满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

My father told me that there used to be ...

    My father told me that there used to be a forest near our town. But the farmer who owned the forest _________ trees every year until one year, there were no trees left.

One day, our teacher took us out and we had a _______ in the field where the forest used to be. While eating and drinking, we _______ about the beautiful forest we once had. One of my classmates comes from a tribe (部落) that lived in the west of our country. He told us what he thought about the change. “It makes me really _________ to learn that a forest has disappeared. My people have taught me to _________think seven generations (七代人) in the future. That’s to say, when we do something to the land, we should never _______it. We must care about nature and leave it good enough for later generations.

When we heard what he said, we kept _______first. "Let’s plant some trees!" said our teacher after a moment. “It will be a good _______!” So that’s what we did. For the rest of the spring, we worked hard and we planted thousands of trees.

That was five years ago. Today, when I stand in that field which was once empty, I see _______ about as tall as I am. It’s great to see how we’ve ________the field. It taught us the power of thinking about the future.

1.A.cut up B.cut down C.looked for D.looked after

2.A.picnic B.test C.wish D.lesson

3.A.planned B.feared C.knew D.talked

4.A.tired B.excited C.sad D.hopeful

5.A.sometimes B.always C.seldom D.never

6.A.protect B.hurt C.study D.sell

7.A.thankful B.happy C.silent D.shy

8.A.start B.mistake C.mess D.warning

9.A.trees B.leaves C.grass D.flowers

10.A.broken B.bought C.wasted D.changed


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.A 10.D 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者居住的城镇附近原本有一片森林,但是被砍伐了。于是在老师的呼吁下,同学们一起在那里播种、栽树、几年后,森林又恢复了原貌。 1. 句意:但是拥有这片森林的农民每年都要砍树,直到有一年,树都不剩了。 cut up切碎;cut down砍倒;looked for寻找;looked after照顾。根据下文“there were no trees left”可知,农民每年都要砍树。故选B。 2. 句意:有一天,老师带我们出去,我们在森林曾经所在的田野里野餐。 picnic野餐;test测试;wish愿望;lesson课堂。根据下文“While eating and drinking”可知,老师带我们野餐。故选A。 3. 句意:我们边吃边喝,一边谈论着曾经拥有的美丽森林。 planned计划;feared害怕;knew知道;talked谈论。根据下文“He told us what he thought about the change”可知,我们在一起讨论曾经美丽的森林。故选D。 4. 句意:知道森林消失的消息让我非常难过。 tired劳累的;excited兴奋的;sad悲伤的;hopeful有希望的。根据下文“We must care about nature and leave it good enough for later generations”可知,这位同学从小就知道保护自然的重要性,因此当他知道森林消失非常伤心。故选C。 5. 句意:我的族人教导我要永远为未来的七代人着想。 sometimes有时;always总是,一直;seldom很少;never从不。根据下文“We must care about nature and leave it good enough for later generations”可知,我的族人教导我要一直为未来的七代人着想。故选B。 6. 句意:也就是说,当我们对土地做了什么,我们永远不应该伤害它。 protect保护;hurt伤害;study学习;sell售卖。根据下文“We must care about nature and leave it good enough for later generations”可知,我们永远不能伤害土地。故选B。 7. 句意:我们听到他的话后,首先保持了沉默。 thankful欣慰的;happy高兴的;silent沉默的;shy害羞的。根据下文“‘Let’s plant some trees!’ said our teacher after a moment”可知,我们听完同学的话,陷入了沉默。故选C。 8. 句意:这将是一个好的开始! start开始;mistake错误;mess混乱;warning警告。根据上文“Let’s plant some trees!”可知,老师提议我们一起种树,这对森林来说将是一个新的开始。故选A。 9. 句意:今天,当我站在那片曾经是空旷的土地上,我看到了一些和我一样高的树。 trees树;leaves树叶;grass草;flowers花。根据上文“we worked hard and we planted thousands of trees”可知,我看到了一些和我一样高的树。故选A。 10. 句意:很高兴看到我们改变了这片田地。 broken打破;bought买;wasted浪费;changed改变。根据上文“when I stand in that field which was once empty, I see trees about as tall as I am”可知,这片田地过去是光秃秃的,但现在长满了树,所以我们改变了这片田地。故选D。

    If you were ninety years old, what would you plan to do? Few people want to have new challenges (挑战)___________ that age. However, an old man named Jing Kui did something that surprised a lot of people.

As a man of 93, he met a challenge. One day,___________ film director came to him and asked whether he wanted to act in his movie.“___________ in the movie?" asked the old man.

“You’ve been a barber (理发师). I believe you’re the right man for my movie The Barber."

The old man read the script (剧本) before accepting the invitation.___________ he knew the story well, he still needed to keep all the words in mind.___________ was! He finally made it and took home a silver cup for a special acting prize. The movie also _________both national and international prizes.

Jing became a barber when he was young. He loved the job, so he practiced hard___________a better one. In his eighties, he was still doing the same job. That was why he___________ by the film director.

While the film was being made, the director had his worries because he didn’t know_________ Mr. Jing could keep it going. At last, when the filming was done, the director was really pleased. Jing __________solved all his problems! Now Jing set a world record as being a 93-year-old actor star who had never acted before !

1.A.from B.of C.at D.on

2.A.the B./ C.a D.an

3.A.What can I do B.What I can do C.How can I do D.How I can do

4.A.Unless B.Though C.Since D.Until


A.How big the challenge B.What big the challenge

C.How the big challenge D.What the big challenge

6.A.will win B.win C.wins D.won

7.A.be B.act C.to be D.to act

8.A.invites B.invited C.is invited D.was invited

9.A.that B.if C.where D.when

10.A.hard B.hardly C.successful D.successfully



    假定你是李华,你校将举办校园音乐节(music festival)。请给你的好友Alan写一封电子邮件,介绍音乐节的相关内容和主要活动,并邀请他与你一起参加此次音乐节。邮件内容包括:


10 a.m. next Sunday


school sports field

Activities for students

sell tickets, work at food stands… (all of the money will go to charity)

play the violin, piano…

sing songs, dance to music…




l. 词数90左右,开头和结尾己经写好,不计入总词数;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 文中不得出现反映考生信息的真实人名、地名等内容。

参考词汇:摊位  stand    慈善charity

Dear Alan,

How is it going?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua



    Last Saturday morning, the head teacher called a meeting of parents. On behalf of (代表) the students, I made 1. speech, and I felt very proud of 2..

Now my middle school life comes to an end. This summer, I will go to the U.S. and stay for one year to s3.at an American high school. There I will be in Grade 10. I excited. 4. (同时), I am a little sad because I have to s5. goodbye to my old friends and teachers. I want to t6. some photos with them before I leave and I Will 7. (赠送) many gifts to my friends as well. We will 8. (保持联系) With each other by sending emails, making phone calls or w9. letters.

In the past three years, I have learned a lot 10. my teachers and have had a great time at school. Although we'll set out on our new journey, I will never forget 11. I come from. In the future, I will work m12.  harder. I hope to be a doctor when I 13. (长大). My parents 14. [sə'pɔ:t] me all the time. I believe my dream will 15. (实现, 成为现实)!



        Maybe you should sit down before you read this. It's a little frightening. Your sitting may be killing you.

Health experts say the U.S. adult now sits about 6.5 hours a day. That is up about an hour a day compared to 2007. The news is even worse for teens. They sit eight hours each day. The information was put out by the National Center for Health Statistics. It has collected the numbers for the past 16 years. It is worried about what it has found.

Research shows that people who are not active can get sick. Their bones get weaker. They burn fewer calories (卡路里). That makes them more likely to put on too much weight. They might even get diabetes (糖尿病). They are at risk for high blood pressure and heart problems, too.

Some experts also think sitting too much can influence how your blood moves through your body and how well your body fights off illness. Being active helps in lots of ways. It can make you happier, burn more calories and give you more energy. It can also help you sleep better.

About 60% of people in the U.S. watch at least two hours of TV each day. That number has stayed about the same in recent years.

Computers are the biggest reason for more hours spent sitting. Computer use outside of work or school has gone up for all age groups. Now, 50% of adults spend at least an hour of their free time on a computer each day. That is up from 29% in 2003.

About 53% of teens now spend at least an hour of free time on computers. So do 56% of kids. As many as 1 in 4 people who use computers use one for three hours or more outside of work and school.

So get up, take some breaks and go outside. You might save your life by doing outdoor activities.

1.The text is especially helpful for those who care about ______.

A.their body shape B.their home comforts C.their health D.their food

2.Being active can help people ______.

A.bum more calories B.forget their pressure C.get sick D.treat heart problems

3.What is the text mainly about?

A.Computers are causing health problems. B.Too much sitting is influencing our health.

C.Being more active is good for you and me. D.Sitting means killing.

4.Which one of the following is most probably to be discussed next?

A.The cause of diabetes.

B.Introduce some outdoor activities.

C.Give some examples of losing weight successfully.

D.List some disadvantages of playing computer games.



    Last week, some German parents who took their kids out of school early were stopped by the police at the airport. The police were making reports on students who didn't have permission (许可) to miss school.

Like many places, it is against the law to skip (不参加) school in Germany. Children over the age of 9 can't miss classes without permission from the school. But during busy travel time, some parents take their children out of school early to save money on vacations. People can often save a lot of money on flights and hotels by going at a different time than others.

Last weekend was the beginning of an important holiday period in Germany. People in charge of the schools asked the police to check and make sure that students weren't leaving for vacations before they were allowed to.

Police officers at three German airports looked for families with school-aged children. When they found them, the police pulled the families out of lines to talk with them. They wanted to find out if the parents had permission for the children to be out of school. If the children did not have permission, the police reported the families to their schools and to the government. In all, the police reported about 20 families.

These families will have two weeks to show that it was okay for their children to miss school. If they can't, they may have to pay as much as $1,200 as a fine (罚款), or receive some other punishment.

Germany is not the only place where parents have to pay fines if their children miss school. Many other countries and many of the states in the U.S. have similar laws.

The good news is that the families were allowed to go on vacation after they talked to the police. But they might have a big bill waiting for them when they get back.

1.Why do some German parents take their children out of school early during busy travel times?

A.They can spend more time with their children.

B.Their children will study by themselves.

C.They want to save money.

D.Their children can take online courses.

2.In Paragraph 4, police officers at three German airports wanted to ______.

A.find students who skipped school without permission

B.give punishment to the students there

C.take students back to school

D.wait for school managers

3.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A.Laws on Vacations in Germany B.Give Your Family a Perfect Vacation

C.Don't Skip School in Germany D.Punishment Goes to Families

4.Where does this text probably come from?

A.A newspaper. B.A science report. C.A travel guide. D.A textbook.



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