老实说,我从来没有意识到他是一个如此好的倾听者。 never从不;always总是;ever曾经;usually通常。根据语境可知,作者在看见儿子听老人们讲话之前从未认为自己的儿子善于倾听。故选A。 13. 句意:当一些人回到帐篷里时,我听到托尼对他们说:“非常感谢你和我们共进晚餐。” If如果;Although尽管;As当……时;Because因为。根据语境可知,当一些人回到帐篷时,托尼对他们表示感谢,故此处应用as表“当……时”。故选C。 14. 句意:我可以看出,他简单的话深深地打动了他们。 touched触动;disappointed失望;hurt伤害;shocked震惊。根据后文“I hugged him a little tighter because what he said had touched me too”可知,作者和那些人都被儿子一句简单的话深深地触动。故选A。 15. 句意:这是一个很好的提醒,尊重别人可以提升我们所有人。 power力量;smile微笑;respect尊重;encouragement鼓励。根据语境可知,托尼尊重他人的行为深深地触动了每一个人,因此尊重他人可以提升我们所有人。故选C。


If you're a kid who likes to have fun and chat with friends online, here's how you can stay safe and avoid problems.

Stick to safer sites. Your parents and teachers can guide you to the best sites for you. Some sites have age restrictions(限制), so you might want to lie about your age. 1.

Guard your passwords. If someone can sign in(登录)as you, you will have no control over what they do or say. 2. So don't share your passwords with anyone except your parents.

Limit what you share. 3. If you're not sure if you should share something, ask a parent. Remember that anything you put online or post on a site is there forever, even if you try to delete it. If you wouldn't want your class to know or see something, you shouldn't share it with anyone online, not even your best friends.

4. Tell an adult right away if someone says something to you that makes you uncomfortable. Also tell an adult if you see anyone bullying(欺凌)or saying strange things to other kids.

Be choosy about your online friends. Some sites let kids make friends with people they don't know. 5.Never agree to meet an online friend in person or give out personal information about yourself.

A.Always tell if you see strange or bad online behavior.

B.But online friends are not the same as the friends in real life.

C.It's safer to tell the truth and avoid those sites until you're older.

D.We should be hard on other people online.

E.And everyone will think it's you!

F.Communicate more with your friends.

G.Never tell a stranger where you live or your phone number.



    Scientists around the world are racing to create and test vaccines(疫苗)to help protect people against the novel coronavirus(新冠病毒). They are making progress, but it will be quite a while before any vaccines are ready.

There are many different ways to make vaccines. At least 115 different vaccines for the novel coronavirus are being developed around the world right now. Many of them may not work or may have side effects that can be dangerous. That is why testing is very important.

Before a vaccine is ever tested on humans, it's first tested on animals to make sure it seems safe. Testing the vaccine on humans is done in several different phases(阶段). In Phase 1, a small group of people are given small amounts of the vaccine to see if it has any bad effects. Phase 2 still tests the vaccine’s safety, but it's mainly a test to see if the vaccine seems to work, If Phase 2 goes well, the vaccine can begin Phase 3. During Phase 3, the vaccine is tried on a much larger group of people to see how well it works.

Because of the serious and worldwide impact(影响)of the novel coronavirus, there is huge pressure to develop a working vaccine quickly. It normally takes seven or more years to develop a safe vaccine that works well. Now drug companies are hoping to create working vaccines in 12 or 18 months.

But health experts also warn that rushing too much could be dangerous. A vaccine with harmful effects could cause more problems than it solves.

1.According to the passage, the scientists who are making vaccines are ____________.

A.hard-working and careful B.patient and easy-going C.kind and curious D.caring and brave

2.How long does it take to create working vaccines in the usual way?

A.Less than six years. B.More than ten years.

C.Twelve to eighteen months. D.About seven years.

3.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.There are only three phases in testing vaccines.

B.Working vaccines must be created in a short time.

C.Vaccines have already been developed.

D.Rushing too quickly in creating vaccines may bring more problems.

4.What's the best title of the passage?

A.Rush for a Vaccine B.Fight against the Disease

C.Protect People against the Virus D.Create Working Vaccines



    Do you know about Psephurus gladius? It's a Chinese paddlefish known as "king of all national freshwater fish". However, it is announced that the Chinese paddlefish living in the Yangtze River has become extinct(灭绝的).

A paper from Science of the Total Environment shows that the largest freshwater fish in China might have gone extinct between 2005 and 2010.Wei Qiwei, author of the paper, said in September, 2019, some experts supposed that the first-class protected fish had been extinct already.

The Chinese paddlefish was about 2 to 3 meters long and could grow longer than 7 meters. The fish had lived on the earth for 15 million years. The latest discovery of the fish was made in 2003.Scientists helped the fish to return and tried to track(追踪)it. Unluckily, a boat accident caused the tracking efforts to fail. Since then, no discovery has been reported and no such fish has been kept in captivity(圈养).

"The Chinese paddlefish was so big that it was hard to raise in captivity," Wei said. Between 1984 and 1993, he once tried to save four fish, but only one stayed alive and returned to the river.

The extinction of the fish has called public attention as people expressed sadness over the death, hoping such animals would be better protected so that future generations could see them. From Jan 1,2020, China began a 10-year fishing ban(禁令)on important areas of the Yangtze River to protect Biodiversity(生态多样性)in China's longest river.

1.It can be learned from the passage that ____________.

A.the Chinese paddlefish was hunted too much in the past

B.the Chinese paddlefish was the largest freshwater fish in the world

C.the Chinese paddlefish could grow to be over 7 meters in length

D.the Chinese paddlefish has never been seen so far

2.What happened after the boat accident mentioned in Paragraph 3?

A.Some scientists saved the fish. B.People failed to track the fish.

C.The fish lost its life. D.The fish was kept in captivity.

3.Why couldn't the Chinese paddlefish be raised in captivity?

A.Because of its living habits. B.Because of its large size.

C.Because of is special diet. D.Because of the high cost.

4.What's the writer's purpose in writing the passage?

A.To show people's sadness about the fish's death. B.To explain how the fish died out.

C.To call on people to protect animals. D.To introduce a first-class protected fish.



    In 1981, the Chinese women's volleyball team first stood on the top at the World Cup. And in 2019, it defended(保住)its World Cup crown with a record of 11 wins. The women's volleyball team has been the pride of the Chinese people. To honor it, a film named Zhongguo Nvpai or Leap in English has been made.

Based on the volleyball team's stories, the film shows the struggles(奋斗)and achievements of the Chinese women's volleyball team over the past 40 years. Gong Li, a world-famous Chinese actress, plays the role of Lang Ping, who has won the world championships many times with the team and is now the team's head coach. In order to play the role well, Gong came to the training site of the team, observing Lang's words and deeds carefully.

Zhu Ting, captain of the Chinese women's volleyball team, also plays a part in the film. It is the first time that she has taken part in a film shooting and she says it's a little bit difficult. However, her playing volleyball is more difficult than being an actress. It took her at least 10 years to rise to fame in the field but playing herself in the film could be realized in a short time.

The film hit the screen in January, 2020. The Chinese women's volleyball team not only is a competitive sports team but also shows the spirit of struggling and never giving up.

1.The underlined word “observe" in Paragraph 2 most probably means ____________.

A.listen to B.learn C.understand D.watch

2.What is mentioned about Zhu Ting?

A.She thinks it's easy to be an actress. B.She has led the team to win many prizes.

C.It took long for her to become famous. D.She once played a part in a film.

3.What can we learn from the Chinese women's volleyball team?

A.Keep on fighting. B.Fight for the first. C.Learn from mistakes. D.Seeing is believing.

4.The passage is written in a/an ____________ tone (语气).

A.serious B.excited C.humorous D.proud



    To improve children's fitness, Freestyle360 has introduced some fun fitness classes for children between nine and thirteen years old. We want to encourage children to turn energy into sports and have social fun in a caring and professional environment.

Kids Karate Mondays

Time: 16:30—17:30

Coach: Brett Ukich

It is a fun karate class for children to increase skills. They will also learn some of the Japanese terminology(术语).

Fitness Fun (Wednesdays)

Time: 16:30--17:15

Coach: Lynsey McDonald

This class offers fun lessons including body-weight exercises. Is purpose is to help children get stronger.

Team GamesThursdays

Time: 17:00—18:15

Coach: Lorraine Clayton

This class teaches children to work as a team. We offer fun fitness games so there is something for everyone.

Physical Activity-Better Health

By exercising, children will become happier and fitter.

Price: £7.5/lesson or £28/month

Tel: 01386 700039 or 07818 033629

Email: info@freestyle360.co.uk

Address: Draycott Road, Blockley, GL569DY



1.Who will train the children on Monday afternoons?

A.Brett. B.Lynsey. C.Lorraine. D.Draycott.

2.How long does each lesson of Fitness Fun last?

A.30 minutes. B.45 minutes. C.60 minutes. D.75 minutes.

3.Where can we most probably find the above information?

A.In a hotel. B.At a school. C.In a cinema. D.At a hospital.



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