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Not long ago, a senior high school stude...

    Not long ago, a senior high school student caught much attention at the second World Laureates Forum (世界顶尖科学家论坛) in Shanghai. She is Tan Fanglin, a senior high school student from Shanghai.

The forum brought nearly 70 world’s top scientists together to discuss important issues (议题) about science. Besides the world’s top scientists, the forum also invited many young scientists. Tan Fanglin was among them, and as a 15-year-old girl, she was the youngest member in the meeting. Her research has improved people’s understanding of the connections between the Fibonacci sequence and Bezout numbers (斐波那契数列与贝祖数). The findings have won her many prizes in youth innovation (创新) competitions in Shanghai and elsewhere in China.

From a very young age, Tan has always been crazy about math. This is largely because of the influence of her father, who is a math teacher in East China Normal University. According to Tan’s head teacher, she never takes after-school classes or too many exercises. Her achievements come from her strong interest in math and the right study method.

Talking about her experience, Tan said, “Taking part in the WLA Forum and communicating with great scientists face to face have further encouraged me to do scientific research like math and I dream of achieving good research results like the top scientists. To make my dream come true, I’ll have to keep learning.”

1.The important issues of the second WLA Forum were about ________.

A.computer B.science C.math

2.Who has influenced Tan’s interest in math largely?

A.Her headteacher. B.Her mother. C.Her father.

3.Tan Fanglin’s achievements come from ________.

A.taking after-school classes

B.a large number of extra exercises

C.her strong interest in math and the right study method

4.From the last paragraph, we can infer that ________.

A.Tan Fanglin will keep doing scientific research

B.Tan Fanglin’s findings have’t won prizes

C.Tan Fanglin has no chance to communicate with top scientists

5.What is the best title for the passage?

A.The Youngest Scientist in China.

B.The Second World Laureates Forum.

C.The Youth Innovation Competition.


1.B 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.A 【解析】 文章大意:本文主要介绍了中国最年轻的科学家——谈方琳,讲了她的主要科学成就及其成长经历,她参加了第二届世界顶尖科学家论坛,是被邀请的最年轻的与会成员。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Long March 5 (A)

Country: China

Height: 57 meters

Payload capacity(有效载荷) to low-Earth orbit: 25 tons

First launched(发射): 2016

Angara A 5 (A)

Country: Russia

Height: 64 meters

Payload capacity to low-Earth orbit: 24.5 tons

First launched: 2014

Falcon 9 (A)

Country: America

Height: 70 meters

Payload capacity to low-Earth orbit: 22.8 tons

First launched: 2010



1.When was the rocket Long March 5 (A) first launched?

A.In 2010. B.In 2014. C.In 2016.

2.Where was the rocket Angara A 5 (A) first launched?

A.In China. B.In America. C.In Russia.

3.Which is the highest rocket of the three?

A.Falcon 9 (A). B.Angara A 5(A). C.Long March 5 (A).





Apartment to rent (出租): 28 Yulin Avenue, Cherry Town

We have a comfortable two-bedroom apartment to rent.

The apartment is in very good condition!

* One large living room

* Two bedrooms

* One kitchen

* One small garden

Do you like the quiet life? Then this apartment is for you!

Only five minutes’ walk from the train station

Rent: $500 per month

For more information, please call Mrs. Miller at 7766399.


1.According to the ad, the apartment to rent has ________.

A.one large living room B.three bedrooms C.a big garden

2.How much is the rent for the apartment?

A.$280 per month. B.$500 per month. C.$300 per month.



    Once there was a farmer who owned a farm near the ocean. It was ______ for him to do all the farm work alone. ______ he wanted to hire (雇佣) someone for help. But most people didn’t want to work on farms there because of the awful storms across the ocean.

One day, a middle-aged man came for an interview. The farmer asked, “Are you good at ______work?” The man answered, “Well, I can sleep when the wind blows.” The farmer didn’t understand what he meant, but he still hired him.

The man started to work on the farm. He kept busy every day. The farmer was satisfied ______ his work. One night, the wind blew ______. When the farmer heard it, he jumped out of the bed and rushed into the man’s room. He ______ at the man, “Get up! Hurry! A storm is coming! We have to tie things up before the wind blows them away.” But the man said, “No, sir I’ve already told you I can sleep when the wind blows.”

The farmer was very ______ and planned to fire (解雇) him from his job after the storm. He hurried outside to ______ the storm. To his surprise, he discovered that cows and chickens were in place and doors of the farmhouse were closed tightly. ______ was in its right place. Nothing could be blown away by the storm.

Just then the farmer ______ the man’s words. He was able to sleep well because he had done what he could to protect the farm from storms. When one is well prepared, he has nothing to fear.

1.A.difficult B.easy C.different

2.A.Or B.So C.And

3.A.farm B.factory C.shop

4.A.for B.of C.with

5.A.heavily B.softly C.lightly

6.A.looked B.laughed C.shouted

7.A.happy B.angry C.excited

8.A.prepare for B.ask for C.search for

9.A.Nothing B.Everything C.Something

10.A.told B.forgot C.understood



—Excuse me. Do you know ________?

—At 8:00 this evening.

A.when will the concert begin

B.when the concert will begin

C.when would the concert begin



—Look! The elephants are dancing to music.

—________ smart they are!

A.What B.How C.What a



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