满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Once there was a farmer who owned a farm...

    Once there was a farmer who owned a farm near the ocean. It was ______ for him to do all the farm work alone. ______ he wanted to hire (雇佣) someone for help. But most people didn’t want to work on farms there because of the awful storms across the ocean.

One day, a middle-aged man came for an interview. The farmer asked, “Are you good at ______work?” The man answered, “Well, I can sleep when the wind blows.” The farmer didn’t understand what he meant, but he still hired him.

The man started to work on the farm. He kept busy every day. The farmer was satisfied ______ his work. One night, the wind blew ______. When the farmer heard it, he jumped out of the bed and rushed into the man’s room. He ______ at the man, “Get up! Hurry! A storm is coming! We have to tie things up before the wind blows them away.” But the man said, “No, sir I’ve already told you I can sleep when the wind blows.”

The farmer was very ______ and planned to fire (解雇) him from his job after the storm. He hurried outside to ______ the storm. To his surprise, he discovered that cows and chickens were in place and doors of the farmhouse were closed tightly. ______ was in its right place. Nothing could be blown away by the storm.

Just then the farmer ______ the man’s words. He was able to sleep well because he had done what he could to protect the farm from storms. When one is well prepared, he has nothing to fear.

1.A.difficult B.easy C.different

2.A.Or B.So C.And

3.A.farm B.factory C.shop

4.A.for B.of C.with

5.A.heavily B.softly C.lightly

6.A.looked B.laughed C.shouted

7.A.happy B.angry C.excited

8.A.prepare for B.ask for C.search for

9.A.Nothing B.Everything C.Something

10.A.told B.forgot C.understood


1.A 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.C 【解析】 文章告诉我们,尽其所能做好一切,便不惧风暴侵袭。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

—Excuse me. Do you know ________?

—At 8:00 this evening.

A.when will the concert begin

B.when the concert will begin

C.when would the concert begin



—Look! The elephants are dancing to music.

—________ smart they are!

A.What B.How C.What a



— I really want to go to college for further study.

— Believe in yourself. If you ________ hard, your dream will come true.

A.will study B.studied C.study



—Let’s go to the movies this weekend.

—Sorry, but my parents and I have decided ________ to Dongjiang Lake for camping.

A.go B.going C.to go



—Don’t play games any more. There’s ________ for you.

—OK, Mom.

A.nothing useful B.useful nothing C.something useful



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