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“Feel bored staying at home? So does the...

    “Feel bored staying at home? So does the virus.1. "This is how Zhang Wenhong advised people to stay indoors during the outbreak of COVID-19(新冠肺炎)As the head of the Shanghai expert team, Zhang has become an internet celebrity (名人) due to his funny and straightforward way of talking.

He first caught people's attention in late January, when he asked the members of the Communist Party (共产党员) in his department to go to the frontline hospitals. “When becoming Party members, we vowed(发誓) that we would always put people's interests first,” Zhang said. “This is the moment we live up to the vow.2.No bargaining(讨价还价).” His determination and the way of speaking quickly won praise across the country.3.“I do it in person because I need to encourage other coworkers,” he told the media.

Zhang believes in the traditional Chinese idea that “the best doctors prevent the disease” .That's why he spares no efforts in spreading scientific knowledge on how to prevent the epidemic(流行病)4.He and his team also update their WeChat account every day with timely analyses(分析) of the epidemic. One of his articles got more than 10 million hits. But Zhang might not care about his sudden fame. When asked about his feelings after becoming famous, Zhang told the media, “5.Pay attention to Wuhan. I'm not a celebrity. I'm a doctor.”

A.Don't pay attention to me.

B.Fighting the virus with humor.

C.All Party members must rush to the frontlines.

D.If you stay longer, the virus will be bored to death.

E.His sense of humor has made it easier for the knowledge to reach the public.

F.Meanwhile, as a Party member himself, Zhang set an example by checking on patients every day.


1.D 2.C 3.F 4.E 5.A 【解析】 这篇记叙文介绍了张文宏医生。他在新冠肺炎爆发期间一直身先士卒,冲在一线,以其风趣幽默的说话风格在网上引起人们的关注。 1. 根据后文“This is how Zhang Wenhong advised people to stay indoors during the outbreak of COVID-19(新冠肺炎)”中的this可知上文介绍的是张文宏怎么建议人们居家隔离,D项介绍居家隔离会消灭病毒,故选D。 2. 根据上文“This is the moment we live up to the vow”这就是我们履行誓言的时刻,可知此处介绍作为党员要冲在前线,故选C。 3. 根据后文“I do it in person because I need to encourage other coworkers”可知此处介绍张文宏为其他人树立了榜样,故选F。 4. 根据后文“He and his team also update their WeChat account every day with timely analyses(分析) of the epidemic. One of his articles got more than 10 million hits”可知他的幽默感使得知识更容易被公众接受,故选E。 5. 根据后文“Pay attention to Wuhan. I'm not a celebrity. I'm a doctor”可知此处指张文宏建议不要关注自己,故选A。

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