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New Zealand offers free school lunches t...

    New Zealand offers free school lunches to thousands of kids

WELLINGTON, Feb. 20 ( Xinhua) – “Thousands of children have begun receiving a free lunch on schooldays under the government’s free and healthy school lunch program,” Prime Minister (首相) Jacinda Ardern said on Thursday.

“The program is for 7 ,000 students at 31 schools right now. The number will extend to 21,000 students in 120 schools by the start of 2021 ,”Ardern said while she was serving up lunch at a school in Hawke’s Bay.

“A full stomach makes all the difference to a child’s learning,” Ardern said.

“Providing a free and healthy lunch at school is one way to help New Zealand become the best place in the world for school children. And people can see that difference right away,” she said. She added that providing these lunches was also a great way for local families to have jobs.

“The program is one of 75 plans from New Zealand’s CYWS ( Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy). It started last year and developed with the money from 10,000 New Zealanders including 6,000 young people,” said Education Minister Chris Hipkins.

1.What kind of writing is it?

A.Story. B.News. C.Email. D.Invitation.

2.The underlined word “extend” here means “__________”.

A.increase B.double C.remain D.fall

3.From the second paragraph, we know that Ardern was __________ when she explained the program.

A.planning for the free lunch program B.giving lunch to the school children

C.thinking how to provide jobs for local families D.collecting money from New Zealanders

4.By “A full stomach makes all the difference to a child’s learning,” Ardern meant that “__________”.

A.learning well mainly depends on eating B.learning to eat a proper lunch is important

C.eating has nothing to do with learming D.children will learm better if they eat well


1.B 2.A 3.B 4.D 【解析】 本文是一则新闻,讲述了新西兰政府为学校的孩子们提供免费的校园午餐,孩子们吃得好才能学得更好。 1. 细节理解题。根据文章标题“New Zealand offers free school lunches to thousands of kids”以及文章内容可知,本文是一则新闻报道,报道了新西兰为成千上万的孩子们提供免费校园午餐。故选B。 2. 词意猜测题。increase增加;double两倍;remain保持;fall跌倒。根据第二段中“7 ,000 students at 31 schools right now”和“21,000 students in 120 schools by the start of 2021”可知,到2021年年初的时候,学校数量和人数都会增加,所以划线部分单词extend与increase的意思相同。故选A。 3. 细节理解题。根据第二段中“Ardern said while she was serving up lunch at a school in Hawke’s Bay.”可知,Ardern在解释这个项目的时候,她正在给学校的孩子们准备午餐。故选B。 4. 细节理解题。根据第三段中“A full stomach makes all the difference to a child’s learning”可知,吃饱了对孩子的学习有很大的影响,即:孩子们如果吃得好,他们将会学习得更好。故选D。

    People use languages to communicate. Any language has its ways to express people’s minds. One of the ways in common is the use of idioms. An idiom is a group of words. It has a special meaning that is different from the usual meaning. For example, under the weather is an idiom meaning ill. So when people say “I’m under the weather," they are saying that they’re not feeling well. Another example, in all weathers means in all kinds of weather. So, “There are homeless people sleeping on the streets in all weathers" tells us that homeless people sleep on the streets no matter whether it is cold or hot.

Different languages may have different ways to make idioms. For people who are learning a foreign language, idioms could cause misunderstandings and bring them endless headaches. On the other hand, if things are done right, idioms can also be a fun way of looking into a new culture and understanding how the people think and talk.

Metaphor (比喻) is often used in idioms. Let’s read the following two examples:

It makes my blood boil (煮沸) when people litter.

The night was dark and quiet; my blood ran cold when I heard a strange noise outside at dark night.

In neither situation above, our blood can reach the point so high or so low in temperature. Yet, with the situations the two sentences created, it is not difficult to work out the unhappy feelings of really angry in the first example and very afraid in the second.

Of course, not all idioms are this easy to understand. When we come to idioms of a foreign language, a good dictionary of idioms is always suggested.

1.This passage tells us something about __________ in the English language.

A.grammar B.writing C.reading D.idioms

2.If your brother breaks your computer, you can say to him, “__________.”

A.I’m under the weather B.I’m there in all weathers

C.You’ve made my blood boil D.My blood runs cold

3.What is the writer’s advice when you come to an expression like under the weather?

A.We should look it up in a good idiom dictionary.

B.We should try to express our minds with it.

C.We should find an interesting way to learn it.

D.We should create situations to guess its meaning.




Come with your whole family for a fun, relaxing day or weekend.

Pet and feed the animals, ride or walk around the farm, and use our game room and swimming pool. Three delicious meals are served each day.

Open weekdays 8 A.M to 8 P.M. and all weekend. Closed Mondays.

395 Ribera North Rd. (847) 233-6786




1.The text is witten mainly to__________.

A.keep a diary B.send a postcard

C.introduce the farm D.remember the address

2.At the farm, people can__________.

A.ride and have a walk B.feed the animals and pick fruit

C.relax and go fishing D.cook meals and go swimming

3.Which of the following is true?

A.Beautiful Valley Farm is at 395 Ribera South Road.

B.You can stay at the farm 24 hours a day on weekends.

C.You can stay at the farm at 9 in the evening on weekdays.

D.To know more about the farm, people can call (874) 332- 6876.



    My father told me that there used to be a forest near our town. But the farmer who owned the forest _________ trees every year until one year, there were no trees left.

One day, our teacher took us out and we had a _______ in the field where the forest used to be. While eating and drinking, we _______ about the beautiful forest we once had. One of my classmates comes from a tribe (部落) that lived in the west of our country. He told us what he thought about the change. “It makes me really _________ to learn that a forest has disappeared. My people have taught me to _________think seven generations (七代人) in the future. That’s to say, when we do something to the land, we should never _______it. We must care about nature and leave it good enough for later generations.

When we heard what he said, we kept _______first. "Let’s plant some trees!" said our teacher after a moment. “It will be a good _______!” So that’s what we did. For the rest of the spring, we worked hard and we planted thousands of trees.

That was five years ago. Today, when I stand in that field which was once empty, I see _______ about as tall as I am. It’s great to see how we’ve ________the field. It taught us the power of thinking about the future.

1.A.cut up B.cut down C.looked for D.looked after

2.A.picnic B.test C.wish D.lesson

3.A.planned B.feared C.knew D.talked

4.A.tired B.excited C.sad D.hopeful

5.A.sometimes B.always C.seldom D.never

6.A.protect B.hurt C.study D.sell

7.A.thankful B.happy C.silent D.shy

8.A.start B.mistake C.mess D.warning

9.A.trees B.leaves C.grass D.flowers

10.A.broken B.bought C.wasted D.changed



    If you were ninety years old, what would you plan to do? Few people want to have new challenges (挑战)___________ that age. However, an old man named Jing Kui did something that surprised a lot of people.

As a man of 93, he met a challenge. One day,___________ film director came to him and asked whether he wanted to act in his movie.“___________ in the movie?" asked the old man.

“You’ve been a barber (理发师). I believe you’re the right man for my movie The Barber."

The old man read the script (剧本) before accepting the invitation.___________ he knew the story well, he still needed to keep all the words in mind.___________ was! He finally made it and took home a silver cup for a special acting prize. The movie also _________both national and international prizes.

Jing became a barber when he was young. He loved the job, so he practiced hard___________a better one. In his eighties, he was still doing the same job. That was why he___________ by the film director.

While the film was being made, the director had his worries because he didn’t know_________ Mr. Jing could keep it going. At last, when the filming was done, the director was really pleased. Jing __________solved all his problems! Now Jing set a world record as being a 93-year-old actor star who had never acted before !

1.A.from B.of C.at D.on

2.A.the B./ C.a D.an

3.A.What can I do B.What I can do C.How can I do D.How I can do

4.A.Unless B.Though C.Since D.Until


A.How big the challenge B.What big the challenge

C.How the big challenge D.What the big challenge

6.A.will win B.win C.wins D.won

7.A.be B.act C.to be D.to act

8.A.invites B.invited C.is invited D.was invited

9.A.that B.if C.where D.when

10.A.hard B.hardly C.successful D.successfully



    假定你是李华,你校将举办校园音乐节(music festival)。请给你的好友Alan写一封电子邮件,介绍音乐节的相关内容和主要活动,并邀请他与你一起参加此次音乐节。邮件内容包括:


10 a.m. next Sunday


school sports field

Activities for students

sell tickets, work at food stands… (all of the money will go to charity)

play the violin, piano…

sing songs, dance to music…




l. 词数90左右,开头和结尾己经写好,不计入总词数;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 文中不得出现反映考生信息的真实人名、地名等内容。

参考词汇:摊位  stand    慈善charity

Dear Alan,

How is it going?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua



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